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Everything posted by jala12

  1. Wow, so the cast is actually made up of people we know or have many good credentials. So Tuma is voiced by Largo from Valkyria Chronicles? That's surprising, lol.
  2. That's alright Bink. I can wait until tomorrow. By the way, does this update include the new Legend Reborn trailer as well?
  3. jala12


    Awesome. So is it also true that we will likely get a new Legend Reborn trailer on July 1st as well?
  4. Nice! So we can expect these updates around June right?
  5. Good to hear we'll be getting a section for the movie. Any idea when it'll be up?
  6. jala12

    Some Updates

    Greg, do you know why the Papercutz graphic novels are unavailable in Canada? Because if they were, I'd have easily gotten them all by now. This news just makes me even more upset on what I'm missing out on.
  7. jala12

    Some Updates

    This is a real shame, because I can't find the Papercutz graphic novels anywhere in Canada.
  8. jala12

    Good News

    Great news! However, will it ONLY be available online and at Lego stores or will it be elsewhere as well? EDIT: Is it too much to ask if the hardcover edition will be available as well?
  9. You guys throw out the prototypes? No! Why not donate them to BZP instead? Maybe as prizes or something for contests.
  10. jala12

    Two Pieces Of News

    Wow, very excited about the movie! Wish I could see that three minute clip too...And if what you say is true about it beating the previous three into the ground, I must say, it is hard to imagine and I hope to see some footage soon as well!
  11. Yo! It's me, jala12. If you have any questions about the Bionicle story, just ask me or GregF. By the way, nice avatar and sig!

  12. jala12


    Ah, that explains things. You get a deeper impression if you actually have the game, because that way you can compare what changed and what didn't. As for sticking with Melee, you could very well do that. But I gotta admit, after seven years, the game has run its course. Brawl although similar, is chock full of extra features and other gizmos that would help with the longevity of the game. I guess you could say that it's like an "expansion pack" of some sort.
  13. jala12


    Just saying how it fails competely after all the hard work Sakurai put into this game is rather ignorant. And considering how the formula already worked so well in Melee, why change it? No one, not you or myself should have expected anything drastically different gameplay wise in Brawl. EDIT: And to say it is abosulutely no different than Melee is ignorant too. The way the physics work in this game are very much altered from Melee. Can you use Falco like you did before? No, because his moveset has slightly changed and his Down-A attack in midair has been dumbed down drastically. This goes for many other veteran characters as well. .....By the way, care for an online battle?
  14. jala12

    New Comic Artist

    Well, after seeing some of his work I guess this is as close to a replacement of Carlos D'anda as you can get. I'm eagerly awaiting to see the March Issue in 2008. But wait...Greg, is it possible to do something like in 2006 where a comic #0 was released showing Sayger's art and an interview? Or would it be too late to do something like that?
  15. jala12

    Archivists, Unite!

    That's pretty funny. How did they find out about Tehutti in the first place?
  16. jala12

    First Entry

    This is the first time that I'm using the blog, due to the fact that BZPower is celebrating it's anniversary. Anyway, there's some interesting things that I might share with you over the next few days. Firstly, here's some interesting facts to share with everyone that you may not have known before: 1. Two of my Bionicle stories won me a writer's award at the grade 8 graduation. 2. Many of the artwork that I have done in art class are Bionicle related. 3. I have done a french project based on the Piraka arriving on Voya-nui. Non-Bionicle related: 1. My best character in the Super Smash Bros. Melee game is Yoshi. 2. I am practicing the art of wavedashing and other useful techniques in that game. 3. Believe it or not, but THIS is actually my most prized possession! 4. I've been to a smash tourney before. 5.The BZP member Sachiel is my older brother. That's all for now. I'll be posting the next entry later. Until then, enjoy these "handy" tidbits of information.
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