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Mysterious Minifig

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Mysterious Minifig

  1. Mysterious Minifig
    Last night was my troops annual yearly planning meeting. I'm looking forward to some of the stuff my troop is going to be doing over the next year.
    At the end of this month we are going to a nearby camp to have a shooting sports weekend.
    Next month we are going to be having a day trip thing a county park to do some orienteering and Geocaching. The orienteering course was made by one of my troop's Eagle scouts for his eagle project. I'm not sure how many none scouts use it though.
    December is going to be Snow Sports. Scout ski day is going to be the big event. I never go but a lot of the other people in the troop do.
    January is winter camping. We'll be have a winter camp at the same place as the shooting sports weekend.
    February is going to be a Centennial Celebration. We'll be have a special Court of Honor and a bunch of people will probably be bringing in old scouting stuff. My grandfather has some old stuff that I'll probably get from him to bring in.
    March is going to a Advancement month. We'll be bring in merit badge counselors to have group merit badge sessions during the meetings. We'll also most likely be going to Eagle Cave over in Wisconsin.
    April is going to Conservation, were not sure what exactly what we'll be doing yet. May is pioneering, we'll be going to a scout camp over in Wisconsin that we have been to a couple of times in the past. June is going to be climbing and July is going to be cycling.
    That's how the year for my scout troop is going to shape up. We're having elections next week and I'm probably going to become a Junior Assistant Scout Master. Patrols are also getting rearranged and going to try to get my self listed in the leadership patrol (currently only the SPL and ASPL are in it) because I have not been getting called.
    Our week long summer camp is going to be the end of July but I'm hoping I'm not going to be able to go. I'd much rather be at the National Jamboree, but I'm getting low on money.
  2. Mysterious Minifig
    My Boy Scout Troop had a Court of Honor last night. We handed out all the awards earned by the troop member over the summer. Most of the merit badges were earned at our week long camp.
    For the first time in about a year and a half I didn't really help plan this one. I'm unofficially on the Court of Honor Planning committee, which in itself is unofficial. It was a nice break for me. The guys who planned this one did a very nice job. The theme ended up being a day at camp. Instead of starting with the flag ceremony like every other Court of Honor, we had a recognition for the eight boys who went to the polar bear swim at 6:15 on Thursday morning.
    Then they had the flag ceremony and then they went through the awards like we earned them at Many Point, merit badges in the morning, troop stuff in the afternoon and finally a little thing from the closing camp fire.
    Instead of handing out programs they had a projector and they had some pictures along with what they were giving out and who was getting it up on the wall. Most of the pictures were mine since the main adult who usually takes pictures wasn't able to get up to camp with the troop this year.
  3. Mysterious Minifig
    I uploaded a few pictures earlier one of which was from my vacation to the Dells.

    This part of Minneapolis, the largest city in Minnesota. You can't really tell that from this picture though.

    This is what the sky out side my house looked like earlier this afternoon. Add more grey and less blue to the sky and add a cold wind and you'll know what my day has been like.
  4. Mysterious Minifig
    I watched the second showing of the premier earlier tonight. Seems like a good show. It won't go the way Hero's did for me since I don't have anything on Thursday nights this year.
    I'm looking forward to next weeks episode.
  5. Mysterious Minifig
    I spent from Thursday Morning until Sunday Morning in the Wisconsin Dells. For those of you who are curious I was at the Wilderness Resort.
    So we got there Thursday night and we went to the Klondike Kavern. We went on the Hurricane ride a few times. Since it was Thursday night there was no lines. We also went to the two other water park area's Wild West, which has the Black Hole, and Wild Water Dome, which has a huge wave pool, over the rest of our trip.
    Our room was right outside one of the Arcades so my brothers spent all the money they brought there.
    On Saturday morning my family did go-carts and mini golfing. When did go-carts I stuck with my brother for most of the run but like second to last lap I went to pass him. I ended up cutting him off though. The way the track was laid out it was either going to be him or me who cut off since I went for the pass. We ended up with a mini collision.
    And that was my vacation.
  6. Mysterious Minifig
    I have now completed my blog overhaul. Going with the the theme of my current name it is now "The Minifig Cave". I also have an image set to go with it.
    My Blog Roll up in the corner is also done, no more "Coming Soon". To go along with that I also have created my first approval and I will give it to a select few blogs pretty soon. My avatar has also been updated from the old Nightfall Incident avatar.
  7. Mysterious Minifig
    After about 1.75 years here at BZPower I've finally hit 400 posts. Some what of a major achievement considering I usually don't get above 600 posts on a forum before I either lose interest or the forum closes.
    No post special this time, maybe in another hundred. I also have a update to my blog I will be making pretty soon. You'll have to keep an eye out for it.
