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Hidron Nuva

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Year 15


About Hidron Nuva

  • Birthday 02/13/1994

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Rhymes with Italy :D
  • Interests
    As I wrote above I like drawing. I also enjoy playing video games and reading, even though I don't get to do either as much as I'd like to.
    Note that I mainly read fantasy and YA, don't expect me to be a man of culture!

    I like music, I listen to a little bit of everything. I like epic music from movie trailers :D
    I love both reading and creating stories, although I start lots of projects and don't finish any. Also, my plots turn out kinda lame usually.

    I like fantasy stuff, I love the The Elder Scrolls games and the elves from the Lord of the Rings. I'm a major fan of Morrowind.
    I can use Photoshop and know a little bit of 3D and modding.
    Of course I like BIONICLE a lot, and I'm a fan of Exo-Force too. I also loved LEGO Universe, before it was shut down.

    If there's anything else you want to know just PM ;)

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  1. Your avatar = win. XD Great one, dude!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      No, fortunately there are no tests untill next year :D (exept for tomorrow's one actually)

      Why don't holidays start already D:

      I'm kinda in a sleepy/tired/don't-like-my-life phase, but I'm sure it wil get better after the holidays ^^


      No, never seen it, sorry :\

      How's school going on?

    3. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      Lucky you. ^^

      Me too! I can't wait for them, so that I can at least take a break. Sleeping until nine in the morning FTW. xP

      Ah, I knew it. It's not so famous... but if you're searching for a nice, dramatic movie, you should watch it. Uh, maybe you know something about the book it was taken from, "Novecento". Or at least about the author, Alessandro Baricco. Any ideas?

    4. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      As for school, let's say enough good. I seemingly can't get past the 7.5/8 level in most subjects. :/ Good indeed, but I was used to get better marks... I need to work harder and play less. And you?

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