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Mask collector

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Everything posted by Mask collector

  1. I can take $80.00 and I'll go through the set tonight and make sure everything is there. Go ahead and PM me your paypal info and I'll make a payment request, I wont send the request until i double check the parts though. Everyone's items have been shipped! Thanks for all the support guys! MC
  2. Strange, It plays just fine for me. Maybe because of the music, are you from another country? I uploaded this from Utah in America.
  3. Ok, how much could you pay? I can't really do 70 with shipping but I could probably do something for a little more.
  4. I would like to get more then that for it. Maybe hold out for another week or two then buy it for maybe $110?
  5. Do you want all 6 protodermic? If so I could do $105.00 for the 7 masks. What do you think? Mc I'll get back to you today on those krana.
  6. Well, i had contacted Philip about it months ago, and he said I'd be the first to know, but nonetheless, I'm more then likely keeping it. I was only considering selling it for the money benefits for the Platinum Avohkii. It would be helpful to have an Extra $4000 right about now! LOL but i shall keep it for the time being, but i really hope i never have to get rid of it. MC
  7. I meant ten each, what would you pay for the chrome hau? Its a pretty rare mask. Mc
  8. I'm looking your about $20+ for the chrome hau, $10 for the tngm and orange vahi. What do you think?
  9. Check my trade topic: i have all of the ones listed there. plus more. if you want some, go through my list, i see you commented about my EXO toa, Let continue this in my topic, so i can look through the masks and whatnot. MC
  10. I'll go through them over my christmas break, I'll let you know soon! Yes, I have 1 exo toa and 1 exo raptor left still, but they only come with instructions. i never got the box. MC
  11. That's like $4000 dollars. There's no way a Bionicle piece (even if it is solid gold) could be worth that much. But that is okay; like I said, I'm on a rather tight budget. However short our time doing business was, it was a pleasure. The one of a kind bionicle Platinum Kanohi Avohkii is worth $5000+ just in the metal value alone. You might just want to do a little more research on a piece before you make an offer Mc He was kidding, you know. XP This topic is for serious trade discussion only: this kind of stuff really isn't appropriate. Serious bids only, please. Thank you!
  12. Let just say, if I sold it for $4000 like I'm considering. Then I would only make a little off of it. Mc
  13. It was created by lego, it came in that case and was a promotional give away they did clear back in 2002 if I'm not mistaken. Also there is a total of 32 in the world, but only 5 were ever given away to the public, lego kept the rest for themselves, who knows if they had the necklace and case though. Mc
  14. Yes, the Mask weighs 9 times the original weight of the plastic masks and can hold up just fine.
  15. Not yet, i should be able to in a few hours though, I'll update my post and let you know.
  16. @Bobafett: even the mass produced krana are worth a pretty good amount still, that is why a full set of krana is still hard to obtain and worth easily over $100. that puts the value of each krana in the full set over $1.00 each. @Gonny: How about we meet in the middle and say $0.75 per krana?
  17. I don't have anymore VMKK Actually. But i would be pretty amazed if you could get a full set of 36 kanohi for one of them, let alone 72. but i do have a lot of spares, it could start your collection off, you would only be about 10+ away from the full 72. MC
  18. That would only be $6.00 plus shipping. (your picture shows your missing 24 krana) I was hoping to get about $1.25 per each krana, but how about $1.00 each, so $24 plus shipping? Mc @Xonar: I figured, but it was pretty insulting nonetheless.
  19. Just so your aware, the vmkk never had any cards. Also how many vmkk do you have now? Would you be willing to trade some kanohi for it? I have a lot of spares. Mc
  20. That's like $4000 dollars. There's no way a Bionicle piece (even if it is solid gold) could be worth that much. But that is okay; like I said, I'm on a rather tight budget. However short our time doing business was, it was a pleasure. The one of a kind bionicle Platinum Kanohi Avohkii is worth $5000+ just in the metal value alone. You might just want to do a little more research on a piece before you make an offer Mc
  21. @ tex: that offer is far, far to low. I think you know that. Its a solid gold piece, your offer would need to be 8000 times what you just offered. @ Gonny: I'm pretty sure I have every krana your missing, I'll double check and let you know for sure though. What would you give me for them If I have them all? Mc
  22. Its was kelly's from the bzp admins, then phillip wise's. He lost it in his ware house and found it recently, I contacted him first months ago and he said I had first dibs. So we worked out a number and now it is mine! Thanks! Mc
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