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Status Updates posted by Pee-Kay

  1. You're more random than funny, which is usually a bad thing on BZP... But you make it look good.

  2. Does it come in a plastic case-thing?

  3. @CMS: Really? Just use you [poke of doom!] for MASSIVE DAMAGE.

  4. I can't belive my comment's still on this page.


  5. *finds*

    You're funny, silly.

  6. What/who's pez?



  7. Do you think my name is silly?

  8. Thank you for your warm-and-fuzzyness.


  9. Do you remember me? My name was ". : P K : ." and later "PeeKay."

  10. [reply]Lion that is dandy?

  11. I pretty sure he only makes his current form, and he isn't a turaga.

  12. Meh, at least there's a spare. XP

  13. **Kills Adventurer in mild frustration**

  14. I'v been here less than a week, actually. :P

  15. It's me!? Who am I?

  16. I'm so confused. I knew that you were adventurer, though. And I saw the -other- one posting in my topic, and it seemed totally out-of-your-character.

  17. Why? It is phoneically incorrect, afterall...

  18. What would OuterRayg mean? It just doesn't make sense.

  19. Have you taken any art courses, captain?

  20. Just asking; does your display name mean anything?

  21. Yes, but I think I'm giving birth to a Furby. XD.

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