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pls respond

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Everything posted by pls respond

  1. It's time to eat my little sister's candy that she got. I'm so nice. >>
  2. How many months have 28 days? all of them *Head asplodes*
  3. Didn't work. I think it's safe to assume that it's broken. EDIT: Never mind. I deleted something in a different folder. Trying it again now.
  4. I can't play Spore, or any games that use discs to install themselves. *Cries*
  6. Yay! But I is not doing anything this year. Next year, however...
  7. You still got the image? EDIT: Wow, right as I added this you changed your av. Freaky.
  8. pls respond


    Great. I got about, say, two hours of sleep last night and feel like garbage. I'm shaking randomly, and the computer is really bright. Now I'm contemplating whether to have Cheerios or Cap'n Crunch.
  9. And I've got to say that the last level was so amazing. The improved Gravity Gun makes it so worthwhile. Watching a Combine soldier's body fly through the air and disintegrate is priceless. If you haven't played it, you need to. If you have access to a PC, Xbox, or PS3, you NEED to get Half-Life 2. It is that good. (P.S: IMO, it's better than Halo. *Is shot*)
  10. I'm totally gonna be a head crab zombie. I've got most of it planned. I'm gonna buy the head crab hat from Steam, first of all. I've (Obviously) got a white shirt, jeans, and some brown shoes, so those are out of the way. Now, the only issue is how I'm gonna do the organs and the flesh that the crab chews on. Any ideas?
  11. Robo for buying me Premier! *Glomps*
  12. You got F.E.A.R. for fifteen dollars too? Odd, I got it for the price at Blockbuster.
  13. Hecks yeah. Tanks for fixing that. Mehz. The story of Cryoshell sounds stupid.
  14. Yes it does. In your opinion.
  15. No, TTGL just an anime that Ka-Chan particularly dislikes.
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