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pls respond

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Posts posted by pls respond

  1. My Little Pony actually has some decent mythology (for lack of a better term) in it. Like the story of two princesses (although they strike me as being portrayed more like goddesses), who control and sun and the moon. The moon princess becomes jealous of the sun princess and rebels, only to be cast down and locked away for a millennium.That's the aspect of MLP that my lyrics tackle, not the episode plots and the themes of love and friendship and such.

    well that makes more sensethough doom metal songs about love and friendship sounds pretty awesome tooalso Pantera go download Spotify bro, it has pretty much every album you could want there (though a few labels like century media and sumerian have pulled out for whatever reason)
  2. However, I do have to agree on the t-shirt thing. Hipsterisms aside, if you don't know who the band is, seeing them wearing their own t-shirts is really not going to help them make their case. And if they wear a shirt with another bands name on it, that's just downright weird and confusing.tl;dr band t-shirts are silly even though I own the occasional one.Also on that topic, I finally got around to listening to The Hunter by Mastodon yesterday. Lord knows why I haven't done it sooner.

    i have like 50, feelsbadman. i don't think it's weird to wear another band's shirt when you're in one, that's just showing supportgood, The Hunter was fantastic even though it didn't quite make it to my favorite albums of the yearalso writing pony-themed doom sounds like the dumbest thing ever but simultaneously the best
  3. i shouldn't have to explain why wearing your own merch is stupid, but alrightbuying a band tee is basically like giving the band a high five. you're saying "good joob," and giving them some of your cash too, plus that shirt is free advertising for the band. so, if you wear your own band's merch that's basically giving yourself a high five. and that's lame.

  4. Anyone ever heard of SikTh? They're a pretty awesome progressive metal/mathcore band that I just found while making my way through Metal Hammer's '300 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die'. The album The Trees Are Dead & Dried Out is really cool.

    SikTh is god-tier stuff, i miss them. they aped Meshuggah before it was cool
  5. i love Pantera thinks that deathcore and grindcore are like the most only genres with screamingnew Upon A Burning Body is pretty good, though it's basically the bands way of saying "LOOK AT US we're from Texas and we're mexican and we really like weed"also checked out the new Loma Prieta, it's pretty good crunchy, lo-fi as heck screamo. good stuffsrs question: is there anybody that actually legitimately enjoys Brain Drill? or Rings Of Saturn (who are the -core version of BD essentially)?

  6. Rap music ruins your life and kills babies and steals candy from children.

    pro-tip: trolling is supposed to be at least kind of subtle

    I don't like it. I prefer SMOOTH JAZZ!

    honestly i can't tell if you're a troll or just insane.
  7. The Needles The Space - Straylight RunHomesick - A Day To RememberI dunno why I bought Homesick, but surprisingly, some parts don't totally suck.-Teezy

    Honestly ADTR is kinda addicting if you accept their silliness. Anyway, I found a copy of I Am The Movie by Motion City Soundtrack at goodwill for a buck. Great purchase
  8. I have heard this before so I tried out their later works. Yes, it may be death metal, but it is still nothing interesting and with a boring vocalist.

    lol @ boring vocalist. johnny davy is one of the most unique vocalists in the scene today. also demonocracy is next level stuff, go listen to the stream or at least the track "nourishment through bloodshed"also eucliwood replace koloss with catch 33 and then get those. all great album fo sho
  9. wait, did you guys actually think i was serious? lolin' at your gullibilityalso rarity new Job For A Cowboy is fantastic, listening to it nonstopso is the new Disfiguring The Goddess, slammin sickness at its finestbest albums this year imo: Aborted, JFAC, Wretched, Veil Of Maya, Every Time I Die, Emmure, Everything Went Black, and Beneath The Massacre

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