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Blog Entries posted by ExoFat

  1. ExoFat
    RPGRL is the new home of RPG Fit! Sign up in this blog entry, but go to the topic and podcast for updates and tasks.

    Is your RPG health in question? Do you long to drop that noobish weight? Are your creative muscles in need of... stretching?

    If so, then you've come to the right place! This is a program designed by experts to completely purge the newb within and make you a better, stronger, slimmer RPer than ever before. Here's how it works. Simply sign up today for no cost at all, and we will provide an RPing related task for you each Wednesday to perform throughout the week. Signing up has its benefits, mostly a shiny banner (that is yet to be made) and extra awesome points. Referring others to this program will earn you more awesome points.

    So take charge of your health and join today!

    Also take a look at Lazok's Story Fit! It focus primarily on works of creative writing!

    Dangeresque (He made the banner! )
    The Rover
    Shadow Kurahk
    Chaos Lord Zahaki
    Vorox Chief
    Imperial Officer
    Rising Moon
    Jackson Lake

  2. ExoFat
    Credit to Bfahome

    The time is NOW! We must unite in creative awesome against the evils of the Empress. On our side we have the powers of love and creativity. On theirs they only have darkness and chaos. No, this is not Lego Universe! This is real, and we must conquer!

    This post will be the new headquarters for the rebellion. An organized force that is for peace and love. Our next step should be to assert dominion over the Creative Outlet, then we need to slowly extend our forces throughout the Incarnations. All is not lost yet! If you have any ideas for how we can crush the Empress, feel free to post here.

    If you wish to declare yourself for the rebellion, sign your name here. Show them that not even Puffins can crush the might of BZPower, the might of the creative soul.

    The Excellent People
    Toa Velox
    Toa Kaitan Thunder Inferno
    Preston Stormer
    A Sah Shi
    Republic Commando Niner
  3. ExoFat
    First of all, congrats to CJ and TPTI for joining our ranks!
    Second, this is a comedy I wrote up about the RPG Approval process in COT. Due to certain members believing that it makes the Judges look bad *coughSisencough*, I have decided to post it here in my blog instead. Note that all characters portrayed here are not my perceptions of you as a person. Also realize that my style is not well refined in the humor department. XD
    And TPTI! I don't know you that well, so I just made your character up based on your display name Please don't kill me!

    The COT RPG Judges 

    robo1000: Gais, post nao!
    Judgemaster: That was unnecessary, 1000. Please have patience. From what I can see of your RPG, it needs a lot of work. Instead of actually giving you advice, however, I will let the others come in here and rip you apart.
    Realty: Not Approved (1)
    robo1000: Aww mann please reconsider. It’s awesum!
    Royal Judge: I’ll tell you what this is, 1000. This is the worst RPG I’ve ever seen. Please add more description, especially about the money system and the different factions.
    Realty: Not Approved (2)
    robo1000: *adds description* I edited
    *A footnote appears in the submission that states “Description is here”*
    Crimson Judge: ###### This is the ###### RPG ##### EVER! You ##### ##### $%$#$##### should never #$#%#$^$#$^##^###$%$% RPGs #$%^#^%#$^$#^$%#^$#^$%# again!
    Realty: Not Approved(3)
    robo1000: *cries* I’ll even fix my gramer if it makes you feel better.
    Not a Judge: 1000, it’s grammar, not gramer.
    Judgemaster: You are Not a Judge, and thus not allowed to post here.
    Not a Judge: Non judges can post advice.
    Judgemaster: That was not advice. That was flame.
    Ghost Judge: BOO!
    Realty: Not Approved (4)
    Not a Judge: What about CJ, was that flame? And Ghost Judge just booed! Is that flame?
    Judgemaster: No. That was advice.
    Powahful Judge: I call upon the powahs of Tohu to grant me the wisdom to approve this RPG. We thank thee, Tohu, and thy servants Bink, Rex, B6, D, and Ninjo for this bountiful forum in which we may share our thoughts on-
    Judgemaster: Ahem. No religion allowed in forums. That post is spam, Powahful.
    Powahful Judge: Tish not spam! Tish a religion!
    Judgemaster: *facepalms* Exactly…. Just approve the game, or not.
    Powahful Judge: Tohu, in his infinite grace has granted me the ability to give this game a rating. And that rating shall be Realty: Not Approved(5). It shall not be Realty: Not(5) unless thou proceedest on to Realty: Not Approved(5). Realty: Approved(5) is right out!
    And this RPG shall snuff it….
    Judgemaster: That’ll be enough, Powahful.
    Iduncare Judge: I don’t really care about this. I’ve seen it before and I didn’t care. So I don’t care if it makes it or not.
    Realty: Approved(1)
    robo1000: yayz an approval!
    Judgemaster: You realize you just approved a horrible RPG?
    Iduncare Judge: I don’t care..
    Confused Judge: Everyone always forgets about me… Anyway, this game doesn’t make any sense.
    Realty: Not Approved(6)
    robo1000: It doesn’t have to be historical! I have my rights!
    Fat Judge: *runs up panting* Guys! Lehman Brothers just filled Class 11 bankruptcy! The stock market has crashed and real estate is down the drain! Sell your stocks before it’s too late!
    Oh look! An RPG! Realty: Not Approved(7)
    Crimson Judge: ####$%$#&^%&^%#&*%#@$#%&%#%&$!@$^#%#@%#^@^$#&^%%@!@%#$&$#$!
    Royal Judge: What he said!
    Iduncare Judge: I don’t really care..
    *everyone runs off, leaving robo1000 alone*
    *Omigosh walks by*
    Omigosh: Whatcha got there
    robo1000: An RPGee… Do you liek it?
    Omigosh: It sucks
    robo1000: *cries*
  4. ExoFat
    The best forum on this whole freaking site is dying a slow and painful death. But there is hope! We can save the forum! All you have to do is vote in the RPGC! Convince your friends to vote! Raise awareness of the awesomeness that penetrates the forum!