  8. Mysterious Minifig
    I'm now back from my vacation. I'll probably have a few pictures to show, when ever I decide to upload them.
    We got up to the cabin Friday evening. On Saturday we did some boating and I went geocaching. I didn't find the geocache but I did recover a nearby benchmark. We also went swimming after supper. Sunday was our annual Labor Day party. In the morning before anyone got there I ran out and found 1 geocache. I also recovered another benchmark.
    This year one of the traditions that has been happening for the last 5 or 6 years ended. None of the adults got soaked this year, which is probably a good thing. The reason was probably that one person brought a jet ski and so all the kids took the two paddle boats out into the lake to ride on the tube that the guy also brought. The jet ski couldn't tow the tube with people on it though, by the time we realized this, the paddle boats had drifted out to the middle of the lake. It took us almost half an hour to paddle back in.
    On Monday we did some more boating and we went swimming. Swimming was awesome. Because we didn't have our regular larger boat we ended up taking two smaller boats. I had the smallest one with the 9 1/2 horse power motor. By the time we headed back the waves had gotten pretty big. It was pretty fun crashing through the huge wave.
    So yeah, that was my vacation. I'll be having another vacation in 2 weeks.
    Oh, and now I math class this afternoon.
  9. Mysterious Minifig
    So yesterday my Boy Scout Council had a centennial celebration as a fundraiser for the people going to the Jamboree.
    We had a rib dinner as the main fundraiser. I helped with the first cooking on Tuesday morning. They then grilled them and added sauce last night and they were good. I'm not sure how many tickets they sold but they must have had a bunch of people go through. All the Jamboree people got 10 tickets to sell, and I think (or at least hope) every one sold all or most of their tickets.
    They also had a bunch of activity's for the scouts around outside of the building. One of the things they had was a Hot Air Balloon. I got to help with it. I got to help inflate it and pack it up. They were giving people rides in it to about 15 feet off the ground. It was pretty cool. I wish I had pictures but no one in my family knew that it would be there so we didn't have any pictures.
  10. Mysterious Minifig
    For the weekend I ended finding a multi-cache and a mystery cache. I also discovered two trackables and I located one benchmark.
    The multi-cache I originally tried to find with my brother but, the first stage was missing. When I found the final stage I was rewarded with a travel bug. I was going to take it to move along but it was too big to put in my pocket. I ended up writing down the tracking number for later. I also stopped at a multi-cache I found previously to discover a geocoin that is currently in it. I also found the nearby benchmark which is located in an abandoned city park.
    On Sunday I found a mystery cache. I originally did all the work for it, walking around recording some info in the park it's located in and doing some simple math, about a week earlier. By the time I got to the final location I ended up getting rained on though so I didn't find it then. Coming back yesterday I had a much easier time making the find.
    Yeah, so now I'm at 120 found. I'm going up to my grandparents cabin this weekend for Labor Day so I'll probably find a few while I'm there.
  11. Mysterious Minifig
    I spent most of the morning fixing up my bike.
    I my bike tire has been flat for the last week or so and I've finally got a new innertube in the back tire. I also rotated the treads because since the 354.89 miles I've biked since June have really wore down the treads on the back. I also did some cleaning since there was still dirt on it from camp and when I got caught in the rain.
    It now looks almost new. You won't mistake it for new if you're up close to it, but at a distance you might. I might go for a geocaching bike ride this afternoon. If something else doesn't come up.
  12. Mysterious Minifig
    ... is now finished. I think I'll be able to handle the two college classes I'm taking. I'm wondering now, why I didn't take another class.
    Oh, well I'll probably take a three in the spring.
    The odd thing is that my Math professor has uncanny resemblance to my piano teacher, both in looks and personality.
    I've only ran into one person I know so far but there are a bunch of other people on campus that I know.
  13. Mysterious Minifig
    I've finally set up a Flickr. My main reason was it will get more viewers for my LEGO creations but I'll also have some nature stuff on there too.
    It can be viewed here.
    I don't have much up yet but I will be adding more over the next week.
  14. Mysterious Minifig
    For school this year I'm taking some classes at the local college. The school district is paying for it so I get to go for free.
    I'm taking Political Science 101 and College Algebra. Political Science already met this morning. I think I'm going to like it. After listening to the professor talk about it this morning I think it will be pretty easy and I like the guy teaching it so it should be fun.
    College Algebra meets 4 days of the week in the late afternoon. I'm still wondering about it. I looked at the text book and it is not written as well as the textbooks I've used for math the last three or four years.
    My student ID card also lets me ride the city bus system for free so I can ride all over town and it won't cost me a thing.
  15. Mysterious Minifig
    When I got back from camp (see previous entry) I was not expecting BZPower to be off-line. After about 3 weeks I pretty much gave up checking back regularly. I probably would have noticed it had been turned back online sooner if I had continued to check back.
