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Hahli Husky

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Hahli Husky

  1. Hahaha, really? I play the guitar a little ...

  2. My condolences to you, man.

  3. Tell your sis thanks. :D

  4. Same here, and I used to love it. Watched it recently and laughed tons, though. XD

  5. XD Aww thanks! But seriously. Cute Misao voice owns the world, don't you think?

  6. It's Edward and Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist, trying their hardest to make a fire. ;P

  7. That is an absolutely diabolical pecan pie.

  8. No left? How about ... UP?

  9. Thanks for what you recently said in my blog, that was actually the most helpful thing I've heard in all of this. :) *hug*

  10. Exactly so! My mind is just like "Bleh, don't wannaaaaa."

  11. Rehirage! *glomp!* There ya go. =3

  12. Glompage accomplished. ;P

  13. Hi IT! Kewl profiles, huh?

    First to comment! XD

  14. XP But it's still true you know.

  15. Oh, I think I have heard of this! :o Sounds like something worth looking into.

  16. Hahaha, it was just really very hard to find anyone who was willing and able to replace the judges who left. Maaan.

  17. Doing well, busy, but well. :P WISHING FOR SUMMERRRRRR

  18. That would be an awesome thing to do. XD I know some guitar but I've never had lessons.

  19. Smeag's right, Niki.

    YOU ARE AWESOME. *glompage*

  20. Yeah lol! Tiffany sounds kind of like Mio, really.

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