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Posts posted by ToaDraco

  1. In terms of a web-based game, something similar to Chima online or Minifigures online, for an actual video game sold in stores, something that fits the LEGO game formula mixed with God of War and with an open world Okoto to explore and do side quests on.

  2. I'm not thrilled by the simplification of terms. The Bionicle terminology helped me to develop a greater mastery of language growing up, especially in my foreign language classes. Surely it has helped/would help many others. Kids just don't get enough credit. Rather than attempting to challenge and improve them, they dumb things down to insult their intelligence and appeal to short attention spans. This isn't just an issue with LEGO, its a common issue with other businesses as well. I'll step down from my soapbox now.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Expressions are one thing. But when you have Tahu using his mask as his face then we have problems. It's a MASK, not his face. What happened when the kid takes the mask off and sees the head? Then they'll get confused.


    I don't think you're giving kids enough credit. They're not stupid, plus your statement is wildly inaccurate as already proven above with the image of him swapping the masks in the video. Not to mention how many times is "mask" referenced in the promo material so far? A LOT and I don't doubt we will see/hear that word mentioned more times than anyone cares to count, I seriously doubt any confusion will ever arise as to whether or not the mask on his face is in fact a mask. To hammer the point home, they are really pushing the "knock off the masks" gimmick this time around.

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  4. To veer the conversation back on topic, does anyone else want to see new cgi videos for Bionicle? The new animation style is ok, but it's still growing on me. I initially was not at all happy with it. I really, really liked the cgi videos from gen1. I really hope that every promotional video isn't in the cartoon-y format of this new animation style. I don't mind some of it in the new format but I do NOT want it to be in every promotional video. If we ever get a tv show I would want it to be cgi like Ninjago and Legends of Chima is, not mixel-onicle.

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