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Alena Spirit of Hyperness

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Blog Comments posted by Alena Spirit of Hyperness

  1. *Pats your back*


    Tis okay Brickie. My mom started a Youth Group, and I'm forced to go to it even when I don't want too.


    Worst part? I'm in the same position as you. .-. I'm here for ya though. ^_^ If ya ever need to vent, you got me on Skype.

  2. Also! I noticed a lil' Add button at the side of my MSN... We might be able to do a group convo, but I dunno for sure yet. I'ma test it out...


    MSN upgraded for me a while ago, too. :P But I never bothered to see if it can do group chats. XD Anyone want me to test it out?


    Also, Skype is acting the same way as Sumi's is for him. Only, it logs me out, and doesn't log me back in. >-<


    EDIT: I just found out we can do MSN group chats. ^-^

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