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Status Updates posted by Sorek

  1. And it's already been established that we WILL eventually return to the MU. After all, there has to be a conclusion. Makuta is in control, and the Toa are fighting for their lives. Read "Reign of Shadows".

  2. I dunno...maybe opposites attract for authors and the writing styles. Steven King (who I admittedly have never read any of his works) writes books that scare him. He bases them off of nightmares he has. So...maybe happy people are good at writing darker stuff, and sad people are good at writing happy things but have just never tried? Hard to say.

  3. Yeah, I just saw it! Thanks! I'm trying to comment less on my own review pages...seems like I do too much of the commenting.

  4. I wasn't fishing for encouragement, but thanks! :] I've been feeling a little down on myself about writing lately. Ya know?

  5. I fixed my review so that it's actually readable.

  6. Sunday's so-so. I didn't get to go to church cuz my sore throat decided to turn into a fever. So that's no fun.

  7. Where'd you get your banner?

  8. Well, I was sick all of last week, so I have lots of make up homework. :C

    Honestly, I probably shouldn't be on BZP right now. :P

  9. You may want to make your sig single-spaced instead of double-spaced. That way, you won't risk getting in trouble over it. :)

  10. Hey, I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on my Multiverse entries. (This is me groveling for reviews.)

  11. Don't sweat it. :)

  12. Ah, that makes sense. Plus, considering how random a lot of those quotes are, it would be hard to find any suitable music. "Mahna Mahna" performed by Cake comes to mind. :P

  13. Lol, its fine.

  14. Most definitely! It might not be for a while now...since this epic is a bit more of a mystery, it takes a bit more planning. : D

  15. Hello! I'm a friend of your brothers! Welcome to BZP.

  16. Hey! If you didn't see, I wished you a happy birthday in the topic for it! Hope you got the message! And I got your PM! I'll be as helpful as I can.

  17. Wait, weren't you originally Adventurer? So are you male or female?

  18. AMAZING. (Sorry in taking so long to get back to ya.) Sooo much fun and made a bunch of new friends too. Great trip. I'll send you a PM later with more details! :D

  19. I know what you mean. Maybe the reason the famous writers are famous writers is because a lot of them were jobless? Hard to say.

  20. Hey! Haven't talked to you in a while!

  21. It's been good! Just got back from camping! :) You? (BTW, I'm reading that chapter of your epic right after I type this!)

  22. Not lately. I'll check out your story Monday, if that's ok...I'm kinda beat right now.

  23. Not yet, but soon. I think once I got that one transition chapter written, my writer's block went away slightly.

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