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Status Updates posted by mojicus

  1. naaah, your a little ganster

  2. sarcastic? me? never

  3. lol Leader, your wicked Gangster

  4. yep, but I'm back on a computer now so it's a whole lot easier

  5. I'll have to figure out how to do it on a ipod touch first >>

  6. *cracks open a Dr. Pepper*

    Sup =)

  7. *kills the two blank stars and dumps their body in some river in Jersey* =O, 3 out of 3 Stars!

  8. dB) *copyrights to only me and you can use =P*

  9. I wasn't kiddin..okay I was =P

  10. nice, I got my own room, but I had to kill for it =P

  11. noooooooooooothin, you? =P

  12. nothin much, just hang in. You?

  13. dang, ah well, I'll get there. I swear that somebody will pay money to have me not killed! wait....

  14. thats 40 more cents then last time, I''m moving up in the world

  15. I don't actually, by my therapist tells me it was bad.

  16. Photobucket...hmmm...*gets a diabolical idea*

  17. well it turns out they were syco's who wanted to hold me ransom, but I got out of it. And that was a children's hospital o.O

  18. Why hello their *tips hat*

  19. ha, good thing I'm bullet proof! *looks down at chest.* aww dang *drops dead as paramedics rush to the scene*

  20. I've listened to a few songs and it seemed a little emo to me, but I'm not gonna kill you over the issue. Now killing you over who gets the last piece of pie....

  21. I would side with GG, LP is in the punky/rock/emo genera

  22. where did you find that avatar O.o

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