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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Coleanuva

  1. Hey people! I'm -Bionix- now!

  2. Hey, Dark, can I get the name of the text you use for your comics?

  3. Hey, everyone, if you wanna be a GS or PGS in my comics, PM me or comment here!

  4. Hey, thanks for building me! I look awesome!

  5. Hey, That thing to not get the virus that's in your sig, it doesn't work. If you turn it off, the virus'll just come when you turn it back on. sorry, but you gotta make a backup.

  6. Hi guys! GS comic 3 is up! Story comic 3 is up!

  7. Hi, Destr! I'm Coleanuva. I am a friend of Blade Titan's. He told me (and a lot of others)about you. I hope we can somehow become friends. :)

  8. Hi, old friend! Remember me? (I'm Coleanuva if you didn't already know.) Hey, listen, if you could come back to my comics( see them on my profile) and become a fan again, that would be cool.

  9. I am so sorry about that!

  10. I can interpret it as both a reference to my username and the fact that it was April Fool's Day when you posted that.

  11. I can't believe you're younger than me and can still sprite better!

  12. I did. A while ago. You gotta beat Bowser, get your star count to 120, and beat Bowser again. I mean Bowser when you get 60 stars, not in random places.

  13. I dunno, it just seems right to make a noob comment on your page... :P

  14. I dunno, you decide. Also, my bio is in the works, I'll PM it to you when it's done.

  15. I found 974 in pi.

  16. I found CaramellDansen available for download in GHTunes! :o

  17. I got glasses yesterday!

  18. I got Guitar Hero: World Tour for Wii yesterday! ^_^

  19. I have a really important PM I need you to reply to.

  20. I have a TRU and a Wal Mart. And where I used to live I went to a Pokemon Rocks America. To get Ho-oh and Lugia.

  21. I have some contests on my blog. Anyone who wants to enter them, click on the Blogs tab in my profile. Then, at the top, you will see: Visit this Blog. Click on it and you will be at my blog. Then you find the two contests.

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