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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Tahakki

  1. 'ang on...do you live in Ireland? Or are you just Irish?

  2. 'Nother random model, MZ? Who is it this time? :P

  3. "This is a comment." - Captain Obvious

  4. Ah, Nihi! I wondered where you'd gone! :P

  5. Ah! I wondered where you'd got to! XD

  6. Ahright, cool. Didn't know tha'. :D

  7. All there was in it is a couple of used bus tickets and a strange rock that I talked to when I was bored.



    Rawr. :D

  8. Allo indeed. :)

    Do I know you, or were you just saying hi? Not another name change? :P

  9. Aw, I thought you meant the Bioware headquarters were in Cork. :P

  10. Awk. I feel so proud. XD

  11. Can't really remember. Just wanted a go, that's all. Started with Game Maker. :)

  12. Can't say I remember you. Remind me. xD

  13. Come the day

    And come the hour

    Come the power

    And the gloooooory!

    We have cooome to answerrrr

    Our country's caaaaal!



    Together standing Taaaaaaal!

    Shooooulder to Shooooulder,

    Will answer Iiiiiireland's caaaaal!

    Yeah, I live in Ireland. :D

  14. Didn't know you were Irish. Me too. :)

    Where 'bouts?

  15. Do I know you? Were you known by a different name? :P

  16. Er, great! Now, who are you? :P

  17. Gotta love Derek and the Dominoes. :D

  18. Happy comment day! :D

    Yay for BZPRPG.

  19. Haven't seen much of you lately. Remember me from An Ode to Mata-Nui? I played Takki, and was on the staff. :)

  20. Haven't seen you about recently, do you live in COT now? :P

  21. Haven't seen you around for a looong time, dude. :D

  22. Heh, is Setsuna there with you? :P

  23. Heya. You're on the BZPRPW a lot - can you, like, EDIT SOMETHING? :D :D :D

  24. Hi, my brother. Literally. :D

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