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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Coleanuva

  1. Darn it, you're barely older than me!

  2. Dude, If you didn't start the giant GS comic (the part with me in it) that's a good thing, because I am changing my name today, and it is probably getting a little annoying by now. Sorry for the long comment.

  3. Dude, my PM! Can you reply?

  4. Empty your inbox, please.

  5. Entry up! Come see my blog!

  6. Fast fact: In reality, I like Luigi better than Sonic. Which is why he's my PP now.

  7. For LLL: I think I maybe should be something involving electronics, maybe the building engineer or something.

  8. Gah, don't just flame Kahi. He was giving you constructive criticism. I know you've probably heard that a lot. =P

  9. Go check out my new comic topic! I don't think you've seen my new ones.

  10. Go to the comics, I explained how to convert the movie into .wmv!

  11. Green & blue. And a gold mask. All the colors are in the Xaniskit 2.0.

  12. Hahaha. Remember when I actually did stuff around here? Good times... see you all around, if I ever come back.

    1. vataki


      I remember you.


      Come back.

  13. Happy b-day! I'll make you a comic, but it'll be late.

  14. Happy birthday!

  15. Happy shared birthday!

  16. Have you gotten that PM?

  17. Haven't seen you in awhile.

    Also, fellow EarthBound fan! Awesome!

  18. He probably thinks it's fun.

  19. He shall be no match for the Universal Cosmic Fattener!

  20. Hey guys, just wanted to tell you I'll be making my own Chimoru Moderator soon. I may or may not use it, it's just that I've always had this drawing style I want to replicate on a sprite, plus I never got to finish Chimoru Epsilon... it won't be called that, though. And guess what, that was one sentence. ONE SENTENCE.

  21. Hey guys, name change!

  22. Hey people, go check out my new comics! Please?

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