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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Coleanuva

  1. Okay! You'll be in the one after the one I'm making now. Same with you, Pulsar444.

  2. Which song? In the End?

  3. Green & blue. And a gold mask. All the colors are in the Xaniskit 2.0.

  4. PLEASE VISIT MY COMICS!! They're super-funny!

  5. Hey, thanks for building me! I look awesome!

  6. Nice name change.

  7. I know. Those codes are crazy! If he saved, then it's ALMOST uneraseable. All you have to do is find a code that can change your name back, and also a code that changes you into a boy.

  8. What program did you use to do your Personal Photo?

  9. Also, I hadn't saved yet when Lukea spilled soda on my AR.

  10. Yep, one of the best games I've ever played, and the reason last summer was the best of them all--- I was obsessed with EB. =P

  11. To be exact, you are thirteen days older than me. Are you in fifth or sixth grade? I'm in fifth.

  12. Blade Titan974:He's a Premier Member so he can change it every 45 days.

  13. Hi, Destr! I'm Coleanuva. I am a friend of Blade Titan's. He told me (and a lot of others)about you. I hope we can somehow become friends. :)

  14. Empty your inbox, please.

  15. Okay, I will. And I added you as a friend even though I don't really know you.

  16. Yes I did. Only now it's Lifetime.

    Now off to do homework, then I'll work on the blog.

  17. That would be nice. And thanks so much, dude.

  18. So close to 1000 posts! Anyways, you won my Blog of the week! Entry coming soon.

  19. Well, looks like this whole conversation ended, so let's start it up again. On my Pokemon FireRed, I used an Action Replay and got a owned everything National Pokedex, and maxed out stats on my Trainer card. I wanted to undo the codes, but Lukeanuva spilled soda on my AR and it got broken. Now I don't play FireRed much anymore because there's not much excitement. Soryy for the long com

  20. You has achieved triple sevens.

  21. Yeah. I still can't find Mario's Let's a go! sound.

  22. I'm going to Florida in an hour for 10 days, so don't try to contact me until the tenth of May. It might ork, I'll be on the Internet.

  23. And where are you?

  24. Toa Coleanuva is just for a name. I see myself as a Matoran.

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