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Edapurg The Raptor

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Everything posted by Edapurg The Raptor

  1. Are pinecones sentient creatures that hunt by randomly falling on the nearest thing? Also do you think lizards are being unfairly stereotyped? -Feel the insanity!-
  2. I think you just found the meaning of the internet. Where did you find that cyclopean awesomeface wearing a sunglass emoticon, by the way? -Feel the insanity!-
  3. What if you shot 2 portals completely flat on the ground and you jumped down one? Would you then fall into solid ground, or would you stand on top of one of them? I'm scared. -Feel the insanity!-
  4. This emote flawlessly captures my reaction upon seeing it. WHERE DO YOU GET THESE AWESOME EMOTES!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? etc. -Feel the ZOMGBOOM-
  5. GET ON WITH IT[/montypython]

  6. Waiting for Monster Wars 2.

  7. Lego Pirates+Lasers+Darth Vader suit+Giant Octopus=The most epic win since the Big Bang. -Feel the insanity!-
  8. Serves you right. -Feel the insanity!-
  9. YOU HAZ SO MANY LEAVESES! -Feel the insanity!-
  10. What's wrong with Safari? I use it all the time. *Is promptly mauled by everyone else posting in this blog* -Feel the insanity!-
  11. Lulz. Scary bench indeed. I think The Optimist got the best one. "An anniversary jet expects a machinery across the rear lip." "An enlightened groans!" "Will another campaign struggle?" "A chopping reactionary spins without the disguised insight." "The obstruction situates a pet moon before a spiritual." "A remote microcomputer tutors the evil underneath the monthly character." "The swimming tray piles the conventional downhill." "When will the tunnel conform?" "The chapel resets outside the continent!" "The uniform movie skips past the questionnaire." "The confined overtone camps whatever compressed borderline." "The incorporate duck dances with the irritating oil."-Lol. Best one I got. "Your smoke pales behind the invalid domestic." "The charm alarms each confidential banana." -Feel the insanity!-
  13. Yeah. That's it in a nutshell. -Feel the insanity!-
  14. What you did with your sig. -Feel the insanity!-
  15. The staff didn't do one because Dark709 and Superkid11 had devastated and rickrolled hundreds of members with their "Dark709 leaving" prank. -Feel the insanity!-
  16. Yep. Its less apocalyptic, though, along with the fact that there's a lion instead of mini killer robots and all the things in the gladiator part are cardboard. -Feel the insanity!-
  17. It's no joke for us younger members. Seriously. Last year when I read the so totally fake story about that guy who thought he was being stalked by Death, even though I didn't believe it, it me for a few weeks. -Feel the insanity!-
  18. I'll join. *Gets mobbed* -Feel the insanity!-
  19. The Arctic Incident=Epic win. I still wish that Cudgeon got ripped to shreds by the goblins instead of getting fried by plasma. -Feel the insanity!-
  20. Get this, Ferhago. When I was catching the bus home from school today, I saw an emergency exit sticker on the window with a picture of a hand holding a rock and a cracked window in front of the rock. It made me wish I had my own blog. Thought a FSPOT would be a good place to tell of it. -Feel the insanity!-
  21. This fail pics thing is getting old. Why can't you just go back to the way it was, with the untarnished road signs? -Feel the insanity!-
  22. *Drops DNA coded atom bomb on club to disintegrate all who have joined* Yay. -Feel the insanity!-
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