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Oh, It's A Me!

Taka Nuvia




... I'm not entirely sure whether I could put this up in GA, so it'll go here instead. Another kind of self-portrait (and as always I didn't draw 'real'-me with glasses xD), this time done with those ink pens by Faber-Castell. ^_^


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That creepy smile implies I'm going to get that fire slammed into my face. ._.

:lol: possible... but not very likely. It's more of a "If you get to close..." ;)

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I´d say this is the best of the alter ego/self-portraits you´ve posted yet. The one that best shows the Good Side/Bad Side relationship between your two 'you'-characters. It reminds me slightly of a comic cover, in fact. Probably for some longer comic about good and evil working perfectly together. :)


It has an outrageous, dynamic style, even more than your pictures usually have when portraying moving characters. You can do something with the shadows that I really can´t figure the trick about - it seems real in its own sense, and yet it keeps the charm that goes automatically with anything something that´s intentionally a bit away from reality. And that´s the shading, not the picture as whole (although that, too, has a larger-than-generally-expectable chunk of such charm).

The colours are great. Is that done in hand or by computer?


I don´t see what that is about the feet, though. What is that about the feet (you seem to be stepping on your foot)?


I wish I could say more about this, because there obviously is much more to say. Mainly stuff about how this shows your artistic progress, though, and that´s something I can´t really comment on - partially because you can probably tell a whole lot more about your own progress yourself than I can, but mainly because I´m running out of complimentary adjectives to use. ;)

It´s a really great picture, Taka. At all times, I´ve found it hard to find anything wrong about your art, but I only now realize that it´s because you´ve been far past the point where Being correct equals Not being wrong. And from my side of that limit (the other one, I´m afraid), it´s getting hard to even look to where your skills are going, let alone understanding it fully. But keep it up, Taka. =D



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For maximum damage!

Like I said, this is a lovely piece of artwork, Taka. It's great to see it again.

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That looks awesome, T Nuvia.

I think drawings like these deserve more credit and attention. Too many modern day drawings that are finished off and prettied up by computers get the top of the spot light, when I think it should be the people who work hard on art like this, and make it look just as good, if not better, that deserve it.


It may be more simple, but it's still got something to it. Nice job.


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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I´d say this is the best of the alter ego/self-portraits you´ve posted yet. The one that best shows the Good Side/Bad Side relationship between your two 'you'-characters. It reminds me slightly of a comic cover, in fact. Probably for some longer comic about good and evil working perfectly together. :)


It has an outrageous, dynamic style, even more than your pictures usually have when portraying moving characters. You can do something with the shadows that I really can´t figure the trick about - it seems real in its own sense, and yet it keeps the charm that goes automatically with anything something that´s intentionally a bit away from reality. And that´s the shading, not the picture as whole (although that, too, has a larger-than-generally-expectable chunk of such charm).

The colours are great. Is that done in hand or by computer?


I don´t see what that is about the feet, though. What is that about the feet (you seem to be stepping on your foot)?


I wish I could say more about this, because there obviously is much more to say. Mainly stuff about how this shows your artistic progress, though, and that´s something I can´t really comment on - partially because you can probably tell a whole lot more about your own progress yourself than I can, but mainly because I´m running out of complimentary adjectives to use. ;)

It´s a really great picture, Taka. At all times, I´ve found it hard to find anything wrong about your art, but I only now realize that it´s because you´ve been far past the point where Being correct equals Not being wrong. And from my side of that limit (the other one, I´m afraid), it´s getting hard to even look to where your skills are going, let alone understanding it fully. But keep it up, Taka. =D



Thanks! Now that you've pointed it out... I see it, too. Definitely sounds like something I'd like to do, maybe in addtition to/after TEoaH, who knows...


Interesting... I don't really see anything dynamic in here, but that might also be because I've been working on this drawing for hours and everhours. ^^

Maybe the effect you're talking about is achieved by finger-smudging (yes, I di that, and yes, it works), but since I don't see it, I can't tell. Do you know that situation, when someone talks about an aspect of your drawing, and it sounds totally reasonable and all, but when you look at the drawing yourself, you don't see it?

Anyways, thanks a lot. :) The colouring was done by hand with Faber-Castell PITT artist pens. ^^


Quite possible. I dunno what went wrong there, either :lol:


I want to thank you again. Did I ever tell you how happy those reviews of yours make me? Because you take the time to write up a thoughtful text about nearly every drawing of mine. I'm really, really grateful for that, and sadly not good at describing this happiness with words. So: Thanks again. =J






For maximum damage!

Like I said, this is a lovely piece of artwork, Taka. It's great to see it again.

XD Thanks a lot.


Lol, I love it.

It looks so...comic-ish. I'm so envious ;)

I like a lot the fire and the crazy smile on Taka's face.

