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Ohes Noes It Is The Blogzorz!



Well this is my blog. Dedicated to the awesomeness that is Smash Bros., Smash Bros. Melee, and Smash Bros. Brawl. It's named after a stage in said games, known as Final Destination. It's a completely flat stage that is deemed as the most fair. Unfortunately that is simply untrue (I'm talking to you Metaknight, Fox and Diddy Kong).


When I'm not playing Smash Bros. I'm on the comp doing homework or scribbling down random bits of random stories of no interest to the general populace of BZP. I've posted most of my stories and you can veiw them in my library! (Click it nao!)


I'll probably be posting entries here a lot as I don't know when my PMship will expire. In fact I don't even know how I got it at all :???: I just woke up this morning and found myself with a PMship and an extra proto. It was kinda strange but it might have something to do with me being a COT RPG Judge....


I hope to eventually customize this blog so that it doesn't look so bland. Until then, see ya!



Hey, if you're reading this and you gave me PMship. I just want to say thankzorz alotzorz. Itzorz meanszorz alotzorz tozorz mezorz.


I found out who it was! It was RoboDevil! Thanks!

The above quote block is my first ever entry, published on October 30th, 2008. Today is April 11th, 2010, a little more than a year and a half afterwards. At the time I first posted this, believed that I would stay with BZPower forever. Recently I have realized that this is not and cannot be the case.


From the moment I first glimpsed the homepage of this website, BZPower and I were bound together on my journey through life. I spent nearly every available waking hour intergrating myself into the wonderful community that we have here. I wrote stories, I posted discussions, I ran and played many RPGs. All the while BZPower was at the forefront. It was my life. It was here that I learned how to deal with complete strangers. It was here that I learned what it means to truly be part of a community.


But as Lazok so artfully put it, communities give back what they get. And if you don't give, niether do they. Those days where I gave my all to BZPower were some of the absolute best of my life. But over time, as things got darker and my path in life got narrower, I found myself able to give less and less. In return I recieved less and less. This website became more of an escape for me, a way to hide from my problems. It was no longer a community that I was actively involved in. So I moved on and so did BZPower.


There were spurts of activity now and then, but they always degenerated as the need for the escape slowly left. Once I had the need again, my activity resurged. But no matter how much I meant that I wanted to stay, deep inside, I always knew that I never could.


In truth I began seriously considering leaving this website back in October of 2009, when certain events in life led me to discover just how much I was using this website, and in turn the wonderful people I associated with, as a selfish crutch. I'm sorry people. I shouldn't have led you on like that.


Once I log off in just a few minutes after posting this, I will never log on again. I will not be on AIM. I will not answer emails. My RPG will be closed. It will be as if I never existed. But it will all be for the better. I need to be able to face my problems without hiding in these pixels. And face them I will.


I honestly don't know how many of you will read all of this but I'd like to say a few things to the members who made my stay here so enjoyable. Jedi Gali, you were my first friend here. Your words motivated me to be an active part of this community. Neya and Detranix, my Pikmin buddies. You guys are great. But remember that even though Olimar leaves the planet, he never forgets the people who saved him. The same, I will do for you.


Rockhound and Robo, you guys were my two best friends here. You are some of the most loyal people I have ever met, and I continue to hold you in high regard, even though you have already gone your separate ways. TPTI, Spink, and Necro, you always injected a voice of reason into some of the insanity. I thank you for that. EmperorWhenua, my liege. I think you'll be in need of a new ASPL. But I'll be there in spirit.


Alex Humva, Outbreak was the single best RPG experience I had on this site. You may be a little hard headed at times, but never ever think of yourself as a madman like Steven. You're much too good for that. Sisen, my co-miserator. We may have had a falling out recently, but I always remember you as one of the most understanding people I have met. Tafu, Kiotu, Toa of Dancing, and Rising Moon: thanks for trusting me.


