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Everything posted by Disky

  1. Acing stuff is good :o

  2. Overall I'm out of school, I just have one half-day left where we do nothing and then get report cards.

  3. Disky

    Fwee A Drawing

    I drew the guy I have a mini-obsession on. Fai D. Flourite from Tsubasa. (Colored pencil on printing paper) It's a bit tilted cuz that's how the sketch came out in my sketchbook, and then I traced it onto paper and forgot to turn it slightly. Oh well. Tsubasa may be confusing towards the end (srsly), but Fai is still awesome. Oh and happy birthday, Spink. You're awesome as well. <3
  4. yo. It's pretty cool around here.

    How you doin'?

  5. Now that I've calmed down a bit from the weekend and studying for exams, let me tell you what I did Saturday night. I was at my friend's place for her birthday and a sleepover with a few people, and her parents got us tickets to show called Fuerza Bruta. It's not a show you sit down and watch - you're standing, looking all around you, walking around, and dancing. It's just amazing. The first part mainly had to do with a business man of sorts on a conveyor belt. He would walk normally, push past other people on the belt, sit in chairs, or run and go through walls (made of cardboard and paper). It was interesting, and had a lot of dramatic music. The next part I liked: they pulled a silver curtain around the entire area we were standing/watching, and while some stage hands shook the curtain insanely, these two women on harnesses ran and danced on the curtain, with all these different colored lights. Seriously, sideways stuff is just awesome. After that there was a lot of tossing cardboard and styrofoam and paper confetti at the audience (us). And I mean a lot. Following that, another awesome part of the show started: There was a thing hanging above us full of water (like a pool with a transparent bottom and not a lot of water), and four acrobats started swimming and doing stuff in the water while we looked up at them. It was really impressive, and despite the neck pain it was worth looking. Just beautiful <3 And the final part was a clown-like guy in a really high place with a hose of sorts, spraying water down on us. After some sprays, techno music, and dancing, it started to shower from the ceiling and we all got reaaaally wet. That was probably the best Saturday night ever. Totally unrelated: I have an mini-obsession with Fai from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. <3
  6. No, I've only watched a few arcs of Tom Baker stuff upon my friend's insistence. After I'm done going crazy with Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle I'll probably go back to watching Who. =P

  7. Haven't watched any Tennant yet, but he is so adorable. :o

  8. Today was a day off from school, so I took advantage of it to shop for a gift for my friend, whose birthday is this Saturday. Yesterday and today, I drew a card with Roy Mustang (FMA) on it. Then today, I went to an anime-dedicated store downtown. When I got there, I was the only customer, but the store was full of so many beautiful figurines and kits and merchandise that I didn't care. Despite the loneliness, the guy at the register was easy to talk to, and we discussed FMA a little bit. He also helped me pick out the gift (FMA-themed, mind you). Then I got myself a Sebastian (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler) cell phone thingy (it's really cute <3). After that I wandered around the city, went to the used bookstore but bought nothing, and then wandered around some 30 more streets before going on the train home. At home, I turn on the computer and go check out what manga series had updated. Sure enough, FMA has a new chapter. But, it's the last chapter of all time, and it's at least 100 pages long. It was a good ending, but this day has sure been freaky - hints towards the end of the series have been bombarding me the entire day. And then Dudebot and I cried together about the chapter. ;_;
  9. Only maybe? Is anything for certain? :o

  10. At least, those stand things you open and pull the newspaper out of are. This morning, I was trying to get the free morning paper to read on the train ride to school. The thing I mentioned above was made of metal here, and I was also carrying a heavy textbook that I had to return today. I open the thing, but because of my textbook it kind of slips and injures me right under the nail of my middle finger and on the joint just beneath it. Luckily, I had a bandaid with me and covered it up, but the bandaid prevented me from making a fist with that hand. I couldn't punch people (if I needed to, that is) for the whole day with that hand. ;_; Finger's looking fine now, though. However, can I trust the newspaper anymore? ;_;
  11. I always have to be the subject of gossip, don't I? =O


  12. Disky

    I Wonder

    How many people here will freak out at my profile picture? Or at least think it's weird? So far I have one person. =D If you know who it is too, you're awesome.
  13. I was being gossiped about here a long time ago? :o

  14. Disky

    Japan Day

    I had photo-taking abilities but I didn't use them. The crowds of people prevented anything good-quality from coming out in the shows. :/ The only photos were of me doing stuff, mostly in kimono and playing with the toy.
  15. Disky

    Japan Day

    Today was Japan Day, and I attended to huge festival. So many people... Dx Can't forget the cosplayers, too. First of all, the food was impossible to reach. They gave away free tea, and that had no line to it, so I got tea 8D But the food (which was free too) was harder: lines extended far, and I managed to hop onto the shortest line: for dumplings. And oh my goodness, those dumplings were good. The line for sushi was the longest. Sorta figured that would be so. ._. Anywho, other stuff. Pretty much all the activities had lines to them. Yo-yo fishing had a fast-moving line, so I hopped on and managed to fish out a yo-yo balloon thing. However, my hook got messed up so it took me a while to actually get one. Origami was a fail. After waiting a bit, the guy I got didn't even know how to do the origami thing properly (it was a small leaping frog), and then we were rectangular index cards. In the end the frogs wouldn't jump. ;_; I also got to try on a genuine kimono/yukata, despite the impossibly long wait. It was tied pretty tight around me, and the lady commented that I was pretty skinny and had to add a card of cardboard underneath the sash. It was a beautiful outfit, but so restrictive in movement. I definitely don't want to get into a combat situation while wearing one of these. Then I checked out the toys tent, and there was a game to get a ball into a cup. It was handheld, so the ball was attached by string to a thing with three different places to get it into (looks like a hammer). I got the ball three times into one of the cups. I'm not sure what this toy is called, though. And finally I donated some money to planting cherry trees in the park and got a t-shirt~ During the event there was a lot going on at the stage. Samurai fighting, shinobi dancing, children dancing, taiko drumming, people singing, etc. The fighting was pretty awesome, I have to say. Overall, a nice event, but a lot of patience is needed to get through it. Also, sorry about lack of photography. xP
  16. The faded design is just marvelous. Fabulous. Bellisimo. You get it.
  17. Yesterday was the ceremony that announced the winners of the children's book scholarship content I entered with my friend (too lazy to dig up the entry on it). We didn't win, but one entry from my school won second place. The winning entry was a cute story, but the art wasn't very good. Still cute. I own the book, signed by the authors, cuz they gave them away free at the ceremony. The New York Stock Exchange, where this took place, is the fanciest place in the world inside. Seriously. And, finally a lace that can afford to give us genuine plates and cups instead of disposable ones for the food! (the refreshments they served were delicious - and RASPBERRY TEA 8D) After all that jazz my dad and I went down to the piers and chilled there, got ice cream, took pictures, etc. Twas nice. But now, it's just me and Tom Baker Doctor Who episodes. B)
  18. I painted Richard Rahl from Legend of the Seeker in watercolour. Check it. Also new blog theme wheee
  19. That's good. I assume B)

  20. I'm pretty good. B)

    How're you?

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