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Status Updates posted by Malakyr

  1. *Engages in Slush-fight*

  2. As you can see, stuff owns.

  3. Yeah, I'm dead. REALLLYYY dead cuzza Runescape and stuff.

    I'll be inactive and stuff, mostly, and stuff. ^^"


  5. Er, that's also my name.

    Just like "Malakai."

    I guess you didn't take it from me, though. >>

  6. Hey. That's MY name, foo'.

    You better change.

  7. Hello again, Alenah.

    I've been a bit busy, so not able to be present on BZP Gabbly.

    Sometimes, I assume people dance at me not being present. >:P

  8. Yo, Death, Gabbly if you're on.

  9. Thy epics appease me.

  10. Nothing much. *Wears Coat*

  11. Chap? Do I detect an English twang, sir?


  12. You too, buddy.

  13. My interest from DF has switched to RS. D=

  14. Just popped in randomly.

  15. Oh man, not another one... -_-

  16. Meh. A bit of an offensive comment, that one about all the girls on BZP making out with their computer monitors.

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