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Angel Beat

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Blog Entries posted by Angel Beat

  1. Angel Beat
    After many explorations and hunts, my character has attained the rank of Commander, which basically means a new ship tier (Tier 3) and the ability to use stronger weapons and equipment (Mk. V and VI).
    I have also taken a multitude of screenshots.
    First off, the ship of my secondary character.
    The I.K.S. Sarenoss. Lovely little bird.
    Koloth class hull, mission pod and 'pylons' (wings), B'Rel class saucer section and 'nacelles' (cannons).
    And here we have my primary character 'Angarus' Rusanya goofing off at Memory Alpha. Positive responses ensued.
    I wasn't completely happy with the last USS Mamoritai, so I changed it up a bit. Results here and here.
    Aurora class saucer section, Quasar class secondary hull, Nova class pylons and nacelles.
    The USS BoA Kwon has been discharged, since I want to use the name for a future ship.
    So instead, I activated the USS Dakishimeru.
    Vesper class saucer section and nacelles, Excalibur class neck and pylons, Constitution refit class secondary hull.
    And last, but not least: My Tier 3 ship.
    The USS Meri Kuri uses the sphere and nacelles of the Horizon class and the secondary hull and pylons of the Hope class.
    Using the Mk. VI weapons is a riot, since lower level enemies are being ground into dust.
    So yeah... Season Two: Ancient Enemies will be released this week.
  2. Angel Beat
    When someone asks you to refer to them with a certain preferred pronoun, you refer to them with that pronoun.
    Simple enough, isn't it?
  3. Angel Beat
    Heh, it was just another ordinary day on BZP... Posted a lot... Did some reports... All in all, I had fun.
    There were finally some replies in my latest art topic in COT... Thanks guys. I'll reply soon, I think.
    Maybe it's time to make a list about what I'm going to buy next off the internet. That way, I won't keep on forgetting it.
    Here it goes:
    BoA DVD: 8 Films & More...
    BoA Single: Valenti
    Ayumi Hamasaki Album: Ayu TRANCE 1
    BoA Live DVD: Best of Soul Arena Tour 2005
    BoA Album: No. 1
    BoA Album: Love & Honesty
    BoA Album: My Name
    BoA Album: Listen to My Heart (Korea Version)
    BoA Album: Listen To My Heart (Japan Version)
    X Album: Blue Blood
    Ares Album: Digital Human
    Anthem Album: Eternal Warrior
    BoA Live DVD: Valenti Tour 2003
    BoA Live DVD: Love & Honesty Tour 2004
    X Album: Say Anything (Ballad Collection)
    hide Album: hide Tribute Spirits
    TRAX Single: Scorpio (Japan Version)
    More coming later.
  4. Angel Beat
    And here I am. Bored to death, not knowing what to type and listening to Miss Kwon's latest album, OUTGROW, which rocks in my opinion. Too bad there are only 5 new songs on it.
    Anywho, it's always a strange feeling when you're pretty well-known and no one replies on your latest artwork. Forgot how it felt, because it was a long time ago since that last happened. Until yesterday.
    I've been lurking in BA1 after the comic split-up and dang, my skills are out of date. Already seen some members with much better editing skills. Congrats guys. Haven't really noticed them before the split-up because of the edits...
    Hng, Everlasting just started. one of my favorite songs on OUTGROW and it's definately one of my favorite BoA songs ever. The lyrics, BoA's voice, the music... Everything's just so close to perfection. Just too bad that it's so darn distracting when playing Burnout 3. <.<;;
    I should get my money next week and then I'll be able to pay for the first order off the list in my last blog entry. I'm thinking of replacing the Valenti single with the Rock With You (Japan Version) single though. Not sure yet.
    That should be it for now...
    Cya around on BZP!
  5. Angel Beat
    Yicarin Yun was born in 2386 on the Trill homeworld as Yicarin Narra and is the twin sister of Aylema Daryn, formerly Aylema Narra.
    The early lives of these sisters weren't very special. They lived a relatively 'easy' life getting ready for their eventual joining.
    The joining changed the lives of the sisters completely.
    While Yicarin received the good Yun symbiont, Aylema had the misfortune of receiving the Daryn symbiont, who turned out to have a rather dark and manipulative nature.
    When the two sisters met some time after their joinings, their personalities had changed so much that they couldn't reconcile their differences, so they went their separate ways.
