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Mysterious Minifig

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Mysterious Minifig

  1. Mysterious Minifig
    It's been almost a week now since I started getting shin splints. So far they haven't gotten any better. At this rate I won't be able to run again this season. The season ends in less then two weeks.
    I want to finish out the cross country season, but it just seems like I won't be able to. My one big worry is that if I try to run before I really should, I could end up doing even more damage to shins. And then that could possibly hurt my final high school track season this spring.
    I'm really not sure what I should do.

  2. Mysterious Minifig
    The physics test went really well. I thought it was pretty easy when I did and I guess it was. 98% and top of the class. Class average was about 60%.
    What really makes me mad, was that I could have had 100%. I somehow circled the wrong answer for one of the multiple questions though. I knew the correct answer, but the letter I circled didn't go with that answer.

  3. Mysterious Minifig
    It looks like my cross country season could be coming to a premature end. I thought I would be able to manage the season with out getting them, but yesterday's meet proved other.
    It was the worst run of the season, at 22:31. And this is less then a week after my PR a 21:23. I was limping a bit this morning so hopefully some icing, rest, and stretching, will get me back into running soon, since there's less then 3 weeks left in the season.

  4. Mysterious Minifig
    First meeting to plan the local homeschool group's graduation ceremony was tonight. It doesn't look like there will two different ceremonies this year. That will make stuff work a lot smoother.
    Basically we have nothing done except a couple possible places to hold the ceremony. We also know we don't want to have a band thing like a group two years ago had. Hopefully it will pull together a little more over the next couple of months.

  5. Mysterious Minifig
    Rained most of today. Luckily it didn't rain as much as the forecasters originally predicted otherwise, the area outside my basement door would have flooded. There was still a huge puddle there, but it didn't get up to the house.
    The cross country practice was also better then expected, since the coach didn't make us run in the rain. Hopefully it's all past by this weekend because an all day cross country meet will not be fun in the rain.

  6. Mysterious Minifig
    Last week was my third Cross Country Meet. The course was a golf course that was pretty level. It worked out nice and I got 21:43 for a time, a new PR if only by a few seconds.
    The fourth cross country meet, two days ago, didn't work out as well. The course was also a golf course but there were a lot more hills. My time ended up being about 21:48. Time was roughly the same as my other races but I know I was working a lot harder for this one.
    I another meet this Saturday. I'll hopefully get a PR as people have told they usually get their season PR on that course.

  7. Mysterious Minifig
    Well, I finally convinced my dad to let install Firefox on one of the family's Vista computers. I need to have for my computer science class since we're covering Javascript and HTML and it works for debugging a lot better then IE.
    My computer has been off-line since one of the computer moniters died and that was the only onw with Firefox. So it was either I get my moniter back, leaving one computer for the rest of the family, or install Firefox.

  8. Mysterious Minifig
    I guess this is essentially my "sleeper" class. Up until yesterday, I probably could have slept through most of the classes. None of the stuff we covered up until that point was new to me. Maybe now it get a little more interesting. We're starting on Java Script so that should be a little bit useful at some point.
    We got start building our web pages today. My professor is going to get introduced to LEGO when she checks mine, as I linked to a couple of LEGO blogs, and my Brickshelf.
    Also, check my previous entry as I really would like some suggestions on that piece of writing.

