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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Bfahome

  1. (|}

    Here's an Ignika! :D

    I'm giving them out for free. :P

  2. Indeed I do.

    I'm doing badly this time, though. D:





  4. So you can claim it?

  5. Profile pic = /uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png" />

  6. *hugs* Thank you for not letting BZP explode. :D

  7. It's the nub name I used when signing up for a LEGO account many years ago. I use it now for consistency's sake.

  8. Another awesome BZPer that I never got to meet… ;_;

  9. NO U


    Also signoff lol.

  10. copehkat. >:(

  11. *views and copies source of your profile*

  12. It's okay. :) Here's a cookie. *gives cookie*

  13. PSSSST!





    Fix yer avatar. :P

  14. GG for the win! :D

  15. Can't read what he's saying! D:

  16. *ASPLODES*



  17. Umm… interesting… picture… O__o

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