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Nuju Metru

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Status Updates posted by Nuju Metru

  1. ME TOO


  2. Of course! Why else would I have chosen to revert to this av/banner combo? The color match was too good to pass up! :P

  3. Well, I should hope not, Because then, I won't have any time to have a life. :P

  4. Why thank you - it's gonna be tons of fun to work with all you guys, I can already tell. :)

  5. Hey man, long time, no see! :D

  6. Thanks, man - it's an honor to be working with you and the other guys in the team!

  7. No way - I've already been beaten by Velox to all the ones so far, because I was at a movie. :P

  8. Nope, it was (thankfully) a temporary thing.

  9. I should hope so! Hahaha.

  10. Thank you. I hope I'm up to it. :P

  11. It isn't a fad. It's a fun thing that me and V are doing that IS NOT INTENDED to be viral. It's just us having fun, not a fads.

  12. *inarticulate sputtering*

    I had to WORK for this! :P

  13. WAITASECOND... WHEN did -you- get 10K posts?!?

  14. The Dresden Files WIN

  15. Yeah, that will be the best part IMO.

  16. I wasn't planning for him to arrive instantaneously anyway.

  17. PM me about where you are, then, because I have no idea. :P Plus, I need some specs on the place to best plan my approach.

  18. No, Copying/Pasting it is much easier to lazy ol' me. :)

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