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Status Updates posted by Sorek

  1. New Project What IF story. Warning: it's kind of a tear jerker.

  2. Just posted a new Project What IF short story. It's kind of a tear jerker. But that's all, really.

  3. No way! A new chapter in Forsaken 2?! That's blasphemy! :D

  4. Well thankee.

  5. Woah, I didn't even notice! Thanks for telling me, lol.

  6. Nukaaaya! It's BACK!

  7. I'm sick and have been having a bad day. But then I saw your sig, and it made me laugh, so thank you! :D

  8. BTW, my name used to be Voltaire.

  9. Ah, your lucky! I'm almost done with my first week!

  10. Working on your sequel yet?

  11. Hey! Yeah, I've been busier than a... busy...thing. I've got the whole next chapter outlined, now I just need time to sit down and flesh it out.

  12. YES! *cries out of sheer joy* You're back...ADITLOGF will be back...I'm so happy, I don't need Christmas this year! :D

  13. It's BAA-ack! Whaddya think of the new name?

  14. Well, I'm a big fan of irony, so I think it's awesome. And wouldn't that be an awesome story-canon element? :D

  15. I read the NGFC chapter! It was really cool! I was surprised...Bikarsh...:(

    Speaking of updates, I also added a chapter! I don't like it too much, but it's a chapter, none the less.

  16. I anxiously await your critique. :)

  17. I can't decide if I think you are very scary or just sarcastically funny...it torments me.

  18. Well, for F2, I just wanted you to skim the latest chapter and then PM me if I'm missing anything that may have been caught in the wipe.

    And as for the Citizen/Soldier epic, I'm having that reviewed by the ECC. So if you are the person who is going to read it, that's fine.


    In summation, if you could check out both (since you only have to really l

  19. I know- it's wierd. I actually wrote a new chapter. Twilight zone music playing, I bet.

    Take your time. I've got school to, but no homework tonight- that was a nice surprise.

  20. Gave your newest art a big comment! It's amazing!

  21. Oooh...Someone I don't know looking at my profile! Who is you?

  22. Dunno if you'll need kleenex, but at least brace yourself. I'm pretty proud of the story though.

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