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Everything posted by chocoman2009

  1. hi! i am haven't been on because me computer wouldn't let me acsess bzp for some reason,but i can now!

  2. “Or what if he’s just a #####?” "how dare you Lewa!" I can imagine Gali saying that. Sounds like a good book.
  3. You wanna be a GuestStar in my Halo Epic? yes please,

  4. do u like Halo? i don't mnow,i've never played halo

  5. In a good way. And heres why I came here. Blade is possessed. Hes an even bigger threat now. how did he become possed?

  6. Well, it seems that with the help of Toa Ynot, we are reducing Makuta levels. in a good way,or bad way?

  7. hi. my days been good. how about yours?

  8. the six brotherhoods of chirox meeting shall begin. all members,tell about your deafets,victories,etc.

  9. attack bitil the deystoryer in the endless feud topic,for he has betryaed the six brotherhoods of chirox.

  10. you have betrayed my army! you have been baned from the six brother hoods of chirox.

  11. anyone of you[my friends],can join my orgina zation,the six leagues of chirox,lust pm me,ok?

  12. good.... mwuahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

  13. go to bionicle creative outlet,then go to bionicle games and trivia,then start attacking people in that topic,ok?

  14. where we shall attack is in the endless fued topic. and for those who want ot now what i'm talking about,i have created a orginazation call the six leagues of chirox,which all of you can join if you wish.

  15. right now i'm at my grandparents house.

  16. you are now officailly in

  17. thamks for the pictures! :]

  18. i know its to late,but,happy valentines day!!

  19. hi i no its to late but,happy valentines day!

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