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Everything posted by jala12

  1. Too bad he never illustrated any of the Bionicle comics.
  2. Not a perfect series, but great story and great characters. Looking forward to Legend of Korra! Here's hoping it doesn't suck though, lol. After M. Night's movie I'd hope that Mike and Brian would be given new resolve and clear this franchise's name after that monumental failure of cinema.
  3. While the wait would be painful, it's also good to let it out so that we know for sure there is a new one on the way. And not just one but two.
  4. SSB for the Wii U will look amazing. Too bad it likely won't come out until like 3 years from now.
  5. Hopefully, that means he'll probably disobey Order 66. BTW, anyone else dislike Rex's new helmet? I sure do, since I would've prefered the standard Phase II helmet. I don't. It gives him more personality and allows him to stand out more, IMO. The armour is not just an aesthetic trait. It reflects the character as well.
  6. Season 4 you mean. Also, yeah I didn't like the Mon Calamari episodes as much as I would have liked though they did have their moments. The 4th episode was just a horrible example of writing in this show altogether. It may not be apparent first time around if you're distracted by the visuals but I hated it for its weak plot and unecessary death of one of the only gungans that I ever had any respect for. 5th episode was pretty darn trippy, I guess I liked that one. Last friday's episode was just weird though. I'm not sure what to make of it other than I'm looking forward to the next four episodes after the break since they'll be dealing with Rex and his crew.
  7. I don't think it's going to sell out that fast. But if you wait a few months that's when I might get worried.
  8. Unless they can find some way for the audience to relate to, it will be a dud unless it is extremely well recieved and gets recognition through word of mouth.
  9. jala12

    Diary Of Other M

    I noticed that you've been dying quite a bit. Have you tried dodging enemy attacks with the directional pad?
  10. The gif in your sig is hilarious.

  11. I will never forget your act of good will.

  12. Yeah. One of the more overlooked anime series. IMO, they should make Rebuild movies for Gunbuster just like what they did with Evangelion.

  13. jala12

    Bionicle #5 Treatment

    Well, he still redeemed himself by saving the others and then buying Mata-nui Ackar and Kiina time. Anyways, this would have made for a pretty interesting movie. Done the right way and with a few changes here and there, it would have been great. I don't understand why Lego decided to end it when there is so much more opportunity for these movies.
  14. jala12

    Tv Ad 2010

    So, by non-canon you mean Piraka-rap non-canon? I'm sure we all remember that awkward moment in Bionicle's history. Hopefully, it won't be as jarring or for some...distasteful. .
  15. jala12

    Lego Kidsfest

    What's in the TLR magazine anyway? Up to now, no one has posted any pictures or anything from it.
  16. You have to get a full proto bar. That means helping out on the forums or sending in news.

  17. jala12


    You will wish you never bought that game.
  18. Awesome MOCs man. And ood to know another Zetsubo fan out there, lol.

  19. jala12

    Raid On Vulcanus

    It was only used two or three times.
  20. jala12

    Book News

    Raid on Vulcanus is out. Go get it. That goes for all of you, if you guys wish for more books to ever come out.
  21. jala12

    Book News

    Indeed. It feels a little weird, but fresh seeing that the beasts are just called animals and that the villages actually have chefs and inns, lol. I really wish we could have gotten more books this year. I would have loved to see more of how Bara Magna's culture is like. I mean, are the hot springs of Tesara or Iconox mines going to even get any appearances outside of a few mentions? I certainly hope we don't leave this world just yet. Not when there's so much more to talk about.
  22. Well, since it's not up now I'm guessing it will be momentarily or perhaps later in the afternoon. Either way, I will be waiting.... EDIT: Looks like the update is in progress. A short story update and character bios have been added. Edit2: Nice movie clip
  23. Hopefully the update will be done early. I will wake up at 7:00 to see this.
  24. Visari, my PSN tag is jala12. Lol, real original, I know. And Alpha, someone made it for me a long time ago from a MoL production screenshot. I'm thinking of changing it.

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