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Nuju Metru

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Status Updates posted by Nuju Metru

  1. It only just happened, so not really.

  2. Hey, Lady K. :D

    If you wanna chat, feel free to PM me!

  3. Yeah, took waaay too long. :P

  4. Fine, I'll use it for a few days. :)

  5. How true! I am ashamed! :o

    lol j/k. :P

  6. Maybe... I like my current one, though.

  7. Sweet, thanks! ^^

  8. I'll try, man... If I can find time, I will. :)

    And, as for the contest, I should look into that...

  9. I know, I know... its just that I feel obliged to give better reviews than I used to do... usually, I was just repeating what other people said, or not contributing anything new... I want to review stuff, just I feel so guilty and bad when I give a review of only one-two sentences, and never have the time or patience to write long review, or ever have enough to say. Plus, there's the dumb McTh

  10. Well, I just had to laugh.

    I saw the photograph. LOL

  11. About a lucky Skrall who made the grade. :P

  12. Imagine Whirled Peace. :3

  13. I haven''t heard 'em... I'll look it up on iTunes.

  14. I'm doin' well, thanks... only three more days of school, fun MOCs I'm working on, a SS in the works... Pretty good. Howzabout you, Pauly?

  15. Great av/banner combo... The Office RUES! =D

  16. Sure. :) All you have to do is click the "my controls" link on the top of most pages, then scroll down the page until you find "edit signature" in the side column. (It's under the category "Personal profile")

    That help? :)

  17. I saw it in 3D... veeery cool. B)

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