Thank you. ^^

No need to be envious.

Yeah, the crazy smile... must be the part I like about it most. ^^


Epic! ^^ ♥

Thanks! :)


Looks like your alter-ego is stepping on your toe.


Nice job, though.

but the 'real'-me is wearing Doc Martens, and so it won't hurt much :D


Thanks! That means a lot to me when coming from you... ^^


That looks awesome, T Nuvia.

I think drawings like these deserve more credit and attention. Too many modern day drawings that are finished off and prettied up by computers get the top of the spot light, when I think it should be the people who work hard on art like this, and make it look just as good, if not better, that deserve it.


It may be more simple, but it's still got something to it. Nice job.


-Jordboy1 :miru:

Thank you. ^^


M-hmm... I do agree with you.


Thanks again. ^^

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fire.... soooo..... hoooot...... *gazes longingly at the fire* wait, i didnt realize she was a toa of fire.... sounds familliar.... hmmm.... a toa of light... with some dark inclinations... and power over fire... omigosh! >.> thats me!


seriously though, my giant self moc titan dude started out as taka nuva, but the interesting part is that the taka nuva that went into karda nui and saved the universe wasnt from our universe, he was from an alternate universe only different by a sneeze instead of a hiccup, so no one would know the difference between them, and the taka nuva from our universe went into the universe that the other one came from, but he got turned a bit.. darker.. with a bit more problems than the one from their universe, and so he ended up becoming the first makuta... but he was also the last one... because of a time warp near the end of time, so that he started the whole makuta thing, and then he made shure he became one, and so he (in toa form, before becoming a titan makuta) had control of shadows, light, and flame, and then as a makuta, (who is really really big) he had full makuta powers, and also control over light and flame, and has a few favorite forms he usually shapeshifts into...


anyway, i just wanted to point out that you could probably be a third alternate version of myself.. just a girl.. and a year older lol (and more atristically inclined, but im slightly more technologically and musically inclined, so it evens out)





anyways, FLAME ON!

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I´d say this is the best of the alter ego/self-portraits you´ve posted yet. The one that best shows the Good Side/Bad Side relationship between your two 'you'-characters. It reminds me slightly of a comic cover, in fact. Probably for some longer comic about good and evil working perfectly together. :)


It has an outrageous, dynamic style, even more than your pictures usually have when portraying moving characters. You can do something with the shadows that I really can´t figure the trick about - it seems real in its own sense, and yet it keeps the charm that goes automatically with anything something that´s intentionally a bit away from reality. And that´s the shading, not the picture as whole (although that, too, has a larger-than-generally-expectable chunk of such charm).

The colours are great. Is that done in hand or by computer?


I don´t see what that is about the feet, though. What is that about the feet (you seem to be stepping on your foot)?


I wish I could say more about this, because there obviously is much more to say. Mainly stuff about how this shows your artistic progress, though, and that´s something I can´t really comment on - partially because you can probably tell a whole lot more about your own progress yourself than I can, but mainly because I´m running out of complimentary adjectives to use. ;)

It´s a really great picture, Taka. At all times, I´ve found it hard to find anything wrong about your art, but I only now realize that it´s because you´ve been far past the point where Being correct equals Not being wrong. And from my side of that limit (the other one, I´m afraid), it´s getting hard to even look to where your skills are going, let alone understanding it fully. But keep it up, Taka. =D



Thanks! Now that you've pointed it out... I see it, too. Definitely sounds like something I'd like to do, maybe in addtition to/after TEoaH, who knows...


Interesting... I don't really see anything dynamic in here, but that might also be because I've been working on this drawing for hours and everhours. ^^

Maybe the effect you're talking about is achieved by finger-smudging (yes, I di that, and yes, it works), but since I don't see it, I can't tell. Do you know that situation, when someone talks about an aspect of your drawing, and it sounds totally reasonable and all, but when you look at the drawing yourself, you don't see it?

Anyways, thanks a lot. :) The colouring was done by hand with Faber-Castell PITT artist pens. ^^


Quite possible. I dunno what went wrong there, either :lol:


I want to thank you again. Did I ever tell you how happy those reviews of yours make me? Because you take the time to write up a thoughtful text about nearly every drawing of mine. I'm really, really grateful for that, and sadly not good at describing this happiness with words. So: Thanks again. =J


Hooray! This can´t possibly mean anything else than that we have a new, full-coloured 90-page graphic novel by Taka Nuvia to look forward to! :happydance:


I see what you mean about not seeing what I mean. Yes, I know that. ;)


Well... when great effort goes into making something, you ought to have a bit of that effort back through the attention it gets. You don´t have to describe that happiness, though, because I recognize it very well from myself when reading, amongst others, your comments to my art. Come to think of it, why is it so long since I posted any art on here? D=


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