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Angel Beat

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Angel Beat

  1. I can't change my name, lol. :P

  2. ...Valentina? :P

  3. My day was a bit dull, but nice. Thanks. ^^ How was your day?

  4. Oh, you're welcome! ^^

  5. 't Was one of your posts in the Reconciliation topic, I believe. Posting exactly the same line as the one in the post you quoted.

  6. Myesss... :P

    I always like to match my banner and avatar to my name. :P

  7. Nope, I'm unable to play Oblivion, since my computer doesn't meet the requirements needed to play it...

  8. Nah, just felt like checking out a profile. :P

  9. Generations isn't my favorite, tbqh. :P

  10. My fave is Wrath of Khan. :P Followed by the new movie.

  11. Feels just like it should.

  12. Then get to them earlier in the future darnit! :P

  13. There already is a member named BoA. (He got banned, so I won't say more. :P)

    But I'm sure my name will be changed back to Valenti someday.

    Valenti is still a cool BoA song. xD

  14. Heya. :P No, I'm not Korean. ^^;

  15. That it is. =3

  16. Live long, and game hard. x3

  17. Hiya Shadow, thank ya! 8D

  18. I know, boredom sucks. :(

  19. Well played, Bfa, well played~

  20. Ya, thank you. =_,=

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