Finally, I'd like to thank the Staff. These are some of the best people I have ever met, and this is the single greatest group of moderators I have seen. Your dedication continues to astound me, and I am honored to have worked with you.


And so I come to the end of the journey with you. I bid you farewell and good luck. Because although good friends come and go, good friendships last forever. And as pathetic as it may seem to say it, this website contains some of the best friendships I have ever had. Those will truly last forver.


Do something crazy, because what is life without a little insanity?



P.S- Watch out for Shade's head.


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You play Super Smash Bros.? Cool! I do, too, although I play Melee, since I do not have a Wii or Brawl, but Brawl looks pretty interesting and fun to play. Now you're instantly cooler in my eyes :P .



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You play Super Smash Bros.? Cool! I do, too, although I play Melee, since I do not have a Wii or Brawl, but Brawl looks pretty interesting and fun to play. Now you're instantly cooler in my eyes :P .



It's not much of an improvement from a competitive standpoint. Melee is still the better tourney game. Brawl is soooooo fun though.


Smash Bros Rulez!!!!

Heck yes it does!

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I don't think you'll ever read this, but I believe this is the first time that I've ever been sad to see a BZP member go. You were my RPG role model...

I wish you good luck in whatever path you choose to take in life. I hope you come back around sometimes, though.


You thanked me for being able to be trusted, but I'm not the one to thank. You've been such a friendly, awesome RPer and member. I don't know how anyone couldn't trust you.


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Well... I wasn't expecting that... Good luck. We'll miss you...


*Starts playing The End by the Beatles*

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Dear Exo,


As I read this, I'm sad. It's not often on a website that you, or at least me personally, actually develop strong emotion. I mean, it's just a website, right? I disagree. There are people, real as you, on the other side. Exo, bearing the knowledge that you are leaving BZPower is a weighty feeling, and it gives me that strong emotion of sadness.


You are, in all seriousness and no exaggeration, one of the most amazing people I have ever met on all of BZP. RPing is currently a massive part of my activity on the site, and I owe every ounce of my dedication to it to you and only you. I still remember that review I gave to Abyss, the one basically filled with insults, and put you in the light of a child. I've got tow secrets to share with you: one, that review was written with absolutely no prior experience with RPing at all, including reviewing entries. Two, Abyss is the best RPG I have ever played, on any site. You've showed me what it means to be a real RPer, and not just through your sheer genius and beyond unique and extreme creative thinking--you're devoted, fantastically talented, thoughtful, opinionated, and most of all, friendly.


Let me take some time to expand on that one word: friend. Exo, in all my near-four years on BZP (four years! You can have wars in that time! That's twelve RPGs long!), I've met a select few who are as close to a friend as you. You are the standard. You're not just a genius robot RPGC winner who insults the noobs who can't play well--you guide them, help them to become amazing RPers, members, and people, with one Karz of a kind heart and guiding light. And when they reach that level, they become a true friend to you, like you are to them.


Exo, BZPower simply won't be the same without you, and I mean that. As a community, we will miss your presence here. You thanked me for trusting you; you're the one to be thanked, for a fantastic, worthwhile time here.


But, nonetheless, I have to say you're welcome.




Rising Moon

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It’s sad to see you go and sadder to know you’ll probably never read this comment. I never thought we had a falling out; we just never had a chance to talk lately with everything going on in our lives. You’ll always be my best co-miserator who could relate to family issues in his own personal deep-hearted way.


I’m working on something crazy, but alas you won’t be at BrickFair to see it. If I could I would give you the streak of goodness that has recently embraced by life but I don’t think that’s possible… I’ll never forget you and your time not in BZProvince.


For whatever reasons that may be, I respect you for making your own decision. Someone once said “the truth will set you free,” I hope that’s true for you too.



I’d prefer to leave you with this nugget of wisdom instead:


Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold. ~Leo Tolstoy



Go Exo, wash away that which is not gold. Go, and even though it may not be obtained by growth, grow. Go Exo, go wash away and grow, and one day when your ready return to us anew. Come back when you have washed it all away and radiate but the truth itself.