    RPGC17 Contest Topic RPGC17 Semifinal Poll 1 RPGC17 Semifinal Poll 2
    RPGC17 Final Poll

    Night Falls -Skakdi Warlord Gold
    The long forgotten island of Mazran Nui was a beautiful place of peace and light. Then the Makuta attacked, and split the Gods of the land into beings of light and darkness. The epic conflict of good and evil continues even in this long lost land.
    The Three That Are One
    The Three That Are One -Twilight Titan Lord
    As Ackar chronicles the history of the Grafting and the coming together of the peoples of the Matoran Universe and Spherus Magna, he knows little of the ever present dangers that lurk in the shadows.

    City of Steam -Toa of Dancing
    Giant mechas and steampunk machines are the norm as Matoran society expands through the stars. But can the species survive the impending doom of intergalactic warfare with the Deities?
    The Legend of Mata Nui
    The Legend of Mata Nui -Imperial Officer
    The plan failed for both the Makuta and the Toa. Without the Turaga or Toa to lead them, the Matoran tribes have soon descended into violent warfare. Where is the unity that once permeated this island paradise?
    Break -TMV-Spirit Nui
    The races of the world have left the virtues and the path of Mata Nui by creating an extremely corrupt organization known as the Great Council. Will you be the one to restore all that is right and good?

    Onto the World -Tahuisgreat
    The Blood Tide slumbers beneath the feet of the unsuspecting Matoran on Eldriis Nui. But outside forces threaten the solitude of the peaceful villagers. The tide of blood is coming.
    Aku-Nui: Black Sun
    Aku-Nui: Black Sun -The X
    The Black Sun has struck Aku-Nui and sucked all light from its surface. Shadowy clones of the villagers are most of what remains under the vale of darkness. All hope has departed.
    Top Secret: Operation Endgame
    Top Secret: Operation Endgame -Tafu
    Welcome to Cesren-Nui, Agent. The Great Empress is the ruler here and has been for who knows long. All the agencies want your skills at their disposal. Make sure to bring your license to kill.
    Run For Your Life!
    Run For Your Life! -I Am Become Death
    The twisted world of Mata-Nui's dreams has fallen into chaos. The only hope of safety from the advancing horde lies in a far distant stronghold. Is this the end of the line and can we make it in time?

    Darkspace -Lloyd the White Wolf
    The Nightstars have invaded the lands of the Solar Legion, kidnapping and transforming helpless Matoran into mutated zombie cyborgs. Space is cold, an infinite night of darkness with few points of light in sight.

    Realm of Darkness -Atomic Zombie Apocalypse
    It has been fifteen years after the exile of Makuta Teridax and a golden age of light has spread throughout the Matoran Universe. But what happens when all the Av-Matoran in the world are kidnapped by a group of mysterious beings bent on undermining the very fabric of society?

    A Fraction of Greatness -Exo-Fat
    The Core War has just shattered Spherus Magna. Set forth as the only path to survival, the Glatorian Plan promises the haggard people their lives. But how much blood are they willing to pay for it?
    A Midnight's Requiem: Night Everlasting
    A Midnight's Requiem: Night Everlasting -In Brightest Day
    The peoples of this world have seen many a civilization rise and fall. Metru-Nui, Mata-Nui, and others have been causalities in this enduring conflict. Once again, they are determined to rebuild their lives, but is it really worth it? Will the darkness truly last forever?

    Legends -Madness
    Several hundred thousand years have passed since the events of the BIONICLE saga. Few remain alive to pass on the stories of that era. All who possess elemental powers are cast out of society in an escalating conflict of twisted morals.
    Riot! -Rue: TheGhostThatNeverWas
    Tuyet rules her stunning Toa Empire with her fist of steel. Corrupt officials run the government on all levels. Slowly, but surely a revolution of enormous proportions in beginning to erupt from beneath the city.
    Solstice -Tohunga Tahnok
    The denizens of the Matoran Universe have risen to the stars with the help of the Great Beings. However, perhaps not all expansion is a good thing. Whatever the case, the universe will never be the same.
    War -Toa Nidhiki05
    One thousand years of peace have followed the fall of Makuta Teridax. But that peace is about to end. The Red Star has collided with Spherus Magna, causing a world of hurt for those still alive to feel it.
    Endless Boundaries: Ocean Cruise
    Endless Boundaries: Ocean Cruise -Kal the Guardian
    The perfect vaction is right at your fingertips. Are you hankering for a break from the monotony of daily life? Don't worry. Your safety is guaranteed.... we think.

