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Everything posted by RotationalBasis

  1. I'm gonna have to ask you to stop posting so much. You're making me look bad. >:( Also it seems you're into art. I get to go see the national gallery next week so yay! Impressionism! Kthxbi.

  2. Hey Alyska, you've got some great topics and some very well thought out posts. It's great to know that you don't need to be a big poster to contribute something to the community.

  3. May I join this BBCC, and consequently the BBTC as well? This will be tough, though, as Jungle Slizer is all I have in teal. EDIT: So, where do we post our entry, please tell?
  4. Me too Please bring back Teal. If not, sand green as-well. Two of my favorite colours.
  5. Maybe the competitors should be chosen at random, otherwise the same people may be chosen over and over again.
  6. If I enter a MOC that I was going to enter in a BBC contest, but couldn't upload in time, would it still go into the 'new mocs' section?
  7. This is actually a very good mask. Remember that the mistika are all based on insects. Gali's mask is reminiscent of some sort of moth, and I think this represents Gali very well. It still looks a little like the Kaukau IMO, probably more like the original than the nuva. I'm dissapointed though that Gali is now metru blue.
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