    Yicarin joined the United Federation of Planets' Starfleet while Aylema felt more drawn to the Klingon Defense Force.
    That's the last they heard of each other.
    Life at Starfleet Academy was rather uneventful for Yicarin and she graduated from it with decent grades.
    During her Academy years, Yicarin met Rachel Victoria Johnson and they became the best of friends, always ready to help each other out when they were in trouble.
    Her relatively normal life ended when she was assigned to the Oracle class U.S.S. Kiseki, which was part of a task force sent to repel Borg invasion forces in the Vega system.
    While she was helping out on the U.S.S. Khitomer, the senior staff on the U.S.S. Kiseki was killed by the Borg, leaving her as the highest ranking officer.
    Eventually, the crisis at the Vega colony was contained and Yicarin was placed in command of the U.S.S. Kiseki by Admiral Jorel Quinn.
    Following Vega, Yicarin was involved in many missions dealing with the Klingons, Romulans, True Way Cardassians and Jem'Hadar, Breen, Borg and even the Undine.
    But the mission that changed her life the most was the one to the Burgus system, where she was ordered to investigate reports of Borg activity.
    When the U.S.S. Kiseki arrived on the scene, she found herself arriving just in time to save several Romulan vessels from assimilation or destruction.
    After liberating the I.R.W. Areinnye, Yicarin discovered that the Romulans had captured Borg technology.
    Yicarin returned to the U.S.S. Kiseki after securing the Borg technology for herself.
    However, a Borg armada was on its way to destroy both the U.S.S. Kiseki and the I.R.W. Areinnye.
    The I.R.W. Areinnye was the first one to flee the scene after temporarily disabling the U.S.S. Kiseki with a complex viral matrix.
    It did not take long for the Borg armada to arrive at the U.S.S. Kiseki's location and they opened fire just as the viral matrix wore off.
    Yicarin and her crew fought valiantly, but the casualties were severe, with only four of the bridge officers surviving. Were it not for a mysterious ship coming to the rescue, the U.S.S. Kiseki would've been lost with all hands.
    After the mysterious ship destroyed the Borg armada, it sent a cryptic message to the U.S.S. Kiseki.
    "Look upon us, and tremble." After that, the Iconians opened fire.
    Realizing that they were dealing with Iconians, the survivors said their final goodbyes and plotted a ramming course toward the Iconian ship.
    Yicarin closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable end...
    It was an end that never came.
    Right before the U.S.S. Kiseki collided with the Iconian ship, the U.S.S. Cutty Sark, captained by Queen Rachel Victoria Johnson, dropped out of warp and beamed the very few survivors aboard.
    The U.S.S. Kiseki collided with the Iconian ship and exploded, severely weakening it. This allowed the U.S.S. Cutty Sark to destroy the Iconian ship.
    Yicarin and the rest of the survivors were allowed to stay on the U.S.S. Cutty Sark until they were ready to be debriefed by Starfleet.
    After the extended debriefing, both Yicarin and Johnson were promoted for their bravery, with Yicarin gaining the command of the U.S.S. Cutty Sark's new sister ship, U.S.S. Discovery.
    And now, the close friends have been called to join Task Force Omega, formed by the Federation and the Klingons to take on the Borg together...
  6. Angel Beat
    Been having a lot of fun with Jade Empire lately, I think I almost completed it. Man, hte game is addicting and it's a good way of keeping your mind distracted from other......things......in life.
    Also received Halo 2 Limited Edition yesterday. Never thought I'd find it for sale.
    Payment for my CD/DVD order is well on its way, so that's another plus. Gonna try to see if I can join the darned BoA fanclub this week. Still a hassle to get the money sent...
    And I bought a spiffy guitar yesterday.
    Hmm... it's going to be a busy week...
  7. Angel Beat
    You Americans better brace yourself, because BoA's English debut album is almost complete. She has been keeping it a secret and dang, she knows how to keep one.
    I can't state my source, because of BZP's advertising rules. But yaay! *dances*
    And in May and June, BoA will have her Japanese concert tour.
    Hopefully the DVD of the tour will be out as soon as possible. xD
  8. Angel Beat
    So yeah, my old Casio keyboard is very old. So old that it can't be connected to a computer. And it's broken.
    And I feel like learning to play the keyboard (and by extension the piano) again.
    But, I have a busted keyboard.
    Now, I wanted to start saving up for a new one this month.
    But due to some unforseen bills, I can't start saving this month.
    And it definitely irks me.
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