    A New Moon At Midnight -The Count of Neya Magna
    Humanity has invaded the island of Mata-Nui! The survival of the Matoran race is in your hands. Which side will end up triumphant in the end?
    And there you have it. These are the RPGC17 entries, all 19 of them, the lowest ever for an RPGC. I encourage you to vote for any of these. There is still time left! The RPG Forum needs your support! Fellow RPers! Link to this entry in some way shape or form to support RPing on BZP. Together we can save this forum!
  5. ExoFat
    The above quote block is my first ever entry, published on October 30th, 2008. Today is April 11th, 2010, a little more than a year and a half afterwards. At the time I first posted this, believed that I would stay with BZPower forever. Recently I have realized that this is not and cannot be the case.
    From the moment I first glimpsed the homepage of this website, BZPower and I were bound together on my journey through life. I spent nearly every available waking hour intergrating myself into the wonderful community that we have here. I wrote stories, I posted discussions, I ran and played many RPGs. All the while BZPower was at the forefront. It was my life. It was here that I learned how to deal with complete strangers. It was here that I learned what it means to truly be part of a community.
    But as Lazok so artfully put it, communities give back what they get. And if you don't give, niether do they. Those days where I gave my all to BZPower were some of the absolute best of my life. But over time, as things got darker and my path in life got narrower, I found myself able to give less and less. In return I recieved less and less. This website became more of an escape for me, a way to hide from my problems. It was no longer a community that I was actively involved in. So I moved on and so did BZPower.
    There were spurts of activity now and then, but they always degenerated as the need for the escape slowly left. Once I had the need again, my activity resurged. But no matter how much I meant that I wanted to stay, deep inside, I always knew that I never could.
    In truth I began seriously considering leaving this website back in October of 2009, when certain events in life led me to discover just how much I was using this website, and in turn the wonderful people I associated with, as a selfish crutch. I'm sorry people. I shouldn't have led you on like that.
    Once I log off in just a few minutes after posting this, I will never log on again. I will not be on AIM. I will not answer emails. My RPG will be closed. It will be as if I never existed. But it will all be for the better. I need to be able to face my problems without hiding in these pixels. And face them I will.
    I honestly don't know how many of you will read all of this but I'd like to say a few things to the members who made my stay here so enjoyable. Jedi Gali, you were my first friend here. Your words motivated me to be an active part of this community. Neya and Detranix, my Pikmin buddies. You guys are great. But remember that even though Olimar leaves the planet, he never forgets the people who saved him. The same, I will do for you.
    Rockhound and Robo, you guys were my two best friends here. You are some of the most loyal people I have ever met, and I continue to hold you in high regard, even though you have already gone your separate ways. TPTI, Spink, and Necro, you always injected a voice of reason into some of the insanity. I thank you for that. EmperorWhenua, my liege. I think you'll be in need of a new ASPL. But I'll be there in spirit.
    Alex Humva, Outbreak was the single best RPG experience I had on this site. You may be a little hard headed at times, but never ever think of yourself as a madman like Steven. You're much too good for that. Sisen, my co-miserator. We may have had a falling out recently, but I always remember you as one of the most understanding people I have met. Tafu, Kiotu, Toa of Dancing, and Rising Moon: thanks for trusting me.
    Finally, I'd like to thank the Staff. These are some of the best people I have ever met, and this is the single greatest group of moderators I have seen. Your dedication continues to astound me, and I am honored to have worked with you.
    And so I come to the end of the journey with you. I bid you farewell and good luck. Because although good friends come and go, good friendships last forever. And as pathetic as it may seem to say it, this website contains some of the best friendships I have ever had. Those will truly last forver.
    Do something crazy, because what is life without a little insanity?
    P.S- Watch out for Shade's head.
  6. ExoFat
    There is nothing down there. No joy, no love, no light. Nothing but the drip of falling water and the pounding of hammers.

    The stars. The nightlights of a darkened sky. For centuries they have done nothing but good for us. They guide us in our journeys. They light our path when we cannot. They foretell of things to come. For all time Matorankind has been enthralled by the stars.

    Times have changed.

    Makuta’s reign of terror swept over Mata-Nui. For over two thousand years the Matoran fought bravely against the Makuta and his Rahi. They were driven and slaughtered until only one option remained. Led by Ta-Koro, the Matoran escaped into the ground, leaving the lights of the stars behind them. There, they hoped, they would be safe from Makuta.

    When they departed for the tunnels the Turaga combined their remaining powers to seal the island: no being of shadow could walk its shores. Makuta was expelled from Mata-Nui forever. However, the sheer exertion of energy killed the Turaga.

    Under the guidance of Jala, Hahli, and others, the Matoran created an extensive tunnel network. They had all that they needed for survival. Slowly, but surely, those who remembered the world above died. The culture of years past slipped away. The Matoran became more technologically capable, and the Undercity became more advanced than even Metru-Nui.

    What’s worse, they forgot the stars, they forgot Makuta, and they forgot the three virtues they had fought for. Five hundred thousand years passed in relative peace. Makuta was regarded as a mere myth. The Matoran lived in happiness and harmony.

    Until, that is, one Koro went too far.

    During one of their expeditions to find more lava, the Ta-Koronans delved too deep. They burst open an underground magma pocket. A pillar of molten rock burst through the cavern roof. The top came crashing down and the lava farmers struggled to escape. Only one survived.

    The next Inter-Koro council meeting was tense. Reports of strange Rahi were surfacing all through the Undercity. There was a water shortage. One by one the Koros turned on each other. The Onu-Matoran refused to supply Ga-Koro with protodermis if they didn’t receive water. Le-Koro blamed the Rahi attacks upon the Ta-Koronans, because their miners had opened up a hole to the world above. Ko-Koro withdrew itself from the council without another word and Po-Koro was left to fend for itself amongst an emerging war.

    Civil war has sprung up and you are caught in the crossfire. Whatever happened to Unity, Duty, and Destiny? The virtues are dead. You must rely upon your wits and your strength to survive. We have forgotten our past, the present is in shambles, and we might not live to see the future…

    Playing the Game
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Abyss is a six way civil war. You can take up arms as one of the drastically evolved Matoran and fight for your Koro’s sovereignty. Beware. Dangerous Rahi lurk below…

    A Player Driven Story
    Due to mishaps of my management of The Playground I have decided to ditch the memo system and rely more on a player driven storyline. This way, players will not be so confused if I have to leave for an extended period of time.

    I will still start things off and make sure that everything keeps rolling. But that’s mostly it. The players are in charge of the game. If you want to dig to the center of the earth, by all means try it. Just make sure you have a lot of Ta-Matoran with you.

    I would also like to point out a few differences between this and the cannon.

