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Everything posted by ExoFat

  1. ExoFat

    Live Debate Now!

    Yes, Bionicle was amazing in 2001. There's no denying that fact. The fact in debate right now is if 2008 was more awesome than 01. Now the addition of the new races, islands, and characters made it better in a bunch of ways. One of my favorites is the Makuta, as they touch on all three of those subjects. First of all, we find out that there is not just one Makuta, but rather a plethora of evil beings. This expands the storyline in the fact that one does not have a single pre made villain. You now have a dozen pre made villains that one can write about. Second is the island of Destral. This opens up a ton more. What kind of things would these evil villains keep on their island. What do you think makes it teleport around? Questions like these make the mind boggle. Third comes the additioin of the Makuta as acual characters with back stories, aspirations, and in the case of Mutran hobbies. It makes them seem more realistic. They are no longer a floating mass of spare parts. They are living breathing beings. My question to you Sorek is how exactly does the additoion of new characters/races/islands restrict the imagination and evelopement of something new? If as you say you weren't restricted by these things in 2001, why would you in 2008?
  2. ExoFat

    Live Debate Now!

    No, it didn't. But how in Bionicle do you get to alternate dimensions without the use of the Vahi (03) or an Olmak (convieniently introduced in 06). Yet the same is true for 2001. Except only the most skilled can make a masterpiece with just hands. No, if 2001 hadn't happened 2008 would be full of so callled "mysteries" just waiting to be solved. And if 08 had never happened, what would have been the point of 01. It's like leading up to the climax and then finding the pages in your book have been ripped out.
  3. ExoFat

    Live Debate Now!

    What about alternate dimensions. The combonations are endless. 2001 is a piece of clay that you can mold in your hands. That's all it is, a clay sculpture molded by hand. In 2008 you have tools. Tools make the sculpture better, more detailed.
  4. ExoFat

    Live Debate Now!

    Tell me Sorek, what mysteries in 2001 were there. According to the Turaga, things were always as they were. That's how they told the story. To the Matoran there was no life other than Mata-Nui. To the Toa there was no life other than Mata-Nui. The Turaga never told them about other life, so why would they be inclined to imagine it. Why don't you go back through the great fan writing of that era and give me an instance where the writer took the Bionilces to a place other than Mata-Nui. A writer who let his or her imagination run wild with the possibilities. Give me a writer like that in 2001. Show me that story that shows that the universe of 2008 was expansive and deep. Give me a 2001 story that compares with the brilliance of 2008 that the story team has crafted. Oh, wait.. you can't?
  5. ExoFat

    Live Debate Now!

    In all honesty the expansive universe is simply much more appealing to your average writer. You aren't as restricted as you are in 2001. Instead of practically being forced to use canon Toa if you want one in your story, you can choose from a plethora of elements, both classical and new. You can set your story somewhere outside the island of Mata-Nui. Your characters can travel to far off distant lands. YOu can even create your own island without conflicting with the conon storyline very much. It's just more expansive and deep than 2001.
  6. ExoFat

    Live Debate Now!

    Well, I finally made it to this debate. After dodging several obstacles in order to get here. I would like to present to you why 2008 is the best year in terms of Bionicle sets. The first point I would like to make is that this is about the sets. Now take your 01 canister sets and your 08 canister sets and place them side by side. The 01 sets are quite simplistic, along the lines of a Mahritoran. The 08 sets however, sport innovative ideas, multiple points of articulation and excellent projectile weapons. In 2008 the MOCist has the advantage with 5 torso designs, over a dozen limbs, 24+ masks, tons of armor, and new pieces such as the triple axle connector and the new Mistika chest armor. Comparatively, in 2001 you have a whopping 1 torso, 6 masks (though admittedly in multiple colors), simplistic designs, low articulation, 2 limbs, and no armor at all. Now imagine if the 2008 sets had been released in 2001. They would have been hailed as the most complex an innovative building toy. Trumping the 2001 sets in all categories. Forget about the story. This is about sets. And frankly, when you take away the island and the mystery, the 2001 sets just don't live up to 2008. That's why the 2008 sets are better than the 2001 sets. Now let me tell you about the story. Story is an interesting thing. It’s something that you can’t really compare from year to year, as each year is great in its own ways and weak in others. But I think that 2008 has a slim edge in this department also. Now in 2001 you get dropped out of the sky on this island. You have no idea who you are and what you’re supposed to do. These mysterious Turaga people come up and tell you (most of) what they know. As the storyline progresses through each year the characters become more fleshed out, the story grows exponentially, and the universe expands to epic proportions. No longer are you constrained to a primitive island in the middle of the Endless Ocean, you are free to travel to exotic lands or you can stick to the urban areas. As Makuta’s plan unravels you become more and more interested in seeing where it will lead, how it will all end up. Makuta is no longer is an evil being, enacting random strikes upon peaceful villagers, he has greater ambitions. There are not just six Toa but much more than that. You learn the past of the Turaga, Takanuva, and the Toa Nuva. And it all is simply leading up to a final, end all climax. So, in realistic terms in 2008 you have a larger universe, many more characters, an unraveling story and so much more material for writers to work with. Like sets, all this compounds into one simple fact. 2008 is better. Thanks for listening.
  7. ExoFat


    Wednesday at 8. I think Oh and EW. I have never payed my taxes. The IRS is after me. always payed my taxes. You have nothing to fear.
  8. Yep! It probably would. I'll let you know if it doesn't. If you could do it at 8 EST it would be slightly better.

