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Everything posted by -Tarik-

  1. Guten Tag! Sprechen Sie Duetsch?

  2. Good man I am proud of you ^^ You're lucky I actually know you. Resev got my vote last time because I didn't know who anybody was besides Resev.
  3. -Tarik-

    He's Back

    Ebay. The collector's best friend. You could do something extra special for your parents and maybe they'll be inclined... 1) I don't think I can use Ebay. ;; 2) Parents never have and never will get me sets. ...I'm possibly thinking about doing a trade around for Zaktan, I'll have to make a entry about it soon... Good luck! I hope you finally get him.
  4. -Tarik-

    He's Back

    Ebay. The collector's best friend. You could do something extra special for your parents and maybe they'll be inclined...
  5. Ooh, I think I know where this is going >=)

  6. My fusion power grants me the ability to rip objects apart as well as fuse them together, so keep that in mind when you choose an opponent.

  7. Whoa, awesome personal pic!

  8. Whoohoo, I can't wait!

  9. I didn't vote for anybody, I am neutral.
  10. -Tarik-

    Ranna Vs. Resev!

    I shall remain neutral. :wakeup2:
  11. *waves hand in front of unconscious body*

  12. -Tarik-

    He's Back

    Thok isn't important enough . Though I do admit, he is very cool.
  13. -Tarik-

    He's Back

    I wonder how he'll be any help in his mutant form.... "Glub Glub!"
  14. -Tarik-


    You should consider yourself lucky, nobody wants to steal my brains. They aren't good enough But just to fit in..... BRAAAAAIIIIIIINNSSSSS!!!
  15. When do you think my GS comic will be up?

  16. Thank you for putting a link to my epic on your blog =)

  17. Why did my comment make you mad?

  18. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend =(

  19. What?! Your face isn't warped!

  20. You know how I said I would make FF characters out of Bionicle parts? Well, I think I'll make a few minifigs first.

  21. IT'S CLOUD!!! *asks for autograph*

  22. 'Ello chap.

  23. I'll be putting a picture of one of the Sentries from my epic up soon, as well as a map of Kao Nui.

  24. I don't know whether it's actually specified which arm is mechanical, so I think your safe. I like it, especially the robotic arm. It still looks like it could be Roodaka, but it still looks like Lariska.
  25. Once you get 2400 posts you'll get a new rank, right(like I'm a seeker)? Maybe not, because I just got 300 posts and I'm still a seeker...

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