    • The MU is a planet, not Mata-Nui.
    • The Toa were never summoned.
    • Matoran have much lower life expectancies

    That’s about all I have to say here. Read on!
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «In Abyss you have the entire interior of a planet at you disposal. Go exploring, mine new tunnels, dig for jewels or proto. There are several unexplored tunnels that you can use at your pleasure. There are also the more developed areas.

    The Undercity: The Undercity is an extensive network of tunnels and caverns, linked by a network of Slides, powered by thousands of Generators, and lit by the glittering of millions of Lightstones. It is divided into three separate levels and further into six Koros.

    Surface Caverns: The Surface caverns are the closest Undercity level to the Overworld. These caves are cold and damp. Water often freezes here. The Surface Caverns contain Ko-Koro and the majority of the Ko-Matoran.

    Transition Caverns: Housing Po-Koro,Ga,Le, and parts of Onu-Koro the Transition Caverns represent the majority of the Undercity. They are much more temperate than the Surface caverns and therefore are the living quarters for most of the Matoran.

    Deep Caverns: The only Matoran that can stand to live here are those of Ta, and a few dwellers of Onu-Koro. The Deep Caverns are filled to the brim with magma. It makes everything unbearably hot. Frequent accidents result in a high mortality rate for those who live here, and pockets of molten rock often burst unexpectedly. A very dangerous place indeed.

    Slide Station: I bet you’re wondering right. “What the heck is a slide?” Well I’ll tell you. You’ve heard of chutes. You know what they do. Well a Slide is a chute, only better. You see, there is a certain magnetic mineral, that when dipped in EP becomes self perpetuating (like a bacteria. It copies itself).

    Slides are created when this mineral is formed into a half pipe like shape, large enough for a Matoran. The duplication of the Slides are guided until they reach a destination. Then EP is poured along the slide, causing it to revert back to a non-duplicating state. To use one you simply pick out your destination and hop in the corresponding Slide.

    Ko-Koro: The chilling air of the Surface Caverns fills the highly advanced realm of Ko-Koro. Icicles hang from the ceiling and Ko-Matoran run too and fro.

    Generator Field: Thousands of Lightstone Generators power the Undercity. Lightstones are mined in Onu-Koro and then sent by Slide to the Generator Field. When Lightstones are cracked open they release bursts of energy. This is what fuels the generators. The field is more like a flat cavern with a low hanging ceiling that houses all the generators that the Undercity needs.

    Thinking Chambers: Small, rounded caverns that are completely soundproof. They are often the best places to go and meditate or find answers to life’s most puzzling questions.

    Sealed Entrance: The tunnel to the Overworld is blocked off by a seal that was placed there by the Turaga. Nothing can get in and out through that way. It is the place where the Matoran first came down into the Undercity.

    Po-Koro: Heat from the Deep Caverns floats up to the higher levels and into the region of Po-Koro, making it the warmest area on the middle level by far. The sound of pounding hammers and the whir of machinery fills the air.

    Hall of Sculpture: After completing the slavery portion of their right of passage, Po-Matoran must create a sculpture by hand, and place it in the hall. If it is deemed satisfactory, the Matoran truly becomes part of the Koro. The Hall is filled with sculptures big and small. It makes for an impressive sight.

    Great Quarry: The Great Quarry one of the few mining areas outside of Onu-Koro and is the largest by far. This is because it is the only place where the minerals necessary to make Slides are mined. The Quarry is often a dangerous place with frequent landslides.

    Arena: Situated in the center of Po-Koro, Matoran from all areas come here to test their skills. There are many events, such as swimming, fighting, and running. Every Po-Matoran’s dream is to make it big some day and become an Arena champion.

    Ta-Koro: The sweltering heat, the flashes of light, the bangs and clanks of metallic protodermis being pounded out. All are characteristic of Ta-Koro. Magma flows are common, everyday affairs. When one lives deep beneath the earth one has to deal with it.

    Foundries: New masks, weapons, and armor are pounded out each day. The gigantic metal structure is always hot to the touch. If an item isn’t satisfactory, they just tossed it back in the magma. A large majority of Ta-Matoran spend their day here.

    Harvest Field: A wide cavern filled with molten rock. Lava farmers come there to pipe the liquid out towards the Foundries. The Ta-Matoran work by standing on the pipes, which are suspended several feet above the magma. If you fall, you’re a goner.

    Lava Canals: Gigantic pipes used to divert melted rock away from the village of Ta-Koro and to the Harvest Field. They form a large loop around the city. Recently, though they have begun to crack. If they break the results could be disastrous.

    Ga-Koro: Ga-Koro is known for its absolute tranquility. One just feels peaceful by simply standing there. You don’t have the hustle and bustle of the other Koros, just the calm flow of the river, and your own thoughts.

    Wall of Books: A gigantic wall of organized books. Each book is made of thin stone plates and then archived in the Wall. Making a book is a painstaking process of chiseling out each individual letter. If you break a page you have to start over again. This area serves as the library and archives for the Undercity. Several sleeping Bohrok had been found early on and their shells put on display at the Wall.

    Great Temple: One of the first things that the Matoran did was build a temple to Mata-Nui. It is a large, cone shaped structure situated along the banks of the Endless River. Matoran from across the city come to pay their respects to the Great Spirit.

    Endless River: A cool, calm river that flows down from the surface. No one knows exactly where it comes from, though some speculate its source is Lake Naho. In any case, Matoran are forbidden to travel up or down river, lest they “disturb the sacred source”. In recent times, the river has dried up, leaving the Undercity short on water.

    Le-Koro: Le-Koro is the most humid of all of the section of the Undercity, as well it should be. It is nearby the Endless River and very close to the Deep Caverns. Therefore there is an abundance of subterranean plant life that thrives amongst the happy go lucky folks of the village of air.

