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Status Updates posted by -DJ-

  1. 'I hope you burn in a pit of cobras!' 'Haha, the cobras would burn as well, you stupid cow!'

  2. Considering starting a BZP-related podcast with some forum chums, mainly because I feel you lot are missing out by not hearing my dulcet tones on a regular basis.

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD
    2. vataki


      I believe you've mentioned this on Skype once or twice. I don't usually have the time to listen to podcasts, but I'd certainly listen to this one.

  3. Aw, the mega-message convo ended. I was enjoying that as well... :(

  4. Hey guys, you know Mitt Romne- POST DELETED.

    1. -DJ-



      No, wait. Let's not get into this. For the sake of the children. :P

    2. JiMing


      Politics have no place in the bubbly world of BZPower, Loganto!


      *backstabs Loganto*

    3. Lemony Lepid
  5. Pony Avatar because I know Vataki will hate it.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Soran


      Your pony-ness looks spiffy.

    3. -DJ-


      Quite so.

      Quite so indeed.

    4. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      I watched

      I didn't like

  6. Just because a Comic series is ground-breaking, or controversial, that doesn't make it good, i.e. Lunacy of Earthman Values.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -DJ-


      Well, I just rediscovered them elsewhere, reread them and was like 'Man, these are awful.'

      Plus, I don't think anyone really forgot about them; rather, everyone just prefers not to talk about them.

    3. -Absorba-


      (stares at the original Star Trek TV series)

    4. Sir Ptolemic Of Zyglak

      Sir Ptolemic Of Zyglak

      I'm thinking that I should regret looking it up on brickshelf now...

      Too bad, I like nanonicle...

  7. Why is everyone raging about the Rocka spinny? You guys take this WAY too seriously.

  8. So, on the DC front, Young Justice is amazing. Marvel? Ultimate Spiderman.....Yeeeaaah.....

  9. I seriously think I might be a little bit in love with Kahinuva...

  10. Working on the next comic. Based on the script I wrote, it's looking to have 40 bleeding panels. Hooray for me.

  11. There is a comic coming. Of course, the last post was mine, so I can't post it without it being fused to the last post. I need a middle man, as it were, to post before I do. Please and thank you.

  12. -DJ-

    ZOMG I totally just noticed that you are a day older than me. BTW, people born in the August of 1997 are scientifically proven to be awesome. :)

    1. vataki


      I was born in February of 1997


      Does that make me awesome, too?

  13. There once was a man named Jeremy. Except, his name wasn't Jeremy, it was Patrick. And he wasn't a man, he was a self-aware Turnip. Every day, he would wallow in the loneliness and pointlessness of his own existence, that is until the day he exploded for no reason. After that, he reincarnated as Vishnu. Except, he was also an Oviraptor, and stole everyone's eggs and ate everyone's livers. With his new-found self esteem, he was granted the power to turn into a giant kettle and...

    1. -DJ-


      ...Crashed into Mars. The Mars-rocks, imbued with his mystical Kettle energy, rained down upon the Earth, only to be eaten by the Deadly Muffler. The mystical power of the Kettle-smashed, Mars-rocks changed the Muffler into a man. A man named Jeremy. Except, his name wasn't Jeremy, it was Patrick. And he wasn't a man, he was a self-aware Turnip. And we've come full circle.

  14. -DJ-

    Sup, dude. Long time. What's up?

  15. OK, who'd win in a 4-way fight between Cthulhu, Raptor Jesus, Flying Spaghetti Monster and Chuck Norris?

  16. -DJ-

    No, YOU start new comics nao!

    ......No, wait.........

  17. -DJ-

    Same. Ah well. Good luck with yours.

  18. -DJ-

    It's been OK, yeh. You?

  19. -DJ-

    Land of Confusion, by Genesis. It's not really my favourite song, FYI, but it's in my Top 10.

  20. -DJ-


    Well, OK.

  21. Yah. Why, d'you have it?

  22. Well, I'm not sure. Chath said I should call myself 'DJ N00bslayer: La Flama Blanca'. It means 'white flame'. Trouble is, it doesn't fit. Bummer.

  23. You too, man. What do you reckon you're getting for Christmas? I think I might get some of those Hero Factory things. I mean, they're not that bad, are they?

  24. Well, I would, but I don't check this often enough.

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