  9. ExoFat


    *gets stoned* Ouch! Ouch! Forgive me Emporess. I beseech thee!
  10. ExoFat


    Um, yeah this was sort of my fault. Sorry guys.
  11. ExoFat

    Live Debates!

    All right. I'm here. I had to make dinner for my siblings. My mom might call me away some time during the debate. So let's get this party started.
  12. McCain won't run. He's way too old. I'd post Jindal's bio. I did have it up here, but Robo basically told me to take it down. If you look him up on Wikipedia you'll see what I mean.
  13. I thought we were allowed to declare support for a candidate. We are, aren't we?
  14. Tomorrow Sorek and I will be engaging in a live debate in jedi Gali's blog. Be sure to be there and watch me win . The next point that I would like to make is about the far off 2012 Presidential elections. These elections will be especially important to me as it will be the first time that I will be eligible to vote. So right here in this blog I'm going to throw my support behind the current Govenor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, for either 2012 as VP or 2016 as POTUS. I seriously see this man as an example of the future of American politics. He's a great example of how anyone in America can succeed. I know it is very very early to be calling this kind of stuff, but still.... Romney/Jindal 2012!!! If 2012 were happening today, who would you support? Post it here and no debate! If you would like to learn more about Jindal, check out his Wikipedia page.
  15. ExoFat

    Live Debates!

    MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I will defeat you all in the debate. Even those who aren't debating Seriously though, may the best debater win (I plan to).
  16. Det- You're still the ultimate master of evil. I can call you what I like. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  17. ExoFat

    Elections Of '08

    McCain FTW! But Romney 2012!
  18. ExoFat

    Not Voting

    PROBLEM: Voting is not (any longer) the act of "doing something". It is an act that makes evil men chuckle at you. 1984 was not too crazy. We've lost a bunch of rights over the past few short years. And the plans on the table are dark indeed. Just ask people in Texas who tried to stop the super-highway. The newspapers there were of course in their favor... until a mystery donor helped an Australian company BUY up every paper... this of course led to the editorials then being in FAVOR of the super-highway and calling the opponents to it extremist kooks..I could go on, but we'd all be baking in political sauce. Just do your own searches. It's all out there. You should find yourself realizing what's really happening at this strange moment of our history. Why do all politicians have to be corrupt? Give me an instance in history when the voting of the American people did not change their country (for better or worse). When did it stop being an act of doing? I see no evidence of that. I'm not going any farther into political debate. I don't want to break any rules lol.
  19. I thought you said you weren't going to vote lol.
  20. ExoFat

    Please, Vote.

    Ah, you mean like communities in Vermont and elsewhere around the country with dozens of Ron Paul bumperstickers on dozens of vehicles and signs on front lawns... ending up with ZERO votes recorded for him? "Whoever controls the information, controls the world." Obviously someone had a lot of energy to put up those signs and such. Ron Paul must have gotten at least a miniscule perecntage. Most people campaigning for an unlikely candidate are more active because they want to lose the sense of inevitability that the others have. It's not that it didn't make a difference. I bet all those people who voted for him made a huge difference to Ron Paul. One man with courage makes a majority- Andrew Jackson
  21. Because it makes a difference. Everything does. Anyway I've also posted my blog about voting. Everyone, get out and vote! One man with courage makes a majority- Andrew Jackson
  22. Get out and Vote! I don't care who you vote for just vote! If I was above eighteen I would be out there rallying people to excersise their rights. Rights won by the blood of our forefathers. People died to give us this privelage and people are dieing today to bring the same thing to others. I don't care what you say about voter fraud and some votes being more important. A vote for McCain in California is just as important as a vote for McCain in Virginia. Both show the people out there who are willing to support whoever they support. It's the same for Obama or Barr or anyone at all. Sometimes I think that we take for granted all the sacrifices that have brought about this nation. I bet the newly liberated African Americans were so happy to finally be free that they took their new rights seriously. Now in the 21st century we have forgotten what it cost to buy those rights. We only know what we've lost until we've lost it. So let's not give anyone reason to take it away from us. Better to know what you have from the start than to learn of it at the end. Even the smallest of votes can make the largest of differences. One man with courage makes a majority. -Andrew Jackson
  23. ExoFat

    Please, Vote.

    I aggree wholeheartedly on this. Voting counts. Imagine if the people of Germany had not voted for Hitler? The world would be a much different place. We can change the world too. Go and DO. One man with courage makes a majority- Andrew Jackson
  24. ExoFat

    Not Voting

    It's obviously your choice whether or not to vote and I respect that. It's just that each time I see something like this, I remember all the people in the world who crave the chance that we have to vote. And all those who gave their lives for us to vote and we throw it away as if it means nothing. Voting means something. It changes worlds and futures. Just think, if a small percentage of people changed their vote the world would be different. Voting is there for a reason. If I could vote I would because I realize that if you want to change the world, then you get out and DO instead of lament the shortcomings of an imperfect society. One man with courage makes a majority- Andrew Jackson
  25. So the point of this entry is for people to post their predictions for this years Electoral map. (Predicting the next President) Rules -You may not post anything to incite discussion of any kind over policies and political positions. -You may not post anything such as Obama or McCain FTW as this could possibly cause debate. -You may not discuss anything ither than shifts in the Electoral Map/College. You should post something along the lines of this. Prediction: 273, 265 McCain States that will flip: Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa (Turn Blue). Pennsylvania (Turn Red) Post away, but no debate!
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