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Everything posted by Rahiking

  1. Yeah, that's what I did!

  2. Yeah, I was just watching 23 and 24 that was on the sci-fi that i TIVOed on monday. I already saw it all in japanese, though. I hate the english dubbing!!

  3. Yeh, fine. The Game. "My life", I like it, but I like the one ft. Lil Wayne, so there!

  4. yah, the lyrics may be, like 50 times smarter, but kinda boring. The tom waits (i also hate) of rap, I'd say. Thanx for a recommendation, though...

  5. do you have a favorite one? My fav is one of the new three, or hygiene...

  6. Yad, I love homestar!!

  7. hi.........lo?

  8. Why so secretive? Hiding something?

  9. Is this place that's close to new york and in NJ possibly Ridgewood, NJ?

  10. A two star rating!?

    Why if I had half a mind...!


  11. How's my pbzp coming *taps foot impatiently*


  12. I wonder why bfahome likes him so much...

  13. I love your personal photo!! Yoko, from ttgl, right?

  14. I did not steal my name from you...

  15. Update your brickshelf, please!


  16. did u get my message about a pbzp?

  17. yo...i added you to my friends list...please add me!!

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