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We Are _G.R.I.D_

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Blog Comments posted by We Are _G.R.I.D_

  1. hey, dont blame little kids for not knowing the difference between a male teenager of the human species and a femal teenager, they both have long hair and when all you can see is backpack theres no veiw of the frontal characteristics for any specific *brainfail* DANGIT i keep forgetting words, well there goes my eidetic memory!

    i have long hair, but no one calls me a girl (maybe its because i have a moustache and sideburns lol)

  2. fire.... soooo..... hoooot...... *gazes longingly at the fire* wait, i didnt realize she was a toa of fire.... sounds familliar.... hmmm.... a toa of light... with some dark inclinations... and power over fire... omigosh! >.> thats me!


    seriously though, my giant self moc titan dude started out as taka nuva, but the interesting part is that the taka nuva that went into karda nui and saved the universe wasnt from our universe, he was from an alternate universe only different by a sneeze instead of a hiccup, so no one would know the difference between them, and the taka nuva from our universe went into the universe that the other one came from, but he got turned a bit.. darker.. with a bit more problems than the one from their universe, and so he ended up becoming the first makuta... but he was also the last one... because of a time warp near the end of time, so that he started the whole makuta thing, and then he made shure he became one, and so he (in toa form, before becoming a titan makuta) had control of shadows, light, and flame, and then as a makuta, (who is really really big) he had full makuta powers, and also control over light and flame, and has a few favorite forms he usually shapeshifts into...


    anyway, i just wanted to point out that you could probably be a third alternate version of myself.. just a girl.. and a year older lol (and more atristically inclined, but im slightly more technologically and musically inclined, so it evens out)





    anyways, FLAME ON!

  3. ok, exscuse my stupidity, but where are the spoilers about the stars sets? i only remember a slight photo of them on a website somewhere, and i know the green one is gresh, and the white one does look similar to strakk, but where is his ice axe then? and the red one looks like an exo-force character, and if he is tahu, id still have to see tahu to get it lol






    ~MT OUT~

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