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Status Updates posted by Sorek

  1. New chapter. It's not very good, admittedly. But at least it's moving the story along.

  2. Guess who finally got his butt in gear and is working on F2?

  3. New chapter! It's not great, admittedly, but it moves the story along- something it was in desperate need of.

  4. New chapter up! It's a miracle. Although, there's no real action in this chapter, it's more of an evidence gathering chapter.

  5. Books and movies, plus some sketching stuff. :D

    Oh, F2S 14-15 are up. Enjoy!


  7. I got most of F2 reposted, but I'd love it if you would take a look and tell me if I'm missing the most recent chapter! :)

  8. Hey bud! Sorry I don't talk to you enough! How are you? Are you on Christmas break?

    I also got chapter 14 up in my epic, if you like. Do you have any new chapters in your epic?

  9. AH! NEW RECORD! Another chapter a day after another! WOAH! :D

  10. I added a new chapter in Forsaken 2! It's not great, but I hope you like it.

  11. Thanks! I didn't want to say thanks in topic since I'm trying to finish F2 by a thousand posts.

  12. Howdy! Are you on Christmas Break?

    I got another new chapter up! Any news on the possibility of an epic involving what I suggested?

  13. Most BZP users don't buy sets anymore, they just follow the story. So that's why lots of people aren't really affected. The story will continue, but the sets will not.

  14. New record! I just added another new chapter! :D

  15. No, I NEED that verbal pushing. Without it, I get the feeling I'd never get anything done. :)

    So far, it's coming slowly...but it's coming.

  16. Well, my older sister is here at home for break, but otherwise, not really. I'm going to write a lot. :)

    Thanks for your review! I'm really glad you liked it. I've felt like Toa really ARE jedi in a sense, due to the similarities in code.

  17. I added a new chapter in Forsaken 2! It's not very good...but it moves the story along for you guys!

  18. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Politically correct statement of happiness!

    I wrote another chapter in my epic, and I'd really appreciate your reviews! :D

  19. Posted a large answer in your topic 'Reproduction" with diagram.

  20. I'm so excited- I just added another chapter! That's two in two days, not two in two months! New record! :D

  21. Aw, thanks! I appreciate that. :D

  22. Hey! New chapter in F2- it's not great, but I just wanted to write a quick chapter to move the plot along some.

  23. I'm good. You?

    The "Crown Clown" part is a reference to a GREAT manga called D. Gray Man. Sorek was my original BZP name I made up.

  24. Hahaha *drumfill*

  25. Ah, THAT'S what it was! I knew there was something I was forgetting! I'm sorry! I'll get to it ASAP- promise! :D

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