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Toa Flappy

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Everything posted by Toa Flappy

  1. YAY! No more Loliness!

  2. Toa Flappy

    Velocità V2

    He is right. Pics now.
  3. You can. Just the same chances as finding one in the wild.

  4. I watched it without sound. It's random. And giant dancing pikachu rules. Also plain old Milk
  5. Was that Mudkip shiny?

  6. Toa Flappy

    Sappin My Sentry

    Did you get it? My brother played someone called exo the other day. Was it you?
  7. Toa Flappy

    Ask Kex!

    Can I have some Proto?
  8. Let's make it into a fad!

  9. Yay! Digimon. We only ever got the first 3 series in England. The original, the one with the eggs and the one with the cards.
  10. You're gone untill my birthday.

  11. Rated 5 for mentioning a PM I sent you in the Most Exciting PM topic.

  12. I feel sorry for you. So sorry, you get this:
  13. Here: Disclaimer: If you explode when using this spray, you are Wrack or a Loli. MISAO COUNTER-ATTACK *Sprays with Anti-Wrack spray*
  14. I changed my photo to a Magikarp

  15. Here: Disclaimer: If you explode when using this spray, you are Wrack or a Loli.
  16. Your bike got stolen! I hope you can get another job at Lego.
  17. Where exactly did it happen? Link please. I think Wrack may have kidnapped Bfa and replaced him with a zombie. One question all together: How do we change you back?
  18. Oh no! *Sprays self with Anti-Wrack spray*
  19. What do you mean?

  20. Have my picnic basket instead.

  21. I don't remember promising anyone a plate of ribs.

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