    Great Dam: Over the years, the Le-Matoran secretly constructed a dam across the Endless River. Thus adding fuel to the fire of war. It is a large structure that completely blocks the flow of the river. To stop their Koro from being flooded, they built a tunnel that diverts the water away from the Undercity and towards the center of the earth.

    Forest of Stone: The remains of an ancient forest were long ago petrified by time. The Le-Koronans discovered it and painstakingly carved out each tree and plant. Now several kio of trees have been uncovered and more are being found all the time. The best estimates say that there are at least three hundred to seven hundred more kio of trees left.

    Matau’s Mushrooms: Who in the world was Matau and why would someone name mushrooms after him? No body knows anymore, but they do know that the mushrooms along the river bank supply the city with large amounts of medicinal items and food. Some of the mushrooms reach as large as three hundred bio, growing bigger as the cavern erodes away. The Undercity does not have those fancy things like Metru-Nui where you can absorb energy from them. They rely on actual food and minerals for sustenance.

    Onu-Koro: By far the largest of all six Koros, Onu-Koro stretches through the Transition and Deep Caverns, and out far beyond the Undercity. Its mines provide the city with the majority of its needs. You’ll find that it is among the busiest of Koros. The hubbub can be quite annoying if you are not from around there.

    Great Mine: The largest portion of Onu-Koro is contained within the Great Mine. It is here that they mine such essential substances as EP, Proto, and Lightstones. Unlike the Quarry in Po-Koro, the Onu-Koronans have built an incredibly stable mine that has nary seen a collapse in millennia. Instead of relying on new fangled things such as Slides, they utilize Ussal Crabs to cart their rocks to and fro.

    Plate Rift: At the edge of Onu-Koro is the Plate Rift. It is the site of the great collision between two continental plates. There have been frequent earthquakes in this area. Around here the mine has stopped expanding. Unless they can get through or around it somehow, progress has ceased.

    Ussal Hatchery: While the rest of the Undercity uses slides, Onu-Koro still does things the old fashioned way. Ussals haven’t changed much, only grown larger and stronger due to selective breeding. This is the place where all the eggs are laid. Players may come here to receive an Ussal as a reward from the staff.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Ko-Koro

    The only Koro to have maintained a semblance of neutrality in the war. The reason being that every Koro has to come to them for the Enhancers necessary for successful battle. Ko-Koronans like their peace and quiet. However, a small minority has sprung up that feels like they must protect Ko-Koro’s interests at all costs.

    Ko-Koro is the most technologically advanced of all six Undercity Koros. It was Ko-Koronans who invented the Enhancers, the Slides, and the Generators. They can instantly shut off power and supplies to any other Koro with just a flick of a switch. Whoever controls Ko-Koro controls the outcome of the war.

    Included Locations:
    • Surface Caverns
    • Generator Field
    • Thinking Chambers
    • Sealed Entrance

    Ko-Matoran: Over time the Matoran evolved in their underground caverns. They became more adapted to their surroundings. The Ko-Matoran in particular have spent so much time exercising their minds that they have developed a form of weak telekinesis.

    • Ko-Matoran have weak telekinetic powers that allows them to move small objects.
    • Ko-Matoran are more powerful at using Enhancers.
    • Resistance to the cold of surface caverns.

    • Ko-Matoran are less physically capable in all areas. They are generally slower and weaker than most Matoran.
    • Susceptible to the intense heat of lower caverns.
    • Like most Matoran, their eyesight has deteriorated to the point where light is painful to the extreme.


    Work, work, work is the motto of Po-Koro. The village of stone was dragged into the conflict when the other Koros demanded the use of Po-Matoran slaves in battle. Po-Koronan representatives refused and instead called all Po-Matoran back home and away from the mines and workhouses. This enraged the other Koros, fueling the flames of war.

    Po-Matoran are highly nationalistic. The will of their Koro Leader is above all other authorities. They will push themselves to death if it means fulfilling his wishes. Po-Koronans sell themselves as slaves as part of their right of passage. Whoever works the hardest is awarded, while lazy workers are publicly humiliated. They are often regarded as the least intellectual of the Koros, but never underestimate the sheer will power of a Po-Matoran.

    Included Locations:
    • Transition Caverns
    • Hall of Sculpture
    • Great Quarry
    • Arena

    Po-Matoran: Over time the Matoran evolved in their underground caverns. They became more adapted to their surroundings. The Po-Matoran strive to be the strongest, the best worker. Therefore, over time, they evolved into the most physically powerful of all Matoran. However, their mental discipline is woeful and so they are unable to utilize Enhancers.

    • Strongest Matoran by far. Po-Matoran have the strength of a Kanohi Pakari.
    • They are able to endure without food or water for the longest time.

    • Only able to use one type of Enhancer.
    • Like most Matoran, their eyesight has deteriorated to the point where light is painful to the extreme.


    The blazing hot village of fire led the way down into the ground, but now is facing heated accusations. Since their farmers opened up a hole to the surface, Rahi flocked in and began attacking Matoran furiously. Now the other Koros have turned on Ta-Koro with a vengeance.

    Amazingly though, Ta-Koro was the first to mobilize its army. Over the years the Ta-Koronans had developed a unique code, that one used by pounding the ground in rhythm using a small hammer. The messages can travel for miles, and every Ta-Matoran understands the code. Within less than an hour the Guard was ready for battle.

    Included Locations:
    • Deep Caverns
    • Foundries
    • Harvest Fields
    • Lava Canals

    Ta-Matoran: Over time the Matoran evolved in their underground caverns. They became more adapted to their surroundings. The Ta-Matoran are probably the least changed. They live in practically the same environment as before. Lava, foundries, heat, light. The only difference is that they’ve built up a hard skin that protects them from even more extreme environments and serves as a natural armor.