  9. Mysterious Minifig
    I finally got caught up on all of my school work so I thought I try to get something creative done. After a bunch of false starts, I think I have a reasonable story idea to work with.
    It's about BZPower, although it's not set in a Bionicle reality like most other BZPower stories. I'm going more towards a LEGO System reality, although I'm not sure that it really comes out. I'm not sure if I should post it in LGD or COT, although I probably could get away with either place.
    The following is the first paragraphs. I'm interested in any suggestions you have.
    Climbing up the stone steps of the BZPower library, Mysterious Minifig started up in awe at the ornate façade of the building’s front. Situated on either side of the library’s steps were twin statues of Hapori Tohu. Every time he visited this place he couldn’t help but stop and admire the work of long ago craftsman.
    Pushing open the front door, he stepped into the main lobby. With its high vaulted ceiling, it had grandeur like no other building in BZPower. Along the sides of the lobby, intricately carved pillars depicting Hapori Tohu’s history ran from floor to ceiling. Off to the very left side of the lobby was an information desk, at which a forum assistant was dozing. Behind that was the entrance to the Short Stories wing of the library. A little way to the right of that was a hallway that contained the library staff offices. On the right side of the lobby was the entrance to the Comedies wing of the library.
    Walking forward, Mysterious Minifig entered the Epics wing of the library. Normally if he had been here for pleasure, he would have headed for the Short Stories wing, however, a meeting of The Order had been called and that took preference.
    Weaving his way through the well organized shelves of the Epics wing, he headed towards the oldest part of the library. Every once and a while, he walked passed someone who was looking at the books on the shelves. There were also numerous people reading in the many chairs spread throughout the wing.

  10. Mysterious Minifig
    My room is currently in process of being cleaned. It has really needed it since there is still stuff lying around from a couple of months ago, when I cleared out my dresser so I would have more room for clothes.
    My LEGO collection is still a mess, however. Sets are still piled up from the beginning of this year and I have partially disassembled MOCs stuck in random totes around my room. This is one mess that I won't be tackling anytime soon.

  11. Mysterious Minifig
    It seemed like it was a grey day out today. If I didn't have such a full schedule, I probably would have curled up with a blanket and a good book. As it was I pulled out a notebook and did a little writing during my open hour this morning.
    I want to write something, but I'm not sure where to start. I have some ideas and I've put some stuff down on paper, but it seems like I get stuck after a couple of pages. I wanted to do something for the Short Stories forum, but Bioncle writing really isn't my thing, so it would have to be something like Snoopy's BZ-Metru story. I got something started but I'm not sure where to take it.

  12. Mysterious Minifig
    The second Cross Country meet of the season was earlier today. The temperature was pretty much perfect, I'm going to say it was mid to low 60's. It was cloudy and it was sprinkling on and off, but it didn't really start raining until the last race finished, which was the girl's race for some reason.
    I ended up getting about 22:12. 26 seconds more then my previous race. I don't know, I haven't really felt fully "recharged" since that first race, so that may be part of it. We were also running on gravel that was also the seond part. I didn't have as much sprint in me for this race either.
    I still wondering if I should use my spikes. I might get a small time boost, but it also increases the chance I'll end up getting shin splints.

  13. Mysterious Minifig
    For the first time ever, I have the house completely to my self. It's only going to be this way for one night though. I get to drive up to my grand parents cabin tomorrow after work. It should be pretty interesting.
    I know the way to get up there, and it's a pretty straight shot (get on a road and don't get off it), but I don't think I ever driven up there before, even with my parents. I rode up there a lot, but being a passenger and drive are completely different. I'll probably get the transmitter for my mp3 player going and listen to that. It's about 3 hours so I have enough music for both ways.
    On saturday I get another long car ride up to the Candian border to see some relatives on my dad's side of the family. We are going into Canada though, because we don't want to have to get passports.
    It should be an interesting trip.

  14. Mysterious Minifig
    Is it really September already? It seems like it was yesterday that I was finishing up with track and starting my summer.
    I really haven't blogged enough lately and that probably won't change. School started on Monday last week and I've been pretty busy since then. Physics, Microeconomics, and Intro to Computer Science have me pretty swamped. Not to mention work, cross country and Boy Scouts.
    Cross Country has also been keeping me pretty busy. First meet of the season was yesterday. I think I did pretty good. 21:46.51 for a 5k isn't too bad. It put me in third place for the JV people on my team. I don't know what my overall position was.
    So yeah, I hope to blog a little bit more this month, but it may not happen. I'm also going to be gone this weekend to my grandparents cabin.

