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Angel Beat

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Angel Beat

  1. Skops for the win. And just to show my gratitude, you're now featured on my BotW winners list. Forever to be linked for all to see.

    Hah, thanks, Mako! :D


    Props for getting BotW! I had to post in here because I love BoA's music, especially Every Heart. Heh, big Inu fan. I like how you name every entry after a song title; saves a lot of thought, huh? Congrats again! :D

    Thanks. ^_^ Every Heart is a great song in all languages. :D


    Congrats my man :D.


    And keep blogging!

    Thanks dude. I wonder when your blog will be next. :sly:

  2. I'm so stealing that motif for my blog. Song references are the best things ever.


    For those that get them, anyway...

    Stealing is bad, borrowing, on the other hand, is good... :P


    Most of my blog posts are song titles.

    However, I don't think I was listening to a single one of them when I posted them, and I already have a "CURRENTLY LISTENING TO" thangamathang. So that fails utterly.

    But it saves me the time of thinking of a witty title.

    It's especialy handy when you're pressed for time. :D


    First 'Pimp My Blog'...

    And now this.


    It evolves on its own.<song reference xD

    At least I started with the song references on the 11th of July... <.<;;

  3. Funds qualm us all, don't they? I've currently $6.15 to my name. Let's drink to economic hopes and dreams.




    I could only afford a can of generic soda...

    Sounds like a good idea...


    Nothing's more amusing than a Asian singer-crazed Scorp with debts :P


    At least you have money. My parents have sucked me dry.


    Oo, a penny!

    A....musing...? O.o


    I hate it when parents do that. <.<


    You have expensive taste, dude.

    Yeah.... I guess you're right. :D

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