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Status Updates posted by Sybre

  1. Development for my project will begin in a few days.

    1. JiMing
    2. Sybre


      I can't wait to start it up! It'll be a CYOA-type series. That'll be a lot of fun!

  2. I checked with -Windrider-, and that project I mentioned earlier has been given a green light! Stay tuned for more news on it!

  3. *looks at interests section* Chicks who like BIONICLEs? I wish. I wish... :'(

  4. There's a blood faucet in my nose. Why does it torture me so?

    1. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      dude.... you should get that checked out, yeh?

    2. Sybre


      Where do I find the nearest nose doctor?

  5. Can anybody guess what's in my avatar?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sybre


      Yes! You got it! It's the Owl Man! W00t!

    3. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      How is it not moth man?

    4. Sybre


      There're physical differences between the two. The Moth Man's head seems more "built in" to its torso (it has no neck). Besides, I googled "Owl Man Cryptid" to get this picture.

  6. I out on a walk on day, when I saw the most stunning lady I've ever seen. I smiled and took off my hat. She also smiled, but her expression faded when I pulled a bowling ball out from the inside of my hat. I threw it at her head, knocking her over. I then took off down the side walk, never to be seen again.

  7. lol There's a potato on your hat!

    1. Sycron


      I noticed...:P

    2. Sybre


      I guess the light on the hat is potato powered!

  8. I'm the ultimate creature of the night. Fear me or I take you.

  9. Designing a LEGO TARDIS from Doctor Who. It's gonna have the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler with it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sybre


      But I only had time to design the Doctor. After I make Rose, I'll move on to the TARDIS. Maybe I'll post pictures on BZPower afterwards.

    3. Dr. Giggles PhD
    4. Sybre


      I might as well, since I don't post many MOCs on here due to my mediocre talent. But even if it isn't a good model, it could still appeal to Doctor Who fans like you, Giggles.

  10. Maybe I can start a little project over Christmas break! I got two weeks, so maybe I can find the time.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sybre


      I doubt it is, but its movies are rent-able. However, it's all over the internet, so there's bound to be a good place to watch it.

    3. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD


      thank ya daddy

    4. Sybre


      No problem. Enjoy!

  11. Plue Nuva, you were my first friend on BZPower. I miss you, dude. I hope you're having a good life right now.

  12. Your interest section made me chuckle inside!

  13. My cat ate the couch.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      to satan: "Hey buddy! Long time no see! Hey, Sybre says hello."

    3. Sybre


      "Long time, no see"?! I knew it...

    4. Dr. Giggles PhD
  14. Your username is really making me think.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sybre


      What in the world is an unglued bike? How do you even glue a bike?

    3. UngluedBike


      it used to be my XBL gamertag, I used the random name generator, and the name stuck, so I use it universally now.

    4. Sybre


      Interesting. It's pretty strange and funny name!

  15. Thinking of sending the Taker MOC to the 2014 Convention Curcuit!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sybre


      Eeyup. I have an MOC of the Grim Reaper 2.0 himself!

    3. JiMing


      And you want to send it off to a convention or something?

    4. Sybre


      Precisely. White Sybre will have to stay home.

  16. Ah, the chill of outdoors in the winter. Ain't good for my skinny arms.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      let us move to the.... SHIIIIRE

    3. JiMing


      Gprwing up in one of the most temperate places on Earth has left me unable to stand the weather. I probably wont be moving any time soon. =P

    4. fishers64


      Maui is wet. Also the people there are unfriendly, from what I hear.

  17. I forgot to mention the new Snax comic I released a bit ago!

  18. This isn't a joke; new Snax comic!

  19. Oh no, the Music Overlord's returned! But Anberlin is standing right there!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sybre


      But we should keep an eye on him.

    3. JiMing


      Well of course we should!

    4. Sybre


      We can set up security cameras. If he's really talented, he can get discovered.


  21. They all searched for one man. I searched with them. I told them they were close. They were all along. Why? Because I was that man they searched for!

  22. Eat hot DEATH, mortals!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -Windrider-


      darn straight I'm not.

    3. Hexann


      "I had a feeling when I first met you that you were no mere mortal, but I never imagined that you were actually-a cat!"-Wolfwood to Vash The Stampede

    4. Hexann


      Trigun quote.

  23. I think I might make more comics soon.

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