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Status Updates posted by mojicus

  1. It's still maybe, you gotta do something evil, to get to the evil list though, and you aint evil =/

  2. whaaaat is that avie O.o

  3. Thats because we are epic =P

  4. Did you know Evil partner in crime spells E.P.I.C.?

  5. you know it =P

  6. Your just about as evil as me if you killed poor Mud Kip D=

  7. Ware Mudkip ;_;

  8. yes, but you should be glad your not on it!

  9. *allows self back to profile,

  10. I'm not feelin the love here, BZPers


    *bans self from profile*

  11. ...I'm 5TH!?!?!?!?!??

    *bans for life*

  12. nothin much, but you made my day with the yellow thing. I dunno why I think thats so funny =P

  13. Sure, just PM me your question =)

  14. yeah he did, he told me. And you can't arrest me, what court would find me guilty? =P

  15. nu uh....Robo protesting....with hugs

  16. I, the embodiment of Justice, do not have to listen to your rules. But I will anyways cause your cool. *arrests all protesters other than myself*

  17. No Mudkip? *protests*

  18. *Sticks you in a mental hospital*

  19. suure you are crazy person, sure you are

  20. You can't drive by me till you become gangster =P

  21. no you arn't =)

  22. O________o

    I take it back, your not gangster at all xD

  23. don't jump the gun now, I said a LITTLE =P

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