    • Resistance to extreme temperatures.
    • Eyesight has not deteriorated. Light does not hurt them.
    • Thick skin allows them to take quite a beating in battle.

    • Unable to see well in the dark. They must take a light source with them.
    • Not very fast at all.


    Ga-Koro has been experiencing water shortages for quite some time now. It appears that the underground river has dried up. This has made the whole Undercity desperate, and they accuse Ga-Koro of hoarding water from them. When the Onu-Koronans demanded water a fight broke out between the two groups that escalated to war.

    The village of water represents the spiritual portion of the Undercity. Matoran of all Koros used to come and read books or sit by the tranquil water. The Great Temple is housed here. Being head of the Matoran’s religion, the Ga-Koronans exert great influence upon their subjects. Most of the Ga-Matoran believe that they will be blessed by Mata-Nui if they exterminate the other Matoran. Ga-Koro has the largest army out of all the Koros.

    Included Locations:
    • Transition Caverns
    • Wall of Books
    • Great Temple
    • Endless River

    Ga-Matoran: Over time the Matoran evolved in their underground caverns. They became more adapted to their surroundings. The Ga-Matoran are those who has evolved the most. They have grown webbed hands and feet, and are now amphibious. Their skin has also grown paler, and is more of a lighter blue.

    • Swift swimmers
    • Able to breathe underwater
    • Second best control over Enhancers

    • Slow land speed
    • Webbed hands make for awkward weapon usage
    • Like most Matoran, their eyesight has deteriorated to the point where light is painful to the extreme.


    If one group was the catalyst behind the war it was Le-Koro. They had secretly been preparing for it for years. They slowly built a dam across the Endless River, gradually ending the flow of water. Their Koro Leader pulled strings behind the scenes and reignited old feuds. When the war finally came they marched head on to Ta-Koro, but were repelled by an equally prepared Guard. Now Le-Koro is the largest Muaka in the room, the one that all the other Muakas want to take out first.

    Le-Koro is situated along the Endless River towards the lower side of the Middle Caverns. It’s rather humid there compared to the rest of the Undercity; large underground mushrooms sprout up from the ground. Prepared correctly, these mushrooms can make a healing elixir or a deadly poison.

    Included Locations:
    • Transition Caverns
    • Great Dam
    • Forest of Stone
    • Matau’s Mushrooms

    Le-Matoran: Over time the Matoran evolved in their underground caverns. They became more adapted to their surroundings. The Le-Matoran, avid climbers on the surface, became even better at it over time. Eventually they developed tiny barbs on their hands and feet (like Geckos) that allows them to scale any surface at any angle. That and their trademark stealth makes them deadly assassins.

    • Able to climb structures and walls
    • Smaller and more agile than the other Matoran.

    • Not very strong or durable.
    • Like most Matoran, their eyesight has deteriorated to the point where light is painful to the extreme.


    Onu-Koro’s entry into the war was because of Le-Koro. They told the Onu-Koronans that Ga-Koro was withholding water purposefully. Because of that, they refused to ship protodermis to the Ga-Koronans unless they received the same weight in water. When Ga-Koro refused, the Onu-Koronans attacked.

    There are two ways people describe Onu-Koronans. One is: Angry hermits who just want to be left alone. The other being: Aggressive miners who also want to be left alone. Both descriptions would be accurate. Onu-Koro is an extensive network of protodermis mines filled with angry mining hermits who want to be left alone. Attack them and they attack you. Kill them and they kill you. They’re very fair in that regard.

    Included Locations:
    • Transition Caverns
    • Deep Caverns
    • Great Mine
    • Plate Rift
    • Ussal Hatchery

    Onu Matoran: Over time the Matoran evolved in their underground caverns. They became more adapted to their surroundings. The Onu-Matoran just continued on the trend of evolution they were already on. Eventually they went completely blind. Their other senses heightened and they grew whisker like feelers. Their backs are hunched over.

    • Heightened senses other than touch.
    • Feelers are able to sense any movement several feet away

    • They move awkwardly and slowly.
    • Absolutely zero ability to swim.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Enhancers

    Right now you may be thinking “Matroanz r booring!1 they haze noe powarz!” Well if you haven’t noticed, each of the Matoran has evolved some special attributes according to their species. Then you get the Enhancers.

    Invented by a Ko-Matoran, Enhancers unlock small amounts of the latent Elemental Power present in every Matoran. They are small earpieces that resemble Bluetooth devices. What they do is amplify the Matoran’s brain waves and use them to control a specific element.

    This element is not limited to any specific Matoran. IE: A Ga-Matoran could control heat. Rather, each Enhancer amplifies a certain brain wave for different effects. You can only use one Enhancer at a time, but can switch between them (like the masks in a suva) when you gain more. You cannot absorb the element that the Enhancers control. There is also one more limitation of Enhancers. You cannot create an element. It must be in the immediate area for you to control it.

    These are the different types of Enhancers.

    Heat: The ability to control heat allows dominion over both ice and lava, albeit in a round about way. You can reduce or increase the amount of heat in any area at any given time. Technically, if you had the materials available, you could create fire.

    Water: This is pretty much self explanatory, and functions like a Toa of Water’s power would. You can draw moisture from the air, or control existing pools of water.

    Air: Also very obvious what it does. Control over air. This does not grant flight.

    Ground: This is a combination of both earth and stone elemental powers. You can control both types at the same time. This is the only Enhancer that Po-Matoran can use.

    Enhancers in a nutshell:
    • Four types: Heat, Water, Air, Ground
    • You start with one and are rewarded others at the discretion of the staff.
    • You can only use one at once
    • You cannot absorb the element
    • You cannot create your element. You must use it while it is around you.
    • Po-Matoran can only use the Ground Enhancer.

