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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Coleanuva

  1. Yoshi, Luigi, Linik, Sonic, Samus...INSANITY!!!!

  2. Yeah, but I promised myself that when Pokemon Platinum came out in the U.S., I wouldn't cheat.

  3. I meant on Platinum.

  4. Are you going to reply to my PM, or what? :P

  5. So.... Did you get that PM?

  6. I'll be in Florida starting tommorow until November 3, so don't try to contact me unless you're patient. And last couple times I went there, my grandparents didn't have wireless internet, so tommorow or Wednesday I'll post here saying they have wireless internet if they do. Whew, run-on sentence...

  7. There's eighteen books!?!?!

  8. McMaster! The Burger King and Wendy are safely locked away in a broom closet.

    Also, The suntan is still there....

  9. You are a very good MOCer.

  10. Yes, I have that site on my bookmarks. By the way, if you two are such big Pokemon fans, guess what? I GOT A LEVEL 100 MEW ON POKEMON PEARL! Or maybe you don't pay much attention to D&P...

  11. I have a really important PM I need you to reply to.

  12. I can't believe you're younger than me and can still sprite better!

  13. I dunno, you decide. Also, my bio is in the works, I'll PM it to you when it's done.

  14. I can interpret it as both a reference to my username and the fact that it was April Fool's Day when you posted that.

  15. Thanks! The one you checked out was the V1.5 topic, right? And if you or anyone else from the previous series wants to re PGS, PM me and you can count on seeing yourself in my comics again.

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