    In the next few entries I'll post about the stuff that has happened over the summer and what is happening in the future for me.
    Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more updates.
  16. Mysterious Minifig
    When I got home from my vacation there was a message on my answering machine from the camp I spent most of my summer at.
    It turns out that they didn't have enough people to fill out a special program they're running again this year. Since I was a CIT last year they offered to let me participate for free. The program is all things emergency preparedness. It should be a good time. I'm getting Red Cross CPR and Wilderness First Aid. I'm also getting a couple of merit badges.
    I'm leaving on Sunday and I'll be back on Saturday. I may not post an update here though until Monday as I have a more pressing issue I'll have to deal with online.
  17. Mysterious Minifig
    I'm to lazy to do a full write-up so you'll have to settle for a summery.
    My vacation was pretty fun. We went swimming everyday and I found 8 geocaches. I also ran in a mile race on the 5th and got third in my age group with a time of 6:07. The Fireworks I went to went for an hour and a half. We ended up leaving after an hour because it was getting late and I had to run in that race the next morning.
    When we got home we had started to clean out the car when a squirrel that probably had rabies came after us. It didn't look right and my dad was banging a shovel about 5 feet from it and it just ignored us. We killed it and then started washing the car. Then there was another squirrel same as the first. This one was under the car and we had to lure it out with the brush we were using to wash the car. For some reason it was strangely attracted to it. I've been slightly more weary of an squirrels I've seen since that.
    Oh, yeah, pictures from my trip to come at some point pretty soon.
  18. Mysterious Minifig
    I'm leaving tomorrow morning to go up to my grandparents cabin. On the way there we're picking up my brother and sister from camp.
    This should be a fun vacation. I plan on doing a lot of geocaching as this is my first trip up there since I started geocaching. I'm going to be running in a 1 mile race in Bemidiji, the big city somewhat near the cabin, Sunday morning. I'll also be doing some boating and swimming, no fishing though because I need a license and I don't have money to get one. I'll be taking my camera with so I should have some pictures to show when I get back.
    As long as I find an average of three caches a day while I'm gone I'll be over 100 found when I get back.
  19. Mysterious Minifig
    I found my 75th Geocache yesterday. It was pretty exciting. The 75th on was a multicache that someone I know hid. It ends with a hollowed out book in the reference section of the local library. It is probably one of my favorite hids.
    I will probably find number 100 sometime over the next week while I'm on vacation.
  20. Mysterious Minifig
    I've been slowly cleaning my room over the last two days. I really want to get all the way done this time. Every time I start I get half to three quarters done and then I stop. I have to disassemble all of my current LEGO creations so I can get my LEGO Bricks put away. I also have a lot of stuff lying around on the floor that I have to find space for. I cleaned up the area (outside of my room) that I was using for school work and I found my boyscout folder I have been missing for the longest time.
    Mainly I just want a clean room so I can back to it when I get home from all the trips I'm taking next month.
  21. Mysterious Minifig
    I ran a 5k this morning. It was the second time I've run a 5k. My last one was over 2 years ago. I ran a 26:07. I think it was a pretty good time. I got lucky and there were only 4 people in my age group. I guess everyone else was at one of the other five 5k's in the area. I got 73rd overall out of about 160 and 3rd in my age group. I finally have a medal from my running.
    A girl who is on the high school track team was running too. I hadn't seen her since the season ended. She's fairly slow, ran about 31 min. There was barely anyone in her age group and she also got 3rd in her age group. She left before they gave out the medals though so now I have to try to track her down to get her her medal.
  22. Mysterious Minifig
    For lack of a better entry.
    Yesterday I hid my first geocache. One of the caches I found recently was an interesting cache, instead of regular swag it contained premade micro caches made with 35mm film canister and camo ducktape. I took one and have hid it. It was published early this morning and I waiting to see who will be the First To Find.
    I personal don't like the 35mm cache containers because they aren't very water proof. Diabetic test strip containers work a whole lot better, at least until they get wore out. I filled up a sink with water and held a closed one underwater. It didn't leak. (Just to note, I'm not a diabetic but someone I know is and he gave me some of his empty containers.)
    I still need camo ducktape though. None of the stores I've been too have any. Wal-Mart had just about every other color of ducktape except camo. I'm going to have to make a trip to a hardware store to get some.
  23. Mysterious Minifig
    I had piano lessons this afternoon. The bad was they were at 2:00 instead of 1:00.
    I wanted to go running when we got back before supper but it turns out my sister had an appointment to get her braces adjusted. It was 4:30 before we got on the way home. Since it was already too late to go running we stopped to try and find a geocache but no luck there. The gloomy cloudy weather we've been having was throwing off my GPS.
    Yeah, so that's how my afternoon went. I'll probably go running tomorrow, unless it decides to rain.
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