  15. Mysterious Minifig
    On Sunday night I got to see Big Daddy Weave in Concert. Andy Kirk and Aaron Shust also performed.
    Andy Kirk was the first performer. He was decent I guess, but I'm not too impressed. Aaron Shust was pretty good. He has a good voice and some of his songs are pretty good.
    Big Daddy Weave was also really good. I saw them probably 4 or 5 years ago when they toured with Mark Schultz on his Broken and Beautiful Tour. They were a lot better this time. They use a sax for some of the songs, particularly the ones off the One and Only album.

  16. Mysterious Minifig
    School Started for me on Monday. Bad news was that I still didn't have all my classes lined up.
    I orginally was registered for a calculus class, but it wasn't the right one. I had to drop that and none of the classes for the claculus class I need to take fit my schedule. Well, there was one, but the fact that about half the people on a professor review site used the word evil to describe the professor scared me off.
    I ended up adding general physics. That didn't really fit my schedule yesterday though, so I had to skip lunch to get to work on time.
    This semester is going to be pretty busy and I really don't know how much time I'll have to spend on the computer.

  17. Mysterious Minifig
    Well, in ten days my summer officially ends. Classes start for the fall semester and I'll be swamped with homework and cross country practice.
    It sort of feels like this summer has been a washout. But that's not really true. I've done a lot of stuff, most of it wasn't stuff I was really planning on doing though. I had my trip to DC and the National Scout Jamboree. I also had a long vacation at my grandparents cabin over the week of the 4th of July.
    I didn't really get stuff done that I really wanted to get done. Coming off the end of track season I had this huge workout plan, involving a lot of running and some biking and swimming. I got it started but then I came down with whooping cough. It really wasn't that bad, but I couldn't do any running for about a month. That month ended right before I left on the week long vacation. One thing lead to another and now this week has really been the only running I've done this summer.
    The one good thing about getting sick was that it gave my legs some much needed rest that has completely healed my shin splints (for now).

  18. Mysterious Minifig
    I'm pretty much done unpacking, I have to reclean my room though so that could take a while.
    I want to get pictures up, but I just maxed out my basic Flickr account. Now I need to decide if I want to pay $25 to have unlimited use or if I'm going to have find something else.

  19. Mysterious Minifig
    Thursday night is when I'm leaving for Washington DC and the Jamboree. At that point there will be no way to contact me until after I arrive at the Jamboree on July 26th. I will also be gone from BZPower the entire time of this trip.
    I will be turning my personal messager off-line shortly before I leave on Thursday afternoon. At that point the only way to contact me will be through the e-mail me option on my profile. I would just give out my e-mail address, but my dad had to have this wonderful idea to make my address my full name.
    I'll also be watching the planning topic. My subscritpion is set up so that I can see all the posts made over the previous 24 hours. This means I may or may not get any information posted there. The best way to make sure I get a message is to use the e-mail feature. If you require a response please include your e-mail address in the message.

  20. Mysterious Minifig
    I finished my final merit badge last night. Now I'm just working on collecting references and the final signatures and then my Eagle Scout Application will be sent off to the local council. It feels good to finally be done with every thing.
    The only bad news is that it sounds like the local eagle board is swamped, so there could be a long delay before I get to be boarded. I have to be boarded before the 13th of September or I won't be able to get an Eagle Palm.

  21. Mysterious Minifig
    I'm going to be heading up to my grandparents cabin for my family's annual 4th of July trip. Normally we would have already made a couple of trips up there, but because my siblings decided they had to do organized sports this summer that hasn't happened.
    It should be a fun time. We'll probably go swimming almost every day. I also hope to make the trip to clean up the rest of the island geocaches I hven't found. I also want to take a trip to a nearby state park, which for some odd reason, we've never been to.
    It should be a fun time and I'll probably have more pictures to share when I get back. We'll be up there until July 11. Don't expect me on too much until I get back.
    I'll also get to check my cell phone service at the cabin. My family use to have only virgin mobile phones and they didn't get service up there. It look like Net 10 will have service there, but it may not turn out that way.

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