(Just don’t wash and grow too much, I fear for your fat washing off or a metabolism eating it all up. :P)


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I... I'm shocked. I'm trying to swallow this lump in my throat and not cry. But you've made such an impact on me as a friend and fellow RPer. I can't believe you would just... leave. I'm not trying to guilt trip you, even if you actually read this, but I'm just saying, I never expected you to leave so suddenly...


Goodbye, Exo-Fat. Thank you so much. And if you ever read this, you're welcome, it's the least I could do for you.

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I am going to so fricking miss you. ;-;


Life is a crazy thing, but it does come before things such as the internet, and a chance to better one's life is something to be grasped over a chance to better oneself in an online community. I do hope, though, that when you happen to nab a section of freedom and become bored, that you'll go on AIM or something, because you are one of the people that kept me sticking around for this long.


I'll miss you though, a lot. ;-;

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Wow. I-I can't think of anything to say to this.


To be honest, I never thought that this day would come. I honestly can't think of any words to say right now. I'll try my best to convey my feelings. Exo-Fat. You've been such a great friend to us all. To be honest, you actually were the one who got me involved in BZP. If I hadn't stumbled across the Pikmin topic you made, I would have never gotten involved in this site. You're probably one of my best friends ever, and I support you, no matter what happens. You've done so much for me, given me confidence, and told me to stay with things all the way through, even if I struggle. It's painful for me to write this down, and I am honestly crying. It takes quite a bit to make me cry.


In the time I've known you, you've supported me, put up with me, and listened to me. I feel honoured to have met you. You've had such a major impact on my life. I don't know where I would be right now if I had never met you. You, in all honesty, are one of the people that I truly admire and respect. You've brought me from being a nobody, to someone who has gotten confidence in himself. In my mind, because of what you've done for me, you're like a brother.


When you became staff, I was honestly a little jealous. In a little over a year you went from a normal member to Outstanding BZPower Citizen. I never expected that the same person who got me into this site would become a staff member so quickly. Even still, I stood behind you. I knew that you would do an excellent job as staff.


Your RPGs were amazing. Pikmin was my first, and got me into all of this. I met a lot of people thanks to you. Pokemon was great, and I met many more new people. Imagine let me take things to the extreme and unleash my skills (If you can call them skills). You've done so much in your time here on this site that it pains me to see you go. Your skills with words brought tears to my eyes. When I found out you were leaving, my heart stopped. It pains me to even write this final message to you, even if many things in this message have been repeated. I may call it my final message to you, but I know that we will speak once more.


Face whatever problems life decides to throw at you, but remember this bro, we're all here for you no matter what. We're supporting you 100%. You don't have to face things alone.


There's nothing more I can bear to write. There's nothing more I can imagine I can put down. You've done so much for so many people. And with that... See ya man. I'm gonna miss ya.



Shade's head will always be there.



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Ah, so this is what happened.


Can't say I'm actually shocked or even surprised. I have a knack at seeing things like this coming, and you're one of the people I expected to leave eventually due to stuff, it was just a matter of time.


No use leaving some nugget of wisdom here, not for you, anyway. However, for the others who read this: See this? Exo had a lot to lose here, and yet he's turning around and leaving. Was it simple for him? No. But if BZPower and other online stuff becomes too much for you, then follow the lead of, well, a leader. Exo set an example. Only my stubbornness and diehardness is keeping me from following my own advice.


Exo is a better man than I am.



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Farewell Exo-Fat. You were the only person on BZPower that ever commented on my first epic. You will be missed. Like many people who have posted before me my only regret is that you will never read this. And when i get around to rewriting it I'll dedicate it to you. Mayhap one day you'll return. but in the meantime. Farewell




EDIT: how long has Exos blog been called the 'Semicolon'?

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