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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Coleanuva

  1. It's funny that you say that.... I was going to release my new series today to mark the three year anniversary of my comics. =P

  2. LOL. One of my classmates named his pncil sharpener Turd Ferguson.

  3. McMaster! The Burger King and Wendy are safely locked away in a broom closet.

    Also, The suntan is still there....

  4. McMaster! What mission am I required to carry out?


  6. My posts reached 345!

  7. My posts reached 345!

  8. Nice blog, I may be getting one soon...

  9. Nice name change.

  10. Nice new av/sig.

  11. Nice new avvy.

  12. Ninja outfits ftw.

  13. No, no, no. That's okay.

  14. No. Everyone's calling me Coleanuva, so...

  15. No. Farmville is fun. =P Of course, I only just started playing it, and my friend got tired after a while, so maybe...

  16. Not moderator, I meant to put m.o.d (without dots) as in modification.

  17. Oh, so you heard about that? I went on to [iNSERT SITE NAME] last night, and I dida full read-up on like all the new features of Platinum

  18. Okay, I will. And I added you as a friend even though I don't really know you.

  19. Okay! You'll be in the one after the one I'm making now. Same with you, Pulsar444.

  20. On MLN I added you as a friend. I'm known there as Bionix4.

  21. Please empty your inbox.

  22. PLEASE VISIT MY COMICS!! They're super-funny!


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