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Posts posted by ToaDraco

  1. Aside from checking LEGO fan sites daily, I've been spending a lot of time with my girlfriend and playing video games ( replaying the entire God of War series for the umpteenth time as well as replaying LEGO Marvel Superheroes and working on finding everything in LEGO Batman 3).

  2. I personally really like the times Bionicle got pretty dark, then again I really like dark stories, after all Ghost Rider is my favorite superhero lol. 2009 was the worst year in my opinion. I didn't like being away from the MU, the characters were uninspiring and the story seemed bland. Plus after the ending in 2008, I wanted to see the war against Teridax and the uphill struggle the heroes face which naturally would be a darker, more intense story. Instead, we got gladiators on another planet.

  3. I like Bionicle Heroes on pc but unfortunately Bionicle the Game is virtually unplayable on pc, I just tried to play it today and the way the game plays is horrendous and the controls are terrible. The gba version of Bionicle Heroes is so awesome, the music is by far the best thing about it, it's so great! Bionicle the game on gba is really difficult and maze of shadows is a good jrpg style game. I have bionicle heroes and maze of shadows on my phone on a gba emulator and every now and then I play it for nastalgia. I personally think the gba version of bionicle heroes is better than the console version.

  4. I really hope the "a new journey begins" is official in the sense of it being an actual location on Okoto, I absolutely love that picture, it's my desktop background currently. It really gives off the "epic adventure" vibe and the mystery that awaits the Toa, I also love how the Toa look. The best part is the architecture and obelisks, I really love the art style they're going for.

    • Upvote 1
  5. I guess I'm pretty lucky my parents have always been supportive of my Bionicle obsession. Heck, my mom would rather I spend my money on Bionicle than video games oddly enough. I'm 22 and soon to be a police officer. Do what you want to do and be who you want to be is my advice. 


    On topic, I really hope the Toa's elemental powers are just boosted by the masks and are not purely based on them, otherwise there isn't anything special about them.

    • Upvote 4
  6. I was initially upset with the lack of mask powers, but then I realized that these aren't the first Toa to not have mask powers different than their element. Of Lego can pull of Toa Takanuva and Toa Ignika, it will work well with the new heros

    I was too, however I think they can easily work them into just being part of the Toa's abillities, for example Onua naturally has superstrength, after all he is like the Incredible Hulk now(which is awesome imho as Onua was always my favorite Toa) Kopaka has a special eyepiece as he has always had so that could just be the source of x-ray vision, Gali could just have a breathing apparatus built into her mask or just be amphibious. Lewa's levitation could just be part of his air/jungle abilities or a product of his "adrenaline mode" blades on his arms. Pohatu could be naturally super fast or it could be done via his "adrenaline mode" thanks to his "jet-arangs" or his apparent knowledge of Spinjitsu based on his promo images(just kidding but seriously lol). I'm curious to see how that sand tornado thing works out. Tahu's shielding is less obvious but could be another natural abillity or a technological attachment. In short they can still have their old mask powers but in ways that are more natural or technology based which really makes more sense imo, at least with these kinds of mask powers.

    • Upvote 2
  7. We can finally discuss the Toa! I absolutely love the new designs for the Toa, they are reminiscent of their previous iterations and clearly had a lot of effort put into their designs. I love that weapon dual functionality is back and Onua, my favorite of the original Toa does not disappoint, absolutely my first buy. I am so incredibly excited about the new Bionicle and I cannot wait to dive into the story once more!

  8. I would absolutely love a really good Bionicle video game. I would want a game that feels like an adventure rpg with fun combat and exploration . I would want it to be like a typical minifig LEGO game but specially designed to accomodate for the larger figures and such. I don't see why that should be too difficult. 

  9. I personally REALLY hope it will be a continuation. At the very least I just want what has come before to still be part of the canon with the new story being far in the future. As long as what occurred before is a part of the same universe and canon, I don't care it is only referenced for little easter eggs for the old fans or something, that would be fine, just don't throw it out. I know it's not like a reboot would erase the old Bionicle or anything, it will just put a damper on both new and old stories for me personally. 

  10. I am so glad that is the mask of creation! Perhaps we will finally get Artahka as a set. The new mask connection is not what I was expecting but I like it as long as they are held in place firmly. This is a momentous day indeed! I cannot wait until NYCC is here so we can get a clear look at the sets.


    Come my fellow Turaga, we must guide the new Matoran and tell them the tales of the time before time.

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