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Everything posted by SkullKid

  1. Hey,

    Not to sound impaitient or anything, but a while ago i asked you a smeag for your komas and Tachi lines, and i do still need them.

    I know you guys are moderators, and a very very busy, but you guys are the main charecters, so just send them as soon as possible.



  2. SkullKid

    Our Own Fad

    I would join in owith you guys, buyt i changed my name less then a week ago. I'll have to wait about 39 days till i can change it. -SK
  3. Member: SkullKid Url:Do Not Wake The Spirits... I kinda rushed, but i hope its good enough. -SK
  4. HEY! Your not a Staff member! :P


  5. Oh i could enter this in.....about.....3.......................days. "gulp" Well, its worth a shot! -SK
  6. Don''t worry about it. I could care less. As long as SkullKid is in my name, people will know who a am. Its just kinda a bummer. -SK
  7. Yah, so i tried to change my display name to SkullKid is Mayuri Kurotsuchi But it just so happens that that is too long. And because I am soooooooo stupid, i did not relize it till after i pressed the change button. "sigh" Anyway, so for the next 45 days, i will be known as SkullKid is Mayuri Kurotsu...... heheh......oh well. -SK
  8. SkullKid


    Thanks!! Anyway, no, it actually is not that hard. If you send money, it takes about 2 day or so to become a Premier member. Thats what i did. I'm not entirely sure about the pay pal thing though. I'm guessing you become one sooner though. -SK
  9. SkullKid


    Now that I am a PERMIER MEMBER!!!!!!, I can tell you all about everything that happens in my life, whether you like it or not!!! So.....Yah. Just to give you a run down on what will be in my blog in the future, i will be showing alot more of my art, updates on my 2 BIG audio projects, Bionicle Serial Podcast, and GiTS Audiobook, and random facts about life! So, i hope you guys enjoy my blog! -SK
  10. Thanks.

    COmment on my arto topice about him. That would be great. Also, jut so you know, i am rarely on BZP on the weekdays, just so yah know.


  11. And nice to meet you too!


  12. Cool!

    Glad your back on.

  13. Thats fine

    I gotta work on the other ones anyway

  14. Very Slowly.

    I still have not gotton Smeag and Nikira's lines for chapter 2. I'll probably have to go remind them.


  15. SkullKid

    A C T Studies

    No, NO! I REFUSE TO GIVE NIKIRA A COOKIE. THEY ARE ALL MINE I TELL YOU, MINE!!!!!!........Ah fine "Hands Nikira a cookie! Hope you do well on the ACT LK!
  16. Hey. COuld you do me a favor and leave a comment on my Project Bionicle serial podcast topic.

    In about 3 days, its going to die.



  17. FInished my part of the art trade!

    CHeck it out!


  18. Hey!

    You took my personal photo!

    Actually, its better then mine. I like the waving!


  19. There is honestly, no rush. Just do them whenever you feel it's best, we don't want to pressure you. Since we're really only working on chapters 1-3 right now, I don't think we need your character at the moment. Thanks LK. Yes Sakaru, we don't need your lines yet, but if you want to get it over with, feel free to send them before then. -SK
  20. In my Denizen entry, i made a charecter with a mask of Empethy. I thought that that would be a cool mask power. I basically said that the Mask or Empathy could make the target experiance the wearers feelings. I don't want it used though, beacuse i already haave a design for the mask. -SK
  21. I expect the first chapter to be realesed on the 20th or the 27th. It will be on a Sunday though. -SK
  22. SOunds good!!


  23. Awww......Its a kitty! If he was a she, and he was black, i would name him Yoruichi, from Bleach. But Jethro Gibbs is a cute name too. He's just SOOOOOOO cute. -SK
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