    I think that covers everything on the subject of Enhancers.
    A P.E.A is a Personal Evolutionary Ability. Basically if you were a Toa this would be your mask power. It is your own creative idea for skillz and powarz for your Matoran. You can be as creative with these as you like, up to a certain extent.

    The rules that govern P.E.As are as follows:
    • No control over elements. Enhancers already do that.
    • Keep it within reason. You as a player should be able to tell when a P.E.A is g-modding or not. Please don’t make me tell you.
    • You must have a backstory that explains how you got your P.E.A If it is not satisfactorily explained I will ask you to re write it.
    • Only one. That’s all you get per character. Choose wisely.

    Weapons and Tech

    More advanced than Metru-Nui means exactly what it says. You can go as sci-fi as you want with your weapons and technology. Lasers and nanotechnology are common in the Undercity. However, there is a limit to all things. If your weapons are deemed g-moddy you will be asked to tone them down. Remember, you are only allowed what you can carry easily.

    Ussal Crabs

    As a reward players may receive their very own Ussal Crab. Over the course of the RPG your crab will advance from egg, to juvenile, to adult. Ussals are like an extension of the player and are governed by the same rules that PCs are.

    Perhaps there are other vehicles that players may earn….

    Joining the Game
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Profiles
    You may have 3 characters to start. To submit your profile, post it in the Discussion Topic for approval. Once it is approved you may post it in the Profiles Topic.
    [b]Username:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Faction:[/b] [b]Matoran Type:[/b] (Matoran type does not have to correspond with your faction) [b]PEA:[/b] (Like a mask power.  Keep it within reason.) [b]Enhancer:[/b] (Only one to start) [b]Weapons:[/b] (As many as is possible for your char to carry) [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b]
    Rules and Rewards

    • All BZP rules apply.
    • No G-Modding: For newer players this means that you can’t do anything outside of the realms of reason. No flying Ussals for example.
    • No Spamming: This is posting anything inside the RPG that does not relate in some way to the RPG.
    • No Flaming: Seriously, nobody wants to hear you rant about everything from cheese to pie. If you feel angry don’t take it out on us. Go throw a temper tantrum somewhere else. If there is a dispute, take it up with the staff and we’ll try to sort it out.
    • Distinguish between IC (In Character) and OOC (Out of Character)
    • Do not act like staff and reprimand other players. We as staff have probably noticed these problems and are getting to them. There is no need for you to do our job. If you feel there is a problem with a certain player then PM staff and we will take care of it for you.
    • Follow all staff rulings without argument.
    • Players are obligated to give recaps or answer questions when requested. This is less of a rule and more of general RPing etiquette.
    • Do not control other PCs (Playable Characters) without permission of the player.
    • Do not kill PCs without the permission of the player.
    • Do not create NPCs (Non Playable Characters) without explicit permission from the staff.

    Rewards: For being a good RPer you could get one of many things.
    • Extra Chars
    • Ussals
    • Vehicles
    • Enhancers
    • Weapons

    Punishment: I hope I don’t have to deal this out. I will punish you based on the context of the offence.



  7. ExoFat
    Hey, I thought since Robo has one, why not me?
    RPGs I've Played In
    Transformers Desecration: Endgame
    To Save The World
    Teen Titans
    Teen Heroes
    Star Wars RPG: Episode II
    Shattered Earth
    Indiana Jones
    Fire Emblem: Seized By Chaos
    Darkwatch: The Hollowed Days
    Crossover Island Paradise
    Assassin's Oath
    Chaos Unleashed
    RPGs I've Staffed
    Outbreak II (Not up yet)
    No one likes me enough to staff in their RPGs.
    RPGs I've Run
    Pokemon: Stench of Blood
    Seeds of Corruption: Pikmin RPG2
    Make a Stand: Pikmin RPG
    The Playground
    I'm currently working on an RPG called If: The American Revolution. Yah, my resume sucks compared to Robo.. and Spink.... and the Captain.... and CJ... and Kittan.... but other than those exceptions it's good
  8. ExoFat
    UPDATE! The current task has been extended a week because very few people had enough time to complete the activity.
    Welcome one and all to the third session of RPG Fit! Today's date is January 13th, 2010. This post is right on time. Make sure you notify me that you completed last week's task in order to get your points. Shadow Kurahk had 150 haikus.

    For a while, this program will be split between those who know how to play and those who have no idea how to play an RPG. But not today. If you have not signed up, please post here. That post also contains a list of every task covered so far if you want to look back on things. Now, moving on.

    For Those Completely New to RPGs Refer back to previous Newbie Tasks to understand the basics of RPGs and for hints to make you a better RPer.

    For Veteran RPers You may go back and re-do previous tasks by maybe making them a little harder. This is optional, and is not the real task.

    For Everyone 
    01-13-10: This week's task will take the combined efforts of the Newbies and Veterans. As such, there is no specific task assigned to each group.
    A major part of all RPGs is interaction between players and player characters. In fact, that is the entire point of these games. This week's task is to design and execute a group activity (4 players or more). You will gather all sorts of players (Members of RPG Fit or Not) and coordinate something that will span across several posts, and possibly pages. By this time next week, you need to post a link to the every first post of this activity in the comments. Extra points will be awarded for the size of the event and how well the players worked together. These activities may include, but are not limited to:
    Large-scale Battle
    Musical Number (Each participant would need their own lyrics and it would have to fit the tone of the game)
    Story-furthering Event
    Make sure to check with the GM of the game you will be playing this in if your event effects the game in a major way.
    Lickety split!
  9. ExoFat
    The year of 2009 has come upon us and with it comes a slew of new role-playing games. This is a list of 10 COT RPGs to get hyped up for in the coming months. This isn’t necessarily a rankings list and the games are in no specific order. Enjoy.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Break Point By: Crimson Jester
    Status: In Progress
    What is it?: CJ’s brainchild. He wanted WWII and this is about as close as it gets.


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Maximum Security By: Chronicler of Ko Koro
    Status: Awaiting Approval
    What is it?: Probably one of the greatest Sci-Fi RPGs since Reality first touched down. Just read it and you’ll see what I mean.


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Panacea By: Kumata Nuva
    Status: Awaiting Approval
    What is it?: One of the most detailed games the Judges have seen in a long time. There is almost no word to describe it.


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Paradise Lost By: The Bird of Hermes
    Status: Awaiting Approval
    What is it?: A game based on the Devil May Cry universe. This RPG stretches the limits of BZP’s religion rule to near the breaking point and provides a horrifying game experience to boot.


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Mercenaries: Destructive Mayhem By: RoboDevil
    Hosted By: Nero
    Status: In Progress
    What is it?: Another highly detailed game. Ever want to go all out GTA on BZP? No? Well if you have Mercs is the game for you.


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Demonic Beginnings By: Spink
    Status: In Progress
    What is it?: A game based off of Spink’s novel series Demonic Beginnings. The linear plot may be a turn off for some, but Spink’s legendary quality ensures that this will be a hit.


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Outbreak II By: Alex Humva
    Status: In Progress
    What is it?: The sequel game to the wildly popular Outbreak. II takes place in the war torn alternate universe that was introduced at the end of I.


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Alternate Reality By: RoboDevil
    Hosted By: The OoMN Chronicler
    Status: Awaiting Approval
    What is it?: This is a companion game to the (almost) largest RPG in BZPower history. Dubbed “Reality for newbs” by Robo, AR promises to draw in those players alienated by Reality’s sheer size and ever deepening plot.


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «[Forum*Ace] By: Miyuki Takara
    Status: Awaiting Approval
    What is it?: Only one of the best games the Judges have ever seen. We approved it unanimously and then sent it along to Kex for his approval. We haven’t heard a peep since (In three whole months!). I’m seriously considering spamming his inbox with petitions to approve this game.


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «If: American Revolution By: Exo-Fat
    Status: In Progress
    What is it?: We all know that historical RPGs are practically doomed to failure. Not so with If. In this game the object is to change history. Want to assassinate George Washington? Go ahead. The possibilities are endless with If.


  10. ExoFat
    Come on people! It needs your votes! Look at those puppy dog eyes!! How can you refuse that?

    A Fraction of Greatness -Exo-Fat
    The Core War has just shattered Spherus Magna. Set forth as the only path to survival, the Glatorian Plan promises the haggard people their lives. But how much blood are they willing to pay for it?
  11. ExoFat
    The cut off time for the Haiku task has been adjusted! You no longer have to do it until the end of the week! If you started on Friday, you can end now. Add one day to the cut off (up until Wednesday) for each day after Friday that you started!
    Welcome one and all to the second session of RPG Fit! Today's date is January 8th, 2010. We're a little late in coming, but that's all good.

    For a while, this program will be split between those who know how to play and those who have no idea how to play an RPG. If you have not signed up, please post here. That post also contains a list of every task covered so far if you want to look back on things. Now, moving on.

    For Those Completely New to RPGs Refer back to previous tasks to understand the basics of RPGs.
    Now that you have successfully joined and started RPing in a game, you'll want to beef up your writing and your characters. Your task is to RP each post with 250 words each for a whole week. That can seem daunting at first, but you'll get the hang of it soon enough and by Wednesday, it will be a cakewalk.

    For Veteran RPers 
    01-08-10: You are to have every post, with at least two characters, contain at least one haiku (five syllables, seven syllables, five syllables) until the next task appears (approximately 4-5 days from now). The amount of haiku in your post is determined by how many other sentences you have. For every ten sentences of text, you will add one haiku. So, a post with 1-9 sentences would have one haiku, and a post with 11-19 sentences would have two etc. etc.
    Example of haiku:

    The purpose of this is to strain your creative thinking. When you have a boundary such as a haiku, you must be more creative with your words in order to express the same things. I recommend inserting the haiku when describing your character's emotions or surroundings.
    NOTE- If you find the Veteran Task too hard for you, you can always switch to the Newbie Task.
    Chop chop!
  12. ExoFat
    A big thanks to those who have voted for Villainous so far in the RPGC15 polls. If you haven't voted yet, check out the submissions, reviews, and the final poll. Be sure to give Villainous a glance while you're at it.
  13. ExoFat
    I guess it's that time of year again. The next RPGC begins in about three weeks, so it's time for me to start putting my ideas up for examination and review by the general populous. This game is the sequel to Villainous. You'll find no minor update here. The entire game is being completely overhauled, while still managing to retain around the same length.

    Some things I need your input on:
    Would you like to keep the current faction creation system or go with a larger scale, more BZPRPG esque, version?
    No matter what faction system you choose, would you like there to be a topic where all the created factions are archived? (Similar to a profiles topic, but for factions instead)
    Would you mind if the game focused more on the uncharted, or less visited, areas of the universe?
    What is your opinion on the storyline so far and how do you think it can be improved?
  14. ExoFat
    As noted by Spink in this entry, the wild Black Six has been spotted in its natural habitat for the first time in many many years. I took the liberty of snapping my own shot of this elusive creature that was previously thought to be extinct.
    We as a community must take it upon ourselves to record this historical moment. Take pictures of any B6's that you spot and then post an entry linking to the latest entry on the subject. Perhaps we can start a B6 archive!
  15. ExoFat
    Our world has shattered, our people have fractured, and our spirit is broken.

    The BIONICLE RPG revolution begins on March 8th. Read. Vote. Experience. RPGC17.

    Exo-Fat: GM
    Friar Tuck: Staff
    RoboDevil: Weatherman
    Necro: Historian
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