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Mask collector

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Everything posted by Mask collector

  1. Hey guys, I made this review of my Solid 14K Gold Kanohi Hau, I figured we have only really seen pictures of the mask, and there weren't many pictures anyway, so I went over the mask in detail as best as I could. Hopefully you guys can enjoy this review of a great piece of Bionicle History. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_3Iocw2VfA&feature=youtu.be If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Please check out my trade topic, I'm trying to raise enough money for the Platinum Avohkii, so if you want any of my rare items, please feel free to message me or contact me via my trade topic:http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=11067&do=findComment&comment=597005 Thanks MC
  2. What krana are you after? If you gave me a list I could see what I have and let you know. Mc
  3. I've posted my WMKK, Gold Kanoka, and all three prototypes masks on Ebay! Search for them if your interested. I'll upload a picture today of the mask lots i got, if you see anything your interested in please comment! I'll edit this post with the picture. Thanks MC
  4. Well, I really don't want to sell the Solid Gold Hau. But I have other items i think you may want, and as for the Solid Gold Hau, i wouldn't sell your whole collection for it, Yeah it's Really rare, but I hate packing my stuff up after working so hard just to get it, But hopefully in March the Platinum Avohkii will be mine! Would you be interested in anything else? I have some sets you might want, maybe some masks? I'd consider selling the Gold hau, But i really don't want to. MC
  5. 4000 for the mask, its worth at least that much. For everything I could do $7000. Mc I'm still trying to sell my collection as individual sets! I'm only considering offers right now on the Solid Gold Hau, but I doubt that I'll get rid of it. Mc
  6. Yeah, that is really low, I was in the ball park of $4000.00
  7. Hey xonar, are your interested in the solid gold hau? Its up for grabs
  8. I'm accepting offers on my solid gold hau, feel free to message me or comment in my trade topic. Mc
  9. I'm thinking about listing up some pretty rare stuff on ebay, but I would rather sell then here. I have 7 wmkk and a gold kanoka, along with three prototype masks and a bunch of other rare masks and full sets, along with almost every set ever made. If anyone is interested just pm me, or go ahead and post in my topic. After all, the Platinum Avohkii won't buy itself, that is the whole reason I'm selling everything, so I can buy the Platinum Avohkii. Thanks Mc
  10. I haven't been able to look yet, but I can guarantee that I have a lot of the parts on that list. Mc EDIT: I have a big order of masks coming in about a week, if people want the original masks, I will have a whole lot of them. Christmas special! First person to come up with $3000 plus shipping with get my entire collection minus a few key things.(solid gold hau being one of them).I'm open to offers! Mc
  11. For the vmkk bo I could give you $50, what do you think? Mc
  12. For just those two I'd like at least $60. I'll update my post in a minute and let you know exactly which ones are missing. Mc Update: Here are the Kanohi I am Missing from the Great Mask collection. Miru: black, red, whiteAkaku: green, brown, blackKaukau: green, orange(Brown), clear(White)Hau: brown, black, blue, whitePakari: whiteKakama: black, blue
  13. Well, if you change your mind about the noble masks, let me know. I would do $180 for those. How does that sound? If you want the noble masks, I would do $250 for everything. How does that sound? Mc
  14. @bobafett: I do have that head I'll add it to your parts list. @Omega: Well I know for sure that I'm missing only one noble mask, a light grey huna. As for the great masks on your list, I have all 6 silver ones, a infected hau and most of the 36 great masks. I still have both misprint kaukau. So I'll be able to let you know which masks exactly I'm missing tonight, but with that being said, what kind of pricing are you thinking of?
  15. Sorry! X) I've been swamped with pm's. I have most of them but not all anymore, what would you be willing to pay?
  16. Okay, I'm pretty interested in any rahi you would be willing to trade, do you have any other Rahi you would trade? if not then we might be able to work something else out for the sets your willing to trade. MC
  17. Well I'm interested in the toa mata nui for sure, do you have any other items like any rahi or anything?
  18. Alright, i check and let you know as soon as i can! Possibly, i have a WMKK i can trade you. What are the sets you are willing to trade for it? Thanks MC
  19. Well I can trek you I have a most of the parts on that list, but to be sure I'd have to go through my parts. So, can I have you list everything you want including your spare parts all in one post? You can copy and paste the parts list and all the links will still work. Mc
  20. I really don't have a clue how much they're worth. They seem fairly cheap on Bricklink, except for the copper ones, whose value I am unaware of, and the chrome Hau, which looks like it's around 4 dollars, I think. I'm just looking at the Bohrok and Bohrok-Va Krana for now. I think they're around 30 cents each, which would be $28.80 (.3x8x12), I think. I guess 4 dollars for the pearl gold and silver masks (I want 9). Tell me if those sound right. The other stuff is fine, although there's some parts that I'm looking for (because I have various sets that are only mostly complete) and if you have them that would really help me. Make a list of your spare parts you want and I'll see what I can do. Also, do you mean $4 for each gold and silver mask? And as for the krana collection, is want at least $120 for all of them. Its pretty difficult to obtain all of them together. So for now just give me a compete list of what you want including the parts, and we can go from there. Mc
  21. Ok well first, what do you mean by a full set of krana? Like all the bohrok , the bohrok kal and bohrok va krana? Also, as for the sets, you can see my asking price. I'm willing to negotiate, but that is about what I want for them. I have all the masks your asking for, including the chrome hau, how much would you pay for those? Mc
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