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Status Updates posted by Resev

  1. Maybe =/

    congratz on makin Scavenger

  2. It's german-Your heart broke?

  3. Du herz brennt?

  4. Oak trees? LoL

  5. You heard of Red Faction?

  6. Sniping on Halo is awesome.

    Playing Halo while listening to rock music is fun too.

  7. I'd love Halo even more if I could play it on Xbox.I only have Halo1 for PC.

    LinkinPark is awesome

  8. His whole collection!?

    Wow,Ive only got one of his cds

  9. Watch it Sis >8(

    @Kachan-sorry bout the repeat.

  10. Actually that's Jango,I should have my version of Jaster done soon.

    You and me both LoL

    You've got some weird interests.

  11. Really?There pretty good.

    I see you like Weird Al

  12. Nuthin much...except workin on my art.

    How bout yu?

  13. I wish they were'nt so endangered but with poaching and what not they're getting fewer. =(

  14. Oh yeah,You heard of FamilyForce5?

  15. Yeah Im back to my face.

  16. You still say I look like Orlando eh?

    Luke's wife is Mara Jade.

  17. Orlando?


  18. @sis-you just wait :P

    @Boba's wife is Sintas Vel

  19. My dad gave me a german-english-english-german dictionary from when he was in the military.

    You like 3 DoorsDown?

  20. Yeah,I think he had a daughter too.

  21. Im not sure who taught Jaster.

    Did you know Boba didnt die

  22. I know alittle bit of german (cant speak really,just read it)

  23. ^_^ I like the sound of that"Toa Resev"

    But who taught Jango all he knows?,Jaster the mandolorian leader

  24. Thought Id do some surfing here LoL

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