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pls respond

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Posts posted by pls respond

  1. 2/5 musically it's just alright but i really don't like the vocals. they just kill any enjoyment i could get from the track. aside from the vocals the track just feels really cheesy to me, it's so over the top with the symphonic elements. solo was okay though~ - Touché Amoré

  2. okay so apparently there was a video claiming to be that song but actually wasn't. that one was awful2.5/5 it's okay, newer linkin park is alright especially compared to the old stuff which was just groce. overall though the track is just dull and it can't hold my attention. i still can't stand chester's singing, he's whiny in a faux emotion way compared to other bands who use emotional vocals to their advantageKing Park - La Dispute

  3. i don't know if this is your own band or something but you should seriously post a different artist or something dude1/5 yeah anyway this is kind of terrible. i'm assuming it's some kind of joke but if it is then there is a lot i am missing because it's not funny in the slightestAlive In The Lights - Memphis May Fire

  4. 3/5 the vocals seem kind of off, i dunno what it is about them but i don't like them. it does work overall though, and i wouldn't mind listening to it again. also a side note: the video description calls it "dark, organic doom metal" and i can't help but laugh at the silliness of thatDon't Ask, Don't Tell - Chelsea Grin

  5. no i am just picky with music that i like and nobody has posted music that i like3.5/5 sounds like a classic rock song despite being recorded just a few years ago. would prefer it be a little shorter though, it's got almost the same thing going on for the first 4 minutes. the solo seemed kinda tacked on, can't say i liked that. it's pretty decent but i can't feel this sticking at all. not a bad track at all thoughThaw - Converge

  6. this time around the lyrics are more "society sucks lol ur all worthless people suck" so basically mediocre but they're sufficient also the reason for the misogynistic lyrics on TSD was because it was a concept album (lol @ deathcore concept albums) about Jack The Ripper who was not exactly a feminist but i can see how they'd be off-putting

  7. wood rather look like that then stereotypical metalhead/10but yes that is what is cool nowalso i feel like people shouldn't get worked up about that stuff. it's cool to be really into music and all (i mean i am) but at the end of the day it's just another form of entertainment and getting angry because people don't like what you like is just juvenile. it's mindbottling how people stress hard over nothing. it's supposed to be fun, so why ruin someone else's?ponytails aren't necessarily bad but to me they're an indicator of whether or not someone is going to be an imn

  8. lol @ being behind the times doethat look is out the door, it's all about 1950's dad haircuts nowi never said the look wasn't a part of the scene but i still think that you should not get looks in the way of your musical enjoyment.if looks mattered that much i would not listen to any slam because those people look like dudes who would get super sensitive if you got slam confused with brutal deathalso ponytails.

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