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Everything posted by Disky

  1. Disky


    It should be in one piece. So it most likely will be there. =P I mostly have full days to myself because everyone else in my family works on weekdays. Except those last few days before I leave for Bfair, I have to get my mind working. That's also the only time I'll get to finish that drawing/painting for you. ^^'
  2. Disky


    I remember last year I registered a MOC but then I forgot to bring it. xP I'll probably register it again this year if nobody took it apart while I wasn't looking. While I do have time after work, I prefer entire days on my own or with my sibling to work on MOC's, especially since it makes quite a mess. But other distractions also contribute to lack of building. Dx
  3. Disky


    Yesss it will be fun~ I'm just disappointed that with work all July and other stuff on weekends, I'll only have a few full days in August (three maybe?) to work on MOC's or some art. Ah well.
  4. Disky

    Disky Entry

    I see no logic in that. =P But fine, be that way. ;_;
  5. Disky

    Disky Entry

    Why is my name in quotation marks? Do you doubt my existence? ;_;
  6. Who knows? You just have to try some things out and see for yourself. =P
  7. @Blade: I know. There just wasn't anything amazingly interesting to comment on. =P
  8. The new bloggies are swarming the place! There's so many of them! SO MANY ;_; (happy ninth, BZP)
  9. people need to use proper grammar more grammar needs some appreciation guys come on ;__; Aside from that [horrid] example, I've gotten really used to typing quickly while using correct grammar and capitalization, and I don't find it difficult at all. I barely even think about it. If people just tried it out, the world would be a better place for the English language.
  10. Yaaaay you saw Toy Story 3. Told ya it was worth it. ^^ And Final Fantasy sounds like a lot of fun. o:
  11. Disky

    Toy Story 3

    It was beautiful. I really enjoyed watching it, despite not remembering the previous two films that well. Still brought me back to the good old days. <3
  12. Disky


    Well, it wasn't one of those "zomg amazing blockbuster" movies, but I liked the details they put into the animation. The fight scenes weren't super entertaining to me, and sometimes a little slow, along with the dialogue. Otherwise I think it was nice.
  13. Disky


    Finally I saw The Legend Reborn movie today on my granny's teevee. It was fun. Except these little boxes kept popping up from the side of the screen with little facts and tidbits. Most weren't very useful, but some were nice to know. But I have been inspired for ART by this 8D I just need to get done with my internship that I start next week, which goes through the entire month. If the art works out, I'll bring a copy with me to show off at Brickfair. I'm going home today as well~ I also look forward to watching the first episode of Kuroshitsuji II.
  14. no, it's actually awesome B)

  15. nice name dude

  16. So yesterday I was waiting at the train station to hop on the railroad and head to granny's house, and I'm waiting with her bags while she buys tickets. Suddenly, a businessman dashes past me at an incredible speed and almost runs me over, ignoring me all the while. Seriously, I wanted to get a Pokeball and capture him and then chuck him away. But after that I bought a smoothie so everything was cool. So now I'm at my grandmother's, and she really enjoys stuffing me with food. You have no idea how many times I've said the word "no" in Russian (nyet!) today. Also burned my legs and shoulders under the sunshine at the beach and it hurrrts. There are also a lot of cats here. Also in the year I haven't been here, one trailer in the trailer park (yes it's a trailer park) had been caught in a fire and burned down. The wreckage (or ruins, to sound cool) is still there, and it smells like ash. But, with observation, I noticed that whoever owned that trailer had birds as pets: there was a large cage in the ruins, along with the bowls and such that would be inside the cage normally. I wonder what happened to the birds ;_; And one final note! Soundtrack music is awesome. (I'm listening to the first Tsubasa Reservoir Chornicle soundtrack. I just love "Ship of Fools."
  17. I'm enjoying my sleep, and I'm having this strange dream about a gun. There's just some floating hand with a gun in an empty space, and it pulls the trigger. I wake up as the trigger sound is heard, but I also hear something similar to it in real life. And then, right past my window, a firework is ascending into the sky. Turns out some kids decided to go out at like one in the morning and set off fireworks on the road right in front of my apartment building (I'm on the second floor). And I see all these colorful fireworks dooming up in my window, and it actually felt very frightening. At one point they set off five or so yellow fireworks at once... So overall, I didn't get a very good sleep.
  18. Disky

    Hard Work Paid Off

    As it said in the entry, these are like dumplings, only filled with cherries. Not quite sure what an English term would be for that, since this is a Russian recipe~
  19. Disky

    Hard Work Paid Off

    Sorry, fixed it - it should work now.
  20. So this morning, my dad and I went for a run and then did yoga. Pretty good wake-up call, especially in the heat. >__> Now then! When we got home, we decided to make something yummy. We just finished making these dumpling-like things, only they're full of cherries. The result was excellent. The result. If you want a recipe of sorts (it won't be very professional, though), feel free to PM me or IM me.
  21. You have no idea how many times I've gotten that feeling. I get a concept, it's amazing, and I have to write a story. And then it comes out terrible in writing. ;_;
  22. ...The Blog Staff's word, that is. Comment approval ahoy! Now then! If you're really bored while waiting for someone to approve your comment in their blog, check out of the art I uploaded today. They're all from my art class at school - which was a watercolor class for this semester. I will update the art content block when I'm less lazy. =P My friend colored in freakish rainbow (900x874 px) Remember this entry? Here's the painting I was talking about (593x718) Fuzzy, fuzzy hat (496x554) A pitcher plant, reference pic was from National Geographic (490x670) A landscape of some place in Ukraine (750x599) I also uploaded eight of the twelve pieces I did for my art final, but I will only show you guys one of them. Kitty Doctor Who (note the scarf) with the TARDIS! (600x723) The scanner messed up some of the paintings, so I'm sorry about that. ;_; And finally, I leave you all with a teaser (400x375) for my currently in-progress (second) Fai drawing.
  23. btw happy birthday, dude

  24. lol, I passed my geometry final because my teacher made it out of 107 points and not 100. Cuz she's weird. The state exam in geometry, however... that